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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid9.58 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.5
a080f40f sent 31,214 GDEX.BTO to
2634c683 sent 4,588 BTS to
442825eb wants 4,582 BTS for 3,010 CNY
virtual paid 98.3 CNY for 150 BTS
virtual paid 2,912 CNY for 4,433 BTS
1fd9c0fa wants 3,012 CNY for 12,000 GDEX.BTO
virtual paid 12,000 GDEX.BTO for 3,013 CNY
3e62819c sent 48,402 CNY to
7ea39639 sent 48,402 CNY to
virtual sent 43,214 GDEX.BTO to
f797016b sent 144,000 GDEX.BTO to
fb9d6e2b sent 16,000 GDEX.BTO to
3ffc34be sent 43,214 GDEX.BTO to
e2ae26d4 sent 8,616 BTS to
29799c06 sent 33,361 GDEX.BTO to
17447317 sent 12,170 CNY to
e34b81bf cancel order
b2aa91a0 wants 4,567 GDEX.BTO for 1,644 CNY
cf5430a6 sent 147,600 GDEX.BTO to
03013b99 sent 20,000 CNY to
ffb0ce02 sent 15,519 CNY to
d97c6471 sent 14,892 BTS to
1d6b47be sent 126,100 GDEX.BTO to
f67d8170 wants 727 BTS for 952 CNY
virtual paid 952 CNY for 727 BTS
2b2d1e16 cancel order
ff80e3f5 wants 727 BTS for 952 CNY
d6082201 sent 50,000 CNY to
ea83de36 wants 14,170 BTS for 18,529 CNY
virtual paid 15,265 CNY for 11,674 BTS
virtual paid 3,264 CNY for 2,496 BTS
840ce434 cancel order
d92a8d21 wants 116,239 GDEX.BTO for 68,000 CNY
0f1fb246 sent 198,000 GDEX.BTO to
73a5d5ee sent 35,480 GDEX.BTO to
abe8d72d sent 1,000 CNY to
9fb64384 sent 49,000 CNY to
1cc19fd3 sent 49,900 CNY to
db82ef4f sent 160,497 GDEX.BTO to
417c3f84 wants 0.02755 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
virtual paid 0.1 DEEX for 0.02755 BTS
487f7004 sent 172,122 GDEX.BTO to
b1324f06 sent 100,000 GDEX.BTO to
d5830595 sent 91,058 GDEX.BTO to
508f52b5 sent 1.75 GDEX.IDHUB to
510d915e sent 49,999 CNY to
48fa83b4 sent 79,990 GDEX.BTO to
ccf82d2b sent 0.0001 SWIFTCOIN to
7c1fadc8 wants 0.00006 BTS for 1 ELECTRON
virtual paid 1 ELECTRON for 0.00006 BTS
6d8ed735 cancel order
5c6e59aa wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0001 SWIFTCOIN
3c675e27 wants 0.018 BTS for 0.06 TRONTRX
virtual paid 0.06 TRONTRX for 0.018 BTS
a4213fa5 wants 0.0285 BTS for 0.019 CROKS
virtual paid 0.019 CROKS for 0.0285 BTS
d605eebb sent 99,990 GDEX.BTO to
10dbc759 sent 60,000 CNY to
6b39bad6 sent 29,800 CNY to
21a2df88 sent 7,000 CNY to
f8649bdb sent 7,503 CNY to
fa310a24 sent 59,990 GDEX.BTO to
6e1ad4da sent 17,039 CNY to
ec60f63e sent 6,072 CNY to
4326ff1c sent 8,000 CNY to
3c365b0a sent 100 CNY to
c15c30f9 sent 6,000 CNY to
66f058c5 sent 20,000 CNY to
57dcb477 sent 30,000 CNY to
73849d51 sent 82,675 GDEX.BTO to
e6588979 sent 20,000 CNY to
b55c97fe sent 7,700 CNY to
beef0e3b sent 14,900 CNY to
712e6a1d sent 2,000 CNY to
493b8b15 sent 83,667 GDEX.BTO to
69a603be sent 35,500 CNY to
811cf996 sent 13 GDEX.FGC to
2b0a0781 sent 83,707 GDEX.BTO to
1f5f414d sent 60,000 GDEX.BTO to
16a56168 sent 10,000 CNY to
81a738ca sent 4,606 CNY to
4a5b6582 sent 6,773 CNY to
5cf5eee9 sent 51,374 GDEX.BTO to
1f4c3252 sent 7,308 CNY to
1d455d26 sent 1,763 CNY to
f239e4cb sent 49,990 GDEX.BTO to
db05b9ff sent 11,647 CNY to
e721542e sent 13,295 CNY to
f792d430 sent 40,000 GDEX.BTO to
7ad1c22f sent 4,486 CNY to
de297875 sent 7,113 CNY to
f7b3c310 sent 15,000 CNY to
2b4c535f sent 40,000 GDEX.BTO to
8b7c6091 wants 1.5 CNY for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.5 CNY
86e99468 sent 5,374 CNY to
4aad3c23 sent 7,768 CNY to
149eb447 wants 0.4 BTS for 0.1 TURION
virtual paid 0.1 TURION for 0.4 BTS
82f50993 sent 11,231 CNY to
713e20cc wants 0.504 CNY for 0.12 QVANTUM
virtual paid 0.12 QVANTUM for 0.504 CNY
5b0dd0a5 wants 0.33 CNY for 0.033 ASHION
virtual paid 0.033 ASHION for 0.33 CNY
0360635d sent 50,000 GDEX.BTO to
fb2bc678 sent 31,210 CNY to
424197bd wants 0.47 BTS for 0.1 XISTOCASH
virtual paid 0.1 XISTOCASH for 0.47 BTS
f9c9f3bb sent 20,000 CNY to
315f05fa sent 11,210 CNY to
e714d4b6 sent 85.8 CNY to
1a32fbaa paid 14.2 CNY for 10 BTS
c1127d3b wants 10 BTS for 14.2 CNY
2280fc49 sent 45,700 CNY to
7ec29b72 sent 12,839 CNY to
b35951d3 sent 200,000 CNY to
2aeedf68 sent 45,000 CNY to
c565d8e3 sent 40,240 CNY to
1e5cfe73 sent 105,103 CNY to
2c638585 sent 60,000 GDEX.BTO to
6e579549 sent 28,000 CNY to
21d957aa sent 24,000 CNY to
6ba20a91 sent 50,000 GDEX.BTO to
2d360ddb sent 23,000 CNY to
71169c06 sent 49,990 GDEX.BTO to
88959423 wants 0.36 CNY for 0.15 TIREX
virtual paid 0.15 TIREX for 0.36 CNY
50bc4c22 sent 50,000 GDEX.BTO to
89741766 sent 51,518 CNY to
5c7f934b sent 20,811 CNY to
965bf43d sent 20,000 CNY to
cf6b197d sent 10,200 CNY to
76b36708 sent 17,200 CNY to
75935e57 wants 0.2 CNY for 0.1 BCHAIN
virtual paid 0.1 BCHAIN for 0.2 CNY
c50d0502 wants 0.963 CNY for 0.2 PAYCASH
virtual paid 0.2 PAYCASH for 0.963 CNY
2f4a587e sent 22,560 CNY to
8583ccf2 sent 20,365 CNY to
e0434413 sent 26,811 CNY to
51024b86 sent 44,000 CNY to
3a6ba2bd sent 49,000 CNY to
3b5a4452 sent 82.6 CNY to
d379a9d5 sent 26,400 CNY to
288aa005 wants 2,989 CNY for 0.313 GDEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.313 GDEX.ETH for 2,989 CNY
0fd0bcd0 cancel order
7588a6d2 wants 2,989 CNY for 0.313 GDEX.ETH
51ed64e3 cancel order
46f5e719 paid 0.801 GDEX.ETH for 7,814 CNY
5b6f59f3 wants 10,865 CNY for 1.114 GDEX.ETH
3505bfa3 cancel order
b05bb36e wants 10,908 CNY for 1.114 GDEX.ETH
73977ca3 cancel order
5c8e0da9 paid 0.149 GDEX.ETH for 1,459 CNY
73d1c509 paid 0.149 GDEX.ETH for 1,459 CNY
897e67cc wants 13,836 CNY for 1.412 GDEX.ETH
27f85111 cancel order
8a121f81 paid 1.303 GDEX.ETH for 12,761 CNY
e778bf5c wants 26,596 CNY for 2.715 GDEX.ETH
d9ffd57a cancel order
ce250827 sent 50,000 CNY to
766024e4 wants 26,602 CNY for 2.715 GDEX.ETH
0a6715fa sent 120,799 CNY to
6ae93970 sent 49,000 CNY to
9f09581a sent 49,999 CNY to
f3b871e7 sent 20,000 CNY to
36ab54c4 paid 0.000166 GDEX.BTO for 0.0002 CNY
0bf25525 paid 38,142 GDEX.BTO for 45,731 CNY
7f6d64c9 paid 10,928 GDEX.BTO for 13,103 CNY
cba58acf paid 400 GDEX.BTO for 480 CNY
6b04b359 paid 146,634 GDEX.BTO for 175,812 CNY
8c964df1 paid 3,896 GDEX.BTO for 4,671 CNY
cdd0d37f wants 239,798 CNY for 200,000 GDEX.BTO
d70c7ef8 sent 118,329 CNY to
dc31d993 sent 62,506 CNY to
a52258e4 sent 14,987 CNY to
5fd6d073 sent 10,992 CNY to
bc019bf9 sent 0.00001 BTS to