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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0431 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.816 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0431
TELETON 0.0002
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
e56293ff sent 0.0002 FRESHCOIN to
26513c58 sent 0.00767 OPEN.BTC to
08c45fa9 cancel order
5639aa1c wants 286 BTS for 0.00767 OPEN.BTC
430b6e7c cancel order
a2182466 cancel order
fe1b3a1f wants 132 BTS for 0.00384 OPEN.BTC
b7173e94 cancel order
e8ba8063 wants 132.7 BTS for 0.00384 OPEN.BTC
0c16a685 wants 133 BTS for 0.00384 OPEN.BTC
186814c2 cancel order
bd4341d6 wants 266 BTS for 0.00767 OPEN.BTC
a72aea93 cancel order
776295f3 wants 266 BTS for 0.00767 OPEN.BTC
845f0927 cancel order
9df909d5 paid 67 BTS for 0.001967 OPEN.BTC
f85aa430 wants 0.001967 OPEN.BTC for 67 BTS
39bcd3bb wants 201.7 BTS for 0.00571 OPEN.BTC
1edf3eb1 paid 1.348 BTS for 0.0000383 OPEN.BTC
0ae38d34 paid 108.3 BTS for 0.00308 OPEN.BTC
255747c7 paid 19.53 BTS for 0.000555 OPEN.BTC
91703823 paid 54.2 BTS for 0.00154 OPEN.BTC
9975fc1f paid 8.01 BTS for 0.0002278 OPEN.BTC
9e92fedd paid 9.77 BTS for 0.000278 OPEN.BTC
f2030bb6 wants 0.00572 OPEN.BTC for 201 BTS
941c4448 cancel order
6edd48fd wants 0.001907 OPEN.BTC for 67 BTS
2ae08052 sent 4,400 BTS to
5161a5b6 sent 2,810 BTCX to
021a31b9 sent 0.1032 OPEN.BTC to
dbe8ad64 cancel order
37d3c528 cancel order
3f312b94 cancel order
e1d569ca cancel order
6d62d33f paid 0.00508 OPEN.BTC for 180 BTS
643be82c wants 3,896 BTS for 0.1027 OPEN.BTC
e3963eae wants 200 BTS for 0.00564 OPEN.BTC
34df1ff0 cancel order
95bf9067 wants 4,110 BTS for 0.1083 OPEN.BTC
1292c90f cancel order
8f9253ff wants 3,899 BTS for 0.1083 OPEN.BTC
3b4592cd cancel order
664f7d43 wants 3,915 BTS for 0.1083 OPEN.BTC
421f0aac cancel order
31b4ed0a wants 4,099 BTS for 0.1083 OPEN.BTC
1b7fa8d5 cancel order
cc1ebbb2 wants 1,958 BTS for 0.0541 OPEN.BTC
9787ac08 cancel order
0ab2267a wants 36.5 USD for 0.00493 OPEN.BTC
e9b4f8e9 cancel order
da8a3c29 wants 36.5 USD for 0.005 OPEN.BTC
d5eb5e5c cancel order
3b433906 wants 0.1344 OPEN.BTC for 4,488 BTS
4c91664b wants 4,202 BTS for 0.1083 OPEN.BTC
9b4fe66e cancel order
0c5e9a8c cancel order
c06488f2 cancel order
012daca2 cancel order
868e860c wants 4,032 BTS for 0.1083 OPEN.BTC
1ed60145 cancel order
b7b01bc7 cancel order
61aa9528 wants 731 BTS for 0.0195 OPEN.BTC
08199b08 cancel order
e7738a00 wants 726 BTS for 0.0195 OPEN.BTC
be56c8e0 cancel order
7cdc2030 paid 0.0101 OPEN.BTC for 379 BTS
f259cb67 wants 3,350 BTS for 0.0888 OPEN.BTC
1e0c8d7c wants 1,110 BTS for 0.0296 OPEN.BTC
d1a0ed17 cancel order
c7a67c99 paid 0.01797 OPEN.BTC for 662 BTS
34c8dc85 wants 662 BTS for 0.01797 OPEN.BTC
2a009177 cancel order
f7e73b52 wants 0.00429 OPEN.BTC for 148 BTS
335c8383 cancel order
b502979b wants 662 BTS for 0.01797 OPEN.BTC
1810f5be paid 0.001917 OPEN.BTC for 68.1 BTS
0ecf86c9 wants 0.002295 OPEN.BTC for 80 BTS
090f01a0 paid 0.001977 OPEN.BTC for 70.3 BTS
1fb52d81 paid 0.000145 OPEN.BTC for 5.16 BTS
3ec21810 paid 0.0000403 OPEN.BTC for 1.433 BTS
1337e995 paid 0.0000804 OPEN.BTC for 2.86 BTS
8836e7fc wants 148 BTS for 0.00416 OPEN.BTC
9c0849fe wants 0.01776 OPEN.BTC for 611 BTS
753cf635 cancel order
b91dc00f cancel order
cd802c54 cancel order
2338125d wants 148 BTS for 0.00415 OPEN.BTC
f76a5283 wants 197.3 BTS for 0.00551 OPEN.BTC
38e2853c cancel order
58201e2b wants 197.3 BTS for 0.00553 OPEN.BTC
72f3d5e8 wants 0.01758 OPEN.BTC for 611 BTS
bbad3e28 cancel order
2d2da5e3 cancel order
54ecaa7a wants 0.00754 OPEN.BTC for 262 BTS
0d5cc436 paid 0.00738 OPEN.BTC for 261.4 BTS
a78e3e75 wants 261.4 BTS for 0.00738 OPEN.BTC
037ab331 wants 0.01011 OPEN.BTC for 349 BTS
36e17f3a cancel order
4ede5186 wants 0.01014 OPEN.BTC for 349 BTS
1039c5b7 cancel order
d483854e wants 0.01012 OPEN.BTC for 349 BTS
2b856150 paid 0.00655 OPEN.BTC for 229.7 BTS
f6360b79 paid 0.00342 OPEN.BTC for 119.9 BTS
58a7cab0 wants 350 BTS for 0.00997 OPEN.BTC
9c9b839e cancel order
bd90ab5f wants 350 BTS for 0.00987 OPEN.BTC
8a7b0d0d wants 4,493 BTS for 0.1184 OPEN.BTC
1f6a212b cancel order
bbbda3af wants 1,380 BTS for 0.0395 OPEN.BTC
b13c38d1 wants 0.0893 OPEN.BTC for 2,688 BTS
fbf94139 cancel order
7edfdff4 cancel order
011f958a wants 0.0195 OPEN.BTC for 672 BTS
43f71059 wants 5,519,764 BTS for 0.158 OPEN.BTC
ebc9b25e cancel order
18a7f6ab wants 500 BTS for 0.0143 OPEN.BTC
79b84c77 cancel order
329789c1 cancel order
5a67a9f0 cancel order
3ed05df4 wants 500 BTS for 0.01407 OPEN.BTC
867dd64e cancel order
12d18abc wants 0.01438 OPEN.BTC for 500 BTS
e8d9faf7 cancel order
c531a786 wants 500 BTS for 0.01397 OPEN.BTC
a7644b64 cancel order
ce51e099 wants 500 BTS for 0.01403 OPEN.BTC
e53c041c wants 500 BTS for 0.014 OPEN.BTC
b5a5c298 wants 0.0144 OPEN.BTC for 500 BTS
56220765 cancel order
21b46ea3 paid 315 BTS for 0.00898 OPEN.BTC
9aacbc48 cancel order
4ad280af wants 519 BTS for 0.01448 OPEN.BTC
1f35fbd4 wants 0.00898 OPEN.BTC for 315 BTS
289fef72 cancel order
b789e437 paid 125 BTS for 0.00355 OPEN.BTC
1d5af821 paid 0.718 BTS for 0.00002036 OPEN.BTC
42867b8b wants 0.00893 OPEN.BTC for 315 BTS
042272d3 paid 19.53 BTS for 0.000554 OPEN.BTC
bca02240 paid 3.125 BTS for 0.0000886 OPEN.BTC
7761e2c9 wants 519 BTS for 0.01446 OPEN.BTC
2d515313 cancel order
26fd2de5 cancel order
65dface6 cancel order
a981a151 wants 1,057 BTS for 0.02946 OPEN.BTC
8229faea cancel order
063ba1a4 paid 197 BTS for 0.00558 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 8.92 BTS for 0.0002526 OPEN.BTC
6b9d889c wants 0.00558 OPEN.BTC for 197 BTS
21d6efb1 cancel order
5e97a8c0 wants 424 BTS for 0.01182 OPEN.BTC
0b5882d0 wants 424 BTS for 0.01182 OPEN.BTC
01edd617 paid 0.001285 OPEN.BTC for 46.2 BTS
b0611fb4 paid 0.0042 OPEN.BTC for 151 BTS
7e469da3 paid 254 BTS for 0.0072 OPEN.BTC
00a4f81f wants 197.3 BTS for 0.00549 OPEN.BTC
530c6ddc wants 0.00745 OPEN.BTC for 263 BTS
f3337691 paid 0.002397 OPEN.BTC for 86 BTS
423024e4 wants 262.7 BTS for 0.00732 OPEN.BTC
f9d0905b paid 0.00389 OPEN.BTC for 139.6 BTS
53527b10 paid 0.000544 OPEN.BTC for 19.53 BTS
b0b25b6a paid 0.000486 OPEN.BTC for 17.45 BTS
d976ab60 cancel order
a80aa741 wants 1,081 BTS for 0.02927 OPEN.BTC
04e280f8 cancel order
3e19ebdc wants 1,052 BTS for 0.02927 OPEN.BTC
bdf22fdb cancel order
54bde5b2 wants 1,052 BTS for 0.02927 OPEN.BTC
c73a6da8 cancel order
a86566f2 wants 1,080 BTS for 0.02927 OPEN.BTC
3e19f6fa paid 220.6 BTS for 0.00616 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
17e78fe7 paid 238.4 BTS for 0.00666 OPEN.BTC
b48a2c3f paid 591 BTS for 0.0165 OPEN.BTC
d85f1f30 wants 0.0293 OPEN.BTC for 1,050 BTS
0fb29bbb cancel order
9d95ee91 wants 4,378 BTS for 0.1152 OPEN.BTC
fa21c98d cancel order
d0cdb81a wants 0.02933 OPEN.BTC for 1,050 BTS
60f36949 wants 0.0955 OPEN.BTC for 3,151 BTS
5158b82d wants 3,328 BTS for 0.0864 OPEN.BTC
70db70f1 cancel order
00d6afc5 paid 65.7 BTS for 0.001864 OPEN.BTC
bd87e67b cancel order
41ddee5d wants 0.0227 OPEN.BTC for 800 BTS
fbe029e2 wants 0.0227 OPEN.BTC for 800 BTS
e65780f3 cancel order
019841dc paid 0.0112 OPEN.BTC for 400 BTS
3f1b8c5d wants 400 BTS for 0.0112 OPEN.BTC
56655931 cancel order
6a66241d wants 0.01136 OPEN.BTC for 400 BTS
e3a41df6 paid 0.01108 OPEN.BTC for 396 BTS
6f9ef74e paid 0.000112 OPEN.BTC for 4 BTS
7a5a88a1 cancel order
24c3925d wants 400 BTS for 0.0112 OPEN.BTC
4d3ef8fe wants 400 BTS for 0.0112 OPEN.BTC
d440e9ea paid 0.01129 OPEN.BTC for 400 BTS
8e92ce75 wants 400 BTS for 0.01129 OPEN.BTC
8a33a8d1 paid 1.23 BTS for 0.0000356 OPEN.BTC