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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid4.05 BTS


Asset Balance
DEEX 0.1
ZALUPA 0.003
BAIDUCOM 0.00002
EBAYCOM 0.00002
LIQPAY 0.001
APPLECOM 0.00003
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00002
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
ee3614c8 sent 0.1 DEEX to
6750eadd sent 4.27 BTS to
c89585a8 sent 0.974 BRIDGE.ULT to
c2523dae sent 1,003 BRIDGE.VYI to
2ae86ed6 sent 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC to
eb4f73b3 cancel orders (5)
0fee053d wants 1,307 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
31a98644 cancel order
906314e3 wants 1,806 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
1412457f cancel order
88b5dd03 wants 1,808 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
96aa332e cancel order
2368e017 wants 1,751 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
f7272aec cancel order
bd62c237 wants 138.2 BRIDGE.STAK for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
6b5d956b cancel order
d88ae3f8 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.00472 BRIDGE.BTC
607508a3 cancel order
97e49381 cancel order
1d3ca4d7 wants 507 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.001171 BRIDGE.BTC
8662201d wants 1,500 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.00347 BRIDGE.BTC
3018d2e7 cancel order
86cca18d wants 0.00943 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,003 BRIDGE.VYI
2fa7e5d7 cancel order
85bafdf7 wants 427 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
73a5f416 cancel order
84168e02 wants 431 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
e29d341e cancel order
e7744f86 wants 472 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
70800ad4 cancel order
71ea3820 wants 0.00946 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,003 BRIDGE.VYI
62239711 cancel order
7bc85e23 wants 0.00949 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,003 BRIDGE.VYI
87c5e2a1 cancel order
80f92d26 wants 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,003 BRIDGE.VYI
dd669007 cancel order
a2d34e39 wants 126.7 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC
fcf4a986 cancel order
46afae36 wants 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,003 BRIDGE.VYI
1f08376f paid 0.00938 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,005 BRIDGE.VYI
c14881ed wants 1,005 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.00938 BRIDGE.BTC
eac62b86 wants 110 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC
be76b132 cancel order
02846b8e wants 100 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.00801 BRIDGE.BTC
ea9f8286 cancel order
add0643e wants 100 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
7c7b7486 cancel order
fabaee87 wants 100 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.00759 BRIDGE.BTC
63f36be3 cancel order
a3ddbb41 wants 1,003 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC
8498ba3d wants 0.01474 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
virtual paid 30.4 BRIDGE.BEPAY for 0.0002584 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 113.2 BRIDGE.BEPAY for 0.000951 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,632 BRIDGE.BEPAY for 0.01355 BRIDGE.BTC
9fc0fd85 cancel order
a1758466 wants 0.0159 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
0d779b20 cancel order
7da81561 wants 0.01703 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
5acf3625 cancel order
761fb8aa cancel order
bae5100a wants 2,504 BRIDGE.XN for 0.00451 BRIDGE.BTC
194358a2 cancel order
a18bf0d0 wants 1,305 BRIDGE.XN for 0.00451 BRIDGE.BTC
35beee76 cancel order
4fdf16dd wants 1,313 BRIDGE.XN for 0.00451 BRIDGE.BTC
d5c60150 wants 0.00449 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,994 BRIDGE.BFC
virtual paid 546 BRIDGE.BFC for 0.000845 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,448 BRIDGE.BFC for 0.00367 BRIDGE.BTC
f71a44f1 cancel order
e8f9040b wants 0.01774 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
38473bdc cancel order
30bf123a sent 0.0138 BRIDGE.BTC to
a77e2db9 cancel order
c8207d2f wants 1,090 BRIDGE.OLMP for 0.00886 BRIDGE.BTC
c3e625aa cancel order
01b53ce2 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.OLMP for 0.00808 BRIDGE.BTC
cf211e25 cancel orders (2)
949aa303 wants 0.0089 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,994 BRIDGE.BFC
bb60c651 cancel order
edac14fc wants 1,122 BRIDGE.MARCO for 0.0074 BRIDGE.BTC
8e0605cf cancel order
97449bb7 wants 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
472033d7 cancel order
2b1afd8e wants 118 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.0074 BRIDGE.BTC
2ddaa260 cancel order
0b017ab9 wants 949 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00639 BRIDGE.BTC
3e25a165 cancel order
6e2bb046 wants 792 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00639 BRIDGE.BTC
b4a69f91 cancel order
58a3f07d wants 2,065 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.0074 BRIDGE.BTC
0c5f41e7 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00639 BRIDGE.BTC
83f42259 cancel order
3bb35cab wants 219.7 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.0138 BRIDGE.BTC
be6e3b26 cancel order
19011497 wants 272.5 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.0138 BRIDGE.BTC
86ec1ef7 paid 777 BRIDGE.XXX for 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC
1771535c wants 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC for 777 BRIDGE.XXX
95fcf299 cancel order
acb8871a wants 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
c8bce3b8 cancel order
f34d965d cancel order
d75f4e30 wants 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,776 BRIDGE.BEPAY
d11d0c0e paid 0.000361 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.BEPAY
350ec19d paid 0.00001204 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.BEPAY
6050d4c2 paid 0.00962 BRIDGE.BTC for 800 BRIDGE.BEPAY
584893f9 paid 0.00001623 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.35 BRIDGE.BEPAY
cab06bdd cancel order
e32cbf80 wants 832 BRIDGE.BEPAY for 0.01001 BRIDGE.BTC
e00fe3dc wants 311 BRIDGE.OLMP for 0.0087 BRIDGE.BTC
148d1e44 cancel order
d8558525 wants 0.00524 BRIDGE.BTC for 777 BRIDGE.XXX
44ac8473 cancel order
6b5e7f32 wants 0.0169 BRIDGE.BTC for 945 BRIDGE.BEPAY
e98e6651 cancel order
8eb8e92a wants 0.0184 BRIDGE.BTC for 945 BRIDGE.BEPAY
21f6ce1e cancel order
22b9ea0b sent 0.00816 BRIDGE.BTC to
4c36a4ff cancel order
495603c3 wants 0.0185 BRIDGE.BTC for 945 BRIDGE.BEPAY
5b6d1d64 cancel order
2843cd8d wants 852 BRIDGE.BEPAY for 0.00816 BRIDGE.BTC
c9c3784a cancel order
ae51b7e4 wants 0.01546 BRIDGE.BTC for 945 BRIDGE.BEPAY
138e2c89 paid 0.01264 BRIDGE.BTC for 947 BRIDGE.BEPAY
a60ab371 wants 980 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00816 BRIDGE.BTC
f0196411 cancel order
27c23b6c wants 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC for 777 BRIDGE.XXX
2958404d cancel order
64f79738 wants 0.00626 BRIDGE.BTC for 777 BRIDGE.XXX
8f07c943 wants 947 BRIDGE.BEPAY for 0.01264 BRIDGE.BTC
168fdb44 paid 0.0054 BRIDGE.BTC for 779 BRIDGE.XXX
85eabef5 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00816 BRIDGE.BTC
62b472d0 cancel order
c4350eec wants 200 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.0187 BRIDGE.BTC
5a4593ae cancel order
ebce5517 wants 200 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.01868 BRIDGE.BTC
d3ac09bc paid 213 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.02514 BRIDGE.BTC
c17ba72a paid 1,250 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.00498 BRIDGE.BTC
073d4cbe wants 0.01022 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,994 BRIDGE.BFC
9e955ecf cancel order
7d611907 wants 779 BRIDGE.XXX for 0.0054 BRIDGE.BTC
9adc574d wants 0.00498 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250 BRIDGE.CBT
3dca75d3 wants 2,000 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00946 BRIDGE.BTC
0c0291df paid 7.12 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.000696 BRIDGE.BTC
9d89c391 paid 17 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.001662 BRIDGE.BTC
be92d7d9 cancel order
c5d6ea30 paid 5.68 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.000556 BRIDGE.BTC
75f7e965 wants 0.01332 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,994 BRIDGE.BFC
2d886cf3 cancel order
33ea3a0d wants 0.002914 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.8 BRIDGE.FROST
03dfdea8 paid 1,497 BRIDGE.XN for 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC
f5519184 wants 0.00573 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250 BRIDGE.CBT
2774dc53 cancel order
2ed058eb wants 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,497 BRIDGE.XN
2a78f7a6 cancel order
ea7e9357 wants 0.02514 BRIDGE.BTC for 213 BRIDGE.FROST
b7eec22c paid 0.01713 BRIDGE.BTC for 183.6 BRIDGE.FROST
98839836 wants 0.01298 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,497 BRIDGE.XN
667a4f8f cancel order
ddf88b63 wants 183.6 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.01713 BRIDGE.BTC
bcccb60b cancel order
559dbf90 wants 0.00635 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250 BRIDGE.CBT
e8e63c38 cancel order
b7ab19fb wants 0.01302 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,497 BRIDGE.XN
44007ce0 paid 0.01151 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.XN
56020316 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.XN for 0.01151 BRIDGE.BTC
25609c6c cancel order
6b5489f3 wants 2,810 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.00918 BRIDGE.BTC
6532d8f1 cancel order
88f5817b cancel order
45091819 wants 0.00671 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,250 BRIDGE.CBT
3b0cf0eb wants 211 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.01947 BRIDGE.BTC
bbbd8805 cancel order
5d80b53e paid 0.00456 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,253 BRIDGE.CBT
47800e7f wants 1,707 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.00622 BRIDGE.BTC
03c94611 cancel order
3d74fcab wants 187.2 BRIDGE.HASH for 0.00622 BRIDGE.BTC
2b014080 cancel order
0d6c18bc wants 2,077 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.00752 BRIDGE.BTC
fa0cb683 cancel order
acd23d09 wants 1,727 BRIDGE.CBT for 0.00622 BRIDGE.BTC
780f342b wants 1,000 BRIDGE.XN for 0.00752 BRIDGE.BTC
a2a173f2 wants 200 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.01947 BRIDGE.BTC
cdde1fec cancel order
b9764255 paid 998 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00988 BRIDGE.BTC
f09857f4 wants 150 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.01402 BRIDGE.BTC
912a8de7 cancel order
1458c567 wants 140 BRIDGE.FROST for 0.0135 BRIDGE.BTC
ec1c17a4 cancel order
e72695f0 wants 0.00988 BRIDGE.BTC for 998 BRIDGE.XRH
7c649852 cancel order
22ec0df1 wants 0.01188 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,994 BRIDGE.BFC