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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight72.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid130.2 BTS
Registrar-40% -
Referrer120% -


Asset Balance
BTS 72.5
EUR 13.65
USD 3.28
OBITS 5.13
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
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3f63e682 update account/votes
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816356a6 sent 22 BTS to
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51705b6e sent 0.0025 EUR to
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565db2e3 sent 0.5 OBITS to
82a613d9 sent 0.0025 EUR to
198dc2f9 sent 0.1 EUR to
70893a4d sent 0.0025 EUR to
3d2762ce sent 0.5 OBITS to
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60791ea5 sent 0.3 OBITS to
02f944a2 sent 0.0015 EUR to
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5e02e09e sent 3 OBITS to
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09a4261c sent 0.222 OBITS to
bbca63e3 sent 0.0005 USD to