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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight3.42 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.603 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 3.42 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000868 0
BRIDGE.BZL 0.00000001 0
BRIDGE.AZART 0.0001585 0
BRIDGE.MNDX 0.000349 0
BRIDGE.XLIB 4,990 4,990
BRIDGE.MNBC 0.01448 0
virtual cancel order
c4e6633c wants 0.00000019 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.96 BRIDGE.YOKE
virtual paid 19 BRIDGE.YOKE for 0.00000019 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d8e1fc0d cancel order
6ab91d6a wants 0.00000289 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.98 BRIDGE.MNBC
virtual paid 9.97 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.00000289 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
86e1d490 cancel order
ba163f25 cancel order
66729c80 wants 0.00000429 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.98 BRIDGE.MNBC
a48022be cancel order
54cc2415 wants 0.000455 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.98 BRIDGE.MNBC
5ad0f74e paid 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.MNBC
d76ed292 wants 10 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC
a23d974d cancel order
3f863c4f wants 9 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000396 BRIDGE.BTC
c55700e5 paid 6.99 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000391 BRIDGE.BTC
41701740 wants 0.000391 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.99 BRIDGE.MNBC
c5248f8f paid 0.000315 BRIDGE.BTC for 7 BRIDGE.MNBC
ad519c64 wants 7 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000315 BRIDGE.BTC
ffc93254 cancel order
f9d94f53 cancel order
e264ae29 wants 6 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.00027 BRIDGE.BTC
03a6a8ac cancel order
0a4c7918 wants 6 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.00027 BRIDGE.BTC
18f9a82a cancel order
5980afae wants 4 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000235 BRIDGE.BTC
15f548ad paid 3.99 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000234 BRIDGE.BTC
910f0e03 wants 0.000234 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.99 BRIDGE.MNBC
e544c219 paid 0.000227 BRIDGE.BTC for 4 BRIDGE.MNBC
31513248 wants 4 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000227 BRIDGE.BTC
dfaed22e cancel order
f5d9dfe5 wants 7 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.000245 BRIDGE.BTC
83f5060f paid 2.994 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.0002133 BRIDGE.BTC
b4b329cd wants 0.0002133 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.994 BRIDGE.MNBC
6b112796 cancel order
d51079d8 wants 0.0002133 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.994 BRIDGE.MNBC
1e12dcde paid 0.0001984 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.MNBC
d1c89166 wants 3 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.0001984 BRIDGE.BTC
f64c3c3f wants 0.0002575 BRIDGE.BTC for 240.6 BRIDGE.AZART
virtual paid 120.5 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.000129 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 120 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.0001285 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4edbd1c0 cancel order
e165dcfd wants 0.000553 BRIDGE.BTC for 240.6 BRIDGE.AZART
3eb418cf cancel order
d0fa3174 wants 10 BRIDGE.EBCR for 0.0000495 BRIDGE.BTC
1d238516 sent 0.0022 BRIDGE.BTC to
6bba7876 cancel order
479fb753 cancel order
f8fd8209 wants 0.001636 BRIDGE.BTC for 240.6 BRIDGE.AZART
a7691715 cancel order
83f261db cancel order
52402ece wants 100 BRIDGE.IMPL for 0.000325 BRIDGE.BTC
76cf7c8b wants 30 BRIDGE.BTCHP for 0.000904 BRIDGE.BTC
7c99aea9 wants 0.000939 BRIDGE.BTC for 240.6 BRIDGE.AZART
ba061c57 cancel order
dacfaa34 cancel order
c85d8d3e wants 40 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.000459 BRIDGE.BTC
8737a5d4 paid 39.9 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00058 BRIDGE.BTC
e90d55a2 cancel order
b15da8df cancel order
710494dd wants 9 BRIDGE.BTCHP for 0.00081 BRIDGE.BTC
87365fe0 cancel order
a45f820c wants 0.000939 BRIDGE.BTC for 240.6 BRIDGE.AZART
95fd6243 wants 0.00058 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.9 BRIDGE.BECN
8894fb4b cancel order
4e7eb917 cancel order
4f54b66f wants 0.000583 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.9 BRIDGE.BECN
da86b316 paid 0.000423 BRIDGE.BTC for 40 BRIDGE.BECN
e3bb70f1 paid 0.0000679 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.1 BRIDGE.AZART
949a43ed wants 50 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000465 BRIDGE.BTC
e35dff1a wants 300 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.000495 BRIDGE.BTC
f3ed07a2 wants 40 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.000423 BRIDGE.BTC
6fe69c25 wants 5 BRIDGE.GRS for 0.0002734 BRIDGE.BTC
1e9da087 cancel order
461c2905 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00092 BRIDGE.BTC
2b9e93bd paid 99.8 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000992 BRIDGE.BTC
d5279f07 wants 0.000992 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.FDC
118bc6de cancel order
c9fc8375 wants 0.001248 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.FDC
0d468c3e paid 0.000901 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.FDC
91f3b3a0 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000901 BRIDGE.BTC
b1d2bd3d cancel order
33296bf6 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000843 BRIDGE.BTC
f96504c0 cancel order
10f7c753 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000759 BRIDGE.BTC
c6efffa6 cancel order
522ea6c7 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000751 BRIDGE.BTC
c49381de cancel order
8b6cca8d wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000656 BRIDGE.BTC
3aa40157 cancel order
5a042d5d wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000651 BRIDGE.BTC
3aabd088 wants 0.001284 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
virtual paid 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.001284 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b982db6a cancel order
2c2db3dc paid 0.000646 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.AZART
21e9bcdf wants 0.00351 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
3be7dc08 cancel order
872511f0 wants 0.001993 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
4fa4c9a1 cancel order
dc2e7bd5 wants 0.00423 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
37bfd39b cancel order
d28008f5 wants 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
e7657db0 cancel order
ead7557c wants 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
b99f6cf5 cancel order
1dce949a wants 0.00606 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
3830663d cancel order
a8ed51a7 wants 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
3b32199d cancel order
fca13c0f wants 0.00603 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
fa44939a cancel order
f6a3eb45 wants 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
6f336ba0 cancel order
c33aced6 wants 0.00528 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
46897604 cancel order
8ee17ac5 wants 0.00634 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
4ca6be59 cancel order
0027ada3 wants 0.00542 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
b205b98f cancel order
615a71f0 wants 0.00602 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.8 BRIDGE.FDC
c245d713 paid 0.00041 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.58 BRIDGE.FDC
a5e511e3 paid 0.0001854 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.78 BRIDGE.FDC
bedde685 paid 0.0000207 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.535 BRIDGE.FDC
42ca1e7c paid 0.002135 BRIDGE.BTC for 55.1 BRIDGE.FDC
bc4e1605 paid 0.000349 BRIDGE.BTC for 9 BRIDGE.FDC
cc2c0434 wants 80 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.0031 BRIDGE.BTC
36988031 cancel order
7d310eea wants 80 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.003095 BRIDGE.BTC
6d9b92af cancel order
527d9395 wants 90 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00339 BRIDGE.BTC
e1e33d97 cancel order
833df251 wants 90 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
cc95fad8 cancel order
f2c0243a wants 90 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00329 BRIDGE.BTC
6c556aaa cancel order
31412414 wants 90 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00323 BRIDGE.BTC
ff156a63 cancel order
60986a96 wants 10 BRIDGE.EBCR for 0.00042 BRIDGE.BTC
0e00fd05 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00337 BRIDGE.BTC
f01f305a cancel order
a4df9f84 paid 31 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00093 BRIDGE.BTC
c4ea67ae wants 160 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.002886 BRIDGE.BTC
ea29af89 wants 0.00093 BRIDGE.BTC for 31 BRIDGE.FDC
62c41505 cancel order
f5b9fd93 cancel order
f8e14f31 wants 0.002294 BRIDGE.BTC for 31 BRIDGE.FDC
31747722 paid 0.000794 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.06 BRIDGE.FDC
b11086c2 wants 140 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC
9d4b8eca wants 0.00345 BRIDGE.BTC for 129.7 BRIDGE.FDC
virtual paid 94.5 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.002513 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 35.2 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.000935 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ad06afd7 cancel order
0205686c wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 129.7 BRIDGE.FDC
645694da cancel order
fead1380 wants 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC for 129.7 BRIDGE.FDC
27c3e7f6 cancel order
9e94ce18 wants 0.00512 BRIDGE.BTC for 129.7 BRIDGE.FDC
12a56db3 cancel order
042a7b80 wants 0.00414 BRIDGE.BTC for 129.7 BRIDGE.FDC
31b7b07a paid 0.00338 BRIDGE.BTC for 130 BRIDGE.FDC
42cf610e wants 130 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00338 BRIDGE.BTC
4efc80f7 cancel order
44fd9484 wants 140 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC
cd016ef9 cancel order
8f7ddb55 wants 140 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00361 BRIDGE.BTC
5d7f3c8b cancel order
b17ec412 wants 140 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00361 BRIDGE.BTC
eee77f30 cancel order
3f9c0a20 wants 140 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC
326f3850 cancel order
d23e61d6 wants 150 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00365 BRIDGE.BTC
ee11fa4a cancel order
00abade7 wants 150 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00365 BRIDGE.BTC
74d365c6 cancel order
5c9eb5b8 wants 330 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00369 BRIDGE.BTC
3ff37908 cancel order
737e4fa7 wants 180 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
e4dcd299 cancel order
d9edf6c2 sent 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC to
0d626a67 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.001672 BRIDGE.BTC
a6f727b0 cancel order
71bd8236 wants 100 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.00164 BRIDGE.BTC
5032a21f cancel order
7437e0c8 wants 200 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.000646 BRIDGE.BTC
b0501efc paid 220.6 BRIDGE.AZART for 0.001434 BRIDGE.BTC
a78f2cad wants 200 BRIDGE.FDC for 0.002004 BRIDGE.BTC
c5830223 cancel order
8a011b1f wants 0.002445 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,990 BRIDGE.XLIB
e59d8601 cancel order
27c0d6d4 cancel order
4d43987e wants 0.0000998 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,996 BRIDGE.CNSC
virtual paid 1,996 BRIDGE.CNSC for 0.0000998 BRIDGE.BTC
b397a469 cancel order
7817d43a wants 0.00088 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.98 BRIDGE.REA
e995cd97 cancel order