立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight12.45 BTS
Lifetime fees paid43.7 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 9.98
BRIDGE.GRV 0.00219
96b7dc39 sent 600,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
999e17b5 issue 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
dbe6a4e0 issue 200,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
f081162a issue 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
5ad9b679 sent 300,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
0f3288c5 sent 200,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
60b71813 sent 300,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
0cdee7ea issue 500,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
b5546314 sent 0.01427 BRIDGE.BTC to
51c900d3 wants 0.0143 BRIDGE.BTC for 400,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 400,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0143 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d1ba1e4e sent 800,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
4ac50cc5 cancel order
d975db12 cancel order
11e67389 cancel order
6d9e9ce1 wants 0.00656 BRIDGE.BTC for 166,830 BRIDGE.PGN
2a6ed9da wants 0.00615 BRIDGE.BTC for 170,000 BRIDGE.PGN
3ac69afd wants 0.00615 BRIDGE.BTC for 163,170 BRIDGE.PGN
03eead5e sent 0.0256 BRIDGE.BTC to
f681d601 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 291,519 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 291,519 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
03c8089f cancel order
9c922aa3 wants 0.00715 BRIDGE.BTC for 208,481 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 208,481 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00715 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
aad59f58 wants 0.01017 BRIDGE.BTC for 291,519 BRIDGE.PGN
957044a9 paid 24,790 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000865 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 11,017 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000384 BRIDGE.BTC
f1960d1b paid 30,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00102 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 30,305 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.001057 BRIDGE.BTC
ffabb2e7 wants 0.00192 BRIDGE.BTC for 55,095 BRIDGE.PGN
dc43bbbb wants 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC for 71,295 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 71,295 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC
ffde1198 wants 0.002413 BRIDGE.BTC for 71,295 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 71,295 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002413 BRIDGE.BTC
57718cb5 wants 0.001405 BRIDGE.BTC for 41,299 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 11,299 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000384 BRIDGE.BTC
d852914a wants 0.000384 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,017 BRIDGE.PGN
6b20eaee sent 350,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
98371629 sent 400,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
6bcd7b84 sent 500,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
0d181f8b sent 0.01572 BRIDGE.BTC to
06efffdd wants 0.01575 BRIDGE.BTC for 500,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 500,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.01575 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
066d48cf sent 0.0257 BRIDGE.BTC to
d5f5d008 wants 0.02565 BRIDGE.BTC for 900,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 48,090 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.001398 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 75,328 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00218 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 75,328 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002168 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 75,328 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002157 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 625,926 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.01784 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e18adc6e cancel order
e272978d wants 0.0227 BRIDGE.BTC for 504,000 BRIDGE.PGN
b9351f01 sent 420,923 BRIDGE.PGN to
9db3055f sent 0.03146 BRIDGE.BTC to
b87f10be wants 0.0315 BRIDGE.BTC for 900,023 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 73,132 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00257 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 826,891 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.02895 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c06e8cf8 sent 300,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
5ea8511a cancel order
virtual cancel order
24d11b5f wants 0.00479 BRIDGE.BTC for 149,990 BRIDGE.PGN
7f339716 sent 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC to
63e332e3 paid 200,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC
df56fffd sent 150,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
de9a5f11 wants 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC for 200,000 BRIDGE.PGN
2f0f5029 wants 0.0083 BRIDGE.BTC for 249,023 BRIDGE.PGN
1b47c9f2 cancel order
b33a12d1 wants 0.0083 BRIDGE.BTC for 249,023 BRIDGE.PGN
9e24de5e wants 0.00329 BRIDGE.BTC for 120,069 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 120,069 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00329 BRIDGE.BTC
72590142 cancel order
87fccc9b cancel order
94801e6f wants 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN
9bb87096 cancel order
14850133 wants 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 30,908 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00086 BRIDGE.BTC
6cc1dff7 wants 0.00278 BRIDGE.BTC for 96,154 BRIDGE.PGN
f6148791 paid 73,242 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00196 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
573a8e00 wants 0.002673 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 26,758 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000715 BRIDGE.BTC
00e94d8f sent 0.01248 BRIDGE.BTC to
302d3184 wants 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC for 500,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 9,694 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0002433 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 44,262 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 446,044 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.01116 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
658de744 sent 0.02496 BRIDGE.BTC to
b7647ce6 wants 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 1,000,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
61fa1825 sent 0.0156 BRIDGE.BTC to
5c40be65 wants 20 BTS for 0.0000798 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000798 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BTS
ce74b674 cancel order
50dde25f wants 20 BTS for 0.000077 BRIDGE.BTC
ae7af030 wants 0.00147 BRIDGE.BTC for 56,299 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 56,299 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00147 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a7422463 cancel order
6374ef9b wants 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC for 143,901 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 143,901 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5d8d88b1 wants 0.00148 BRIDGE.BTC for 56,299 BRIDGE.PGN
7e097ac7 cancel order
01cf0bd4 wants 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC for 402,260 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 402,260 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f6634a61 cancel order
d0cb30db wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 200,200 BRIDGE.PGN
6e04afe8 cancel order
3b978dab wants 0.00501 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,200 BRIDGE.PGN
e5e26b54 wants 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC for 400,000 BRIDGE.PGN
eb2a2fb5 sent 0.003144 BRIDGE.BTC to
d84d9973 sent 400,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
6e231e66 wants 0.00315 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00315 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
295cf4e5 sent 0.00937 BRIDGE.BTC to
31a55fe6 wants 0.00472 BRIDGE.BTC for 151,252 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 151,251 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00472 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c903f998 cancel order
7a224f32 cancel order
75bd4cc7 paid 3,354 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0001065 BRIDGE.BTC
f4ff3f4a paid 40,604 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00129 BRIDGE.BTC
911a40f0 wants 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,019 BRIDGE.PGN
f3d644a4 wants 0.00317 BRIDGE.BTC for 99,981 BRIDGE.PGN
912a00a0 paid 285 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00000891 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,790 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000152 BRIDGE.BTC
cc043f38 wants 0.003125 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN
cfb68d94 paid 99,715 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.003116 BRIDGE.BTC
fd5a8adb sent 250,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
6dc3bcfe sent 0.0178 BRIDGE.BTC to
309d81ab wants 2.2 BTS for 2.16 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 0.005 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0055 BTS
virtual paid 2.154 BRIDGE.RVN for 2.195 BTS
9fc23ba6 wants 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC for 200,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 200,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4a0631f7 wants 0.01205 BRIDGE.BTC for 399,025 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 399,025 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.01205 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f2864c8a sent 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
d2b0c43f sent 300,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
afb6df67 sent 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
a518a052 sent 0.01442 BRIDGE.BTC to
789bdae1 sent 160,476 BRIDGE.PGN to
53aa6155 cancel order
b259a3a8 wants 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC for 120,000 BRIDGE.PGN
cd43c9a2 paid 128,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00332 BRIDGE.BTC
f8423cba wants 0.00332 BRIDGE.BTC for 128,000 BRIDGE.PGN
d55abf44 cancel order
fb54051b wants 0.003117 BRIDGE.BTC for 120,000 BRIDGE.PGN
5f0c836d paid 40,750 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.001063 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ab072d74 paid 3,305 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000862 BRIDGE.BTC
66dd9a29 paid 3,305 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000862 BRIDGE.BTC
9164b97b paid 6,080 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0001586 BRIDGE.BTC
031b2582 paid 14,040 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000366 BRIDGE.BTC
a676432e paid 1,232 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000322 BRIDGE.BTC
72c4433e paid 393 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00001024 BRIDGE.BTC
f473571b paid 7,965 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0002078 BRIDGE.BTC
eed73939 paid 1,980 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000517 BRIDGE.BTC
2e2a6599 paid 4,523 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000118 BRIDGE.BTC
58d28f8e paid 1,428 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000373 BRIDGE.BTC
67cb9201 wants 0.002217 BRIDGE.BTC for 85,000 BRIDGE.PGN
7de7f820 paid 98,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002533 BRIDGE.BTC
143a3deb cancel order
56370af7 wants 0.002533 BRIDGE.BTC for 98,000 BRIDGE.PGN
76202c47 wants 0.002533 BRIDGE.BTC for 98,000 BRIDGE.PGN
b42851cb paid 50,001 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.001295 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 50,001 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.001295 BRIDGE.BTC
18791ad1 wants 0.001295 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,001 BRIDGE.PGN
ea6ec466 wants 0.001295 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,001 BRIDGE.PGN
3a3d8d66 cancel order
a76a535c wants 0.0003066 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,562 BRIDGE.PGN
da4a67f0 paid 12,562 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0003066 BRIDGE.BTC
eda73e71 wants 0.00046 BRIDGE.BTC for 18,874 BRIDGE.PGN
a2376f87 paid 18,874 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00046 BRIDGE.BTC
f8260606 wants 0.00046 BRIDGE.BTC for 18,414 BRIDGE.PGN
63c41841 wants 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,334 BRIDGE.PGN
3b674350 paid 9,334 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC
a0c445a8 wants 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,556 BRIDGE.PGN
1fc6b3bd paid 9,556 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC
27f6d256 wants 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,778 BRIDGE.PGN
e2af7799 paid 9,778 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC
7fa1fa81 paid 7.65 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00000017 BRIDGE.BTC
b0ea7638 wants 0.000444 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.PGN
ef9de942 paid 7.65 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00000017 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 19,992 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000444 BRIDGE.BTC
6e854459 cancel order
virtual paid 15,051 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000334 BRIDGE.BTC
48654b0a paid 3,118 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000693 BRIDGE.BTC
47fa16fe paid 1,465 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC
2edbd490 paid 358 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00000795 BRIDGE.BTC