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BitShares Block Explorer


Voting Slate

Voting weight0.1905 BTS
Proxy followers0

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Lifetime fees paid5.71 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1905
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
CUBED.CNY 0.0014
NBEER 2,000
f2006a06 sent 1,182 BTS to
19ac42e4 wants 1,183 BTS for 546 CNY
virtual paid 546 CNY for 1,183 BTS
427422b1 sent 3 CNY to
09bd7f49 sent 540 CNY to
694bf000 sent 5 CNY to
5dea9ea7 update account/votes
d4d9cd9f sent 10,000 CNY to
85d5e97b sent 20,000 CNY to
9637a71c sent 30,000 CNY to
8c30fd9d sent 7,900 CNY to
95ca9ae0 sent 12,000 CNY to
cd6527f6 sent 25,000 CNY to
cd5f37a8 sent 50,000 CNY to
4f8da355 sent 50,000 CNY to
25ae2042 sent 40,000 CNY to
2b533935 sent 5,959 BTS to
e622d785 paid 5,000 CNY for 5,959 BTS
10375580 wants 5,959 BTS for 5,000 CNY
7f4a303c sent 4,990 CNY to
0230da79 sent 50,000 CNY to
05fc1e13 sent 12,710 CNY to
5900009e update account/votes
9f5d91af sent 55,000 CNY to
642d37e7 sent 68,928 GDEX.BKBT to
dc66e346 cancel order
fa2ac619 sent 30,000 CNY to
e7de798e sent 20,000 CNY to
3c1b64bc sent 200 BTS to
632086af sent 2 CNY to
d5c1a05e sent 49,999 CNY to
305d4a6b sent 74,619 BTS to
b584ec81 adjust collateral by -18,966 BTS, debt by -5,409 CNY
8cff1c71 adjust collateral by -4,155 BTS, debt by -1,191 CNY
948d51ab sent 100 CNY to
0302314e sent 100 CNY to
8f6938af sent 100 CNY to
44191ead sent 100 CNY to
644cf13d sent 100 CNY to
0e6ec5e3 sent 100 CNY to
5c7872a7 sent 100 CNY to
da314a0c sent 1,000 CNY to
b0164150 sent 100,000 CNY to
c07fccce sent 58,900 CNY to
7a4148f5 sent 40 CNY to
6aac217d sent 20,315 CNY to
d5975842 adjust collateral by -46,880 BTS, debt by -13,400 CNY
f2685d06 sent 33,456 CNY to
b58b906b paid 7,905 BTS for 9,932 CNY
972a9299 wants 16,322 CNY for 12,992 BTS
virtual paid 39.8 BTS for 50 CNY
virtual paid 1,000 BTS for 1,256 CNY
virtual paid 1,000 BTS for 1,256 CNY
virtual paid 1,200 BTS for 1,508 CNY
virtual paid 179.4 BTS for 225.4 CNY
361a21f1 paid 1,667 BTS for 2,094 CNY
83875cfa wants 13,144 BTS for 13,402 CNY
virtual paid 1,001 CNY for 982 BTS
virtual paid 12,401 CNY for 12,162 BTS
5567509d cancel order
606ec62d wants 13,204 BTS for 13,402 CNY
f1d46b21 adjust collateral by 50,740 BTS, debt by 13,400 CNY
0a0ec16f sent 34,150 CNY to
da819941 sent 40,000 CNY to
a4fc8334 sent 1,000 CNY to
a88e5097 sent 1,000 CNY to
90c9b606 adjust collateral by 3,160 BTS, debt by 2,000 CNY
b697d654 sent 7,037 CNY to
25e8c456 sent 9,633 CNY to
0878e0d6 sent 57,382 CNY to
e64c1e20 sent 100 CNY to
9f263115 sent 100 BTS to
63cb44c9 adjust collateral by 974 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
d8c7d04c cancel order
e2f56cf0 sent 27,987 CNY to
9098ab6b sent 1,000 CNY to
32d1ab6f paid 6,049 CNY for 6,049 BTS
a83ff457 cancel order
f009adc2 cancel order
804831e2 wants 6,049 BTS for 6,049 CNY
d1a9902d adjust collateral by 6,091 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
7f27e07a paid 10,000 CNY for 7,692 BTS
9b0c0349 paid 10,000 CNY for 7,407 BTS
985fa40f wants 7,692 BTS for 10,000 CNY
8d411cb8 wants 7,407 BTS for 10,000 CNY
003ac4d0 paid 8,693 CNY for 6,209 BTS
d40ca33a paid 10,000 CNY for 7,143 BTS
virtual paid 1,307 CNY for 934 BTS
7de8136f paid 1,074 CNY for 726 BTS
0bae756f paid 12.53 CNY for 8.47 BTS
338839d6 paid 347 CNY for 234.5 BTS
1b07c9b2 paid 6,798 CNY for 4,593 BTS
virtual paid 8,567 CNY for 5,788 BTS
0dab0ec1 paid 2,482 CNY for 1,677 BTS
daced7de paid 20.08 CNY for 13.57 BTS
ba480136 paid 318 CNY for 215 BTS
b074dd6a paid 381 CNY for 257.4 BTS
ad164dd5 wants 7,143 BTS for 10,000 CNY
f4427cb7 wants 6,757 BTS for 10,000 CNY
0f83a194 cancel order
db6d249f wants 7,143 BTS for 10,000 CNY
035b37d6 wants 6,757 BTS for 10,000 CNY
137bcc12 cancel order
5d3d6731 wants 6,667 BTS for 10,000 CNY
05cc13e1 paid 6,342 BTS for 9,601 CNY
a25bc1f4 paid 263.4 BTS for 399 CNY
25433c96 wants 10,000 CNY for 6,605 BTS
256c157b cancel order
b09f4530 wants 10,000 CNY for 6,452 BTS
5372e18a paid 10,000 CNY for 6,618 BTS
8c52a462 wants 6,618 BTS for 10,000 CNY
b6980978 cancel order
931b456d wants 6,635 BTS for 10,000 CNY
ff7a6973 cancel order
427d68e3 paid 3,239 BTS for 5,054 CNY
62f8eef6 paid 3,254 BTS for 5,076 CNY
434ba0f5 wants 10,094 CNY for 6,429 BTS
41bf35bc wants 10,129 CNY for 6,493 BTS
dba35b49 paid 10,000 CNY for 6,493 BTS
98e5b4f0 wants 6,493 BTS for 10,000 CNY
136fef7f paid 6,609 CNY for 4,274 BTS
dd9a070c paid 2,339 CNY for 1,513 BTS
e968fe23 wants 5,820 BTS for 9,000 CNY
virtual paid 52.1 CNY for 33.7 BTS
8423be24 cancel order
493dc8cb paid 938 CNY for 609 BTS
fc0abf5d wants 6,494 BTS for 10,000 CNY
fe1b2d2f wants 10,121 CNY for 6,097 BTS
4802571e cancel order
9be23dd5 cancel order
f65dfce2 wants 3,086 BTS for 5,000 CNY
b1e3961c paid 6,212 BTS for 10,157 CNY
83bfc55e wants 10,157 CNY for 6,212 BTS
4bd97ac5 paid 8,760 CNY for 5,441 BTS
67120e97 paid 1,240 CNY for 770 BTS
96cad20e wants 6,211 BTS for 10,000 CNY
077cf874 cancel order
7059a90b wants 3,117 BTS for 5,000 CNY
dfd4c657 wants 10,025 CNY for 6,097 BTS
723d1ad8 cancel order
78132878 wants 10,090 CNY for 6,097 BTS
34aac8ed paid 10,000 CNY for 6,098 BTS
66296221 wants 6,098 BTS for 10,000 CNY
66422bd2 paid 6,135 BTS for 10,120 CNY
a1016adb wants 10,120 CNY for 6,135 BTS
f7706fa5 paid 10,000 CNY for 6,135 BTS
35fe0f4c wants 6,135 BTS for 10,000 CNY
8d3c93f0 cancel order
bf96b709 wants 6,127 BTS for 10,000 CNY
d097648b wants 105,820 BTS for 40,000 CNY
fea1fcbf cancel order
f360d0cb wants 7,237 CNY for 34,464 GDEX.BKBT
d246eddc adjust collateral by 2,327 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
52d997cb cancel order
f572d36b wants 500 CNY for 237 BTS
1da9fd58 wants 255 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 255 BTS
446366cc cancel order
ad7e4c56 wants 256 BTS for 500 CNY
12e8ef65 cancel order
cd717d07 wants 276 BTS for 500 CNY
ff3692be paid 251.5 BTS for 500 CNY
938474f9 wants 500 CNY for 251.5 BTS
99ad2110 paid 500 CNY for 264.3 BTS
15e45c8b wants 264.3 BTS for 500 CNY
8475f5b6 paid 255 BTS for 500 CNY
b797e6e9 wants 500 CNY for 255 BTS
750a4e02 cancel order
79098dc2 wants 500 CNY for 247.5 BTS
ee595991 paid 500 CNY for 262.3 BTS
7ab3ed56 wants 262.3 BTS for 500 CNY
9b740342 paid 238 BTS for 500 CNY
c677f0ff wants 500 CNY for 238 BTS
854a446a paid 500 CNY for 248 BTS
1ed54a2b wants 248 BTS for 500 CNY
437687a3 paid 500 CNY for 226.2 BTS
7722b5df wants 226.2 BTS for 500 CNY
3e9ac9fc cancel order
da0cef97 wants 7,258 CNY for 35,928 GDEX.BKBT
99c43d7b wants 525 BTS for 1,069 CNY
91a054dc cancel order
b96519fe wants 520 BTS for 1,069 CNY
5d29ca1f cancel order
0b666710 wants 1,000 CNY for 400 BTS
79e5528d cancel order
7e679937 update account/votes
3a171b3a wants 106.4 BTS for 221.8 CNY
6f9a9101 paid 6,000 CNY for 59,289 GDEX.BKBT
d05d7e51 wants 59,289 GDEX.BKBT for 6,000 CNY
98c637dd cancel order
dc0b8016 cancel order
01db1f3d wants 11.43 BTS for 24 CNY
8ed85cb2 wants 59,300 GDEX.BKBT for 6,000 CNY
77ee7ab6 wants 6,227 CNY for 1.317 GDEX.ETH
virtual paid 0.5 GDEX.ETH for 2,365 CNY
virtual paid 0.817 GDEX.ETH for 3,863 CNY
c75920fe cancel order
859277ff wants 6,341 CNY for 1.317 GDEX.ETH
605005de wants 404 BTS for 847 CNY
65ca085f paid 800 CNY for 339 BTS
9d8b8dee wants 339 BTS for 800 CNY
3f38e127 cancel order
42b9ed78 wants 951 CNY for 390 BTS