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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid9.03 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -


Asset Balance
SEED 258
OPEN.XSD 241.6
13d9c757 wants 164.5 OPEN.MUSEOL for 1,316 BTS
virtual paid 1,316 BTS for 164.5 OPEN.MUSEOL
e2a050de wants 39.3 OPEN.MUSEOL for 287 BTS
virtual paid 287 BTS for 39.3 OPEN.MUSEOL
ceffd5f7 wants 9.99 OPEN.MUSEOL for 72.9 BTS
virtual paid 72.9 BTS for 9.99 OPEN.MUSEOL
fa993cdd wants 12.7 OPEN.MUSEOL for 99 BTS
virtual paid 99 BTS for 12.7 OPEN.MUSEOL
8e6f2afd cancel order
f529c0f1 wants 202 BTS for 25.26 OPEN.MUSEOL
acaff7ef paid 54.5 BTS for 9.09 OPEN.MUSEOL
ac6c34ff paid 99 BTS for 16.23 OPEN.MUSEOL
2e0ef06e wants 16.23 OPEN.MUSEOL for 99 BTS
5816106e wants 9.09 OPEN.MUSEOL for 54.5 BTS
c82cddf7 wants 54.5 BTS for 7.04 OPEN.MUSEOL
virtual paid 7.04 OPEN.MUSEOL for 54.5 BTS
e4f433a3 paid 49.4 BTS for 7.06 OPEN.MUSEOL
00ed3296 wants 7.06 OPEN.MUSEOL for 49.4 BTS
7e5bd5f3 sent 55,751 BTS to
82edda8e sent 60,000 BTS to
71604872 paid 1,768 BTS for 0.217 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
4fe8f9a6 update proposal 1.10.3199
virtual wants 0.614 OPEN.BTC for 5,000 BTS
2e1da2c4 paid 3,049 BTS for 0.375 OPEN.BTC
7ff0e321 paid 50.5 BTS for 0.0062 OPEN.BTC
7191bc75 paid 21.1 BTS for 0.00259 OPEN.BTC
98be83e2 paid 2.61 BTS for 0.000321 OPEN.BTC
32309a74 paid 2.61 BTS for 0.000321 OPEN.BTC
273b5bee paid 6 BTS for 0.000737 OPEN.BTC
6fed1c30 paid 100 BTS for 0.01229 OPEN.BTC
e8319a4b update proposal 1.10.3200
virtual wants 0.2078 OPEN.BTC for 1,711 BTS
virtual paid 1,711 BTS for 0.2088 OPEN.BTC
b77e49be update proposal 1.10.3203
virtual sent 10,000 BTS to
83cb961d create proposal
d23ea323 update proposal 1.10.3198
virtual sent 1,000 BTS to
d0b995d3 create proposal
fd784854 create proposal
c43d9bf1 create proposal
ebb3c7f1 claimed 15,059 BTS, 207.7 BTS, 236 BTS, 40,311 BTS, 49.5 BTS, 96 BTS, 0.02563 BTS, 0.0292 BTS, 8.9 BTS, 3,648 BTS, 874 BTS, 994 BTS, 9,538 BTS, 7.4 BTS, 45,849 BTS, 914 BTS, 1,142 BTS, 1,299 BTS, 13,240 BTS