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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid7.6 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -
1dc75ad6 sent 44,049 CNY to
4b22af7e sent 266 CNY to
b90b6191 sent 2,640 CNY to
603b0972 sent 12,046 CNY to
8cf814d6 wants 59,061 CNY for 220,788 PENHH
virtual paid 220,788 PENHH for 59,061 CNY
virtual cancel order
e7522a0a sent 1,150 CNY to
29f01799 sent 350 CNY to
e4553281 sent 800 CNY to
d16bd0e0 wants 220,806 PENHH for 56,283 CNY
virtual paid 35,727 CNY for 140,161 PENHH
virtual paid 20,556 CNY for 80,645 PENHH
e4ab3113 sent 1,170 CNY to
84b5c516 wants 55,188 CNY for 217,018 PENHH
virtual paid 96,975 PENHH for 24,661 CNY
virtual paid 120,043 PENHH for 30,527 CNY
virtual cancel order
144049d5 sent 55,000 CNY to
666f0824 sent 50 BTS to
a798a604 paid 15,469 CNY for 63,789 PENHH
95b337c4 paid 6,835 CNY for 28,187 PENHH
129b9f2d paid 27,825 CNY for 114,744 PENHH
2e5a6605 paid 2,502 CNY for 10,317 PENHH
3c47b51f wants 217,038 PENHH for 52,632 CNY
c299eeab sent 50 BTS to
a9b9e0a9 sent 50 BTS to
2fed19cd wants 200 BTS for 40.5 CNY
virtual paid 40.5 CNY for 200 BTS
854dccf2 sent 51,000 CNY to
865b656f sent 15,200 CNY to