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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2 BTS
Lifetime fees paid13.27 BTS


Asset Balance
CNY 0.0396
OPEN.EOS 0.000008
DEEX 0.1
PROTON 0.0001
METEOR 0.0001
TIREX 0.21
TELETON 0.0002
NAKED 0.097
ATOMIC 0.001
XBTSX.STH 0.0983
29b444be sent 0.0983 XBTSX.STH to
f08c1fcd paid 101.1 CNY for 183.3 GDEX.BTO
cd9839de paid 0.0002 CNY for 0.000363 GDEX.BTO
07e2a5e2 sent 2 BTS to
f60310f7 wants 183.3 GDEX.BTO for 101.1 CNY
cb516a9e sent 100.4 CNY to
8dbbd431 sent 0.1 DEEX to
854df594 sent 0.75 GDEX.IDHUB to
660cf6dd sent 796 CNY to
c651140e paid 0.766 GDEX.BTO for 0.804 CNY
23036c4d paid 757 GDEX.BTO for 795 CNY
dba74668 paid 1 GDEX.BTO for 1.05 CNY
23b1894b wants 797 CNY for 759 GDEX.BTO
ef52e3ce paid 19,450 SBCHAIN for 1.167 CNY
5e0c19af paid 463 CNY for 760 GDEX.BTO
a9130fb0 wants 760 GDEX.BTO for 463 CNY
8f8b1b9d cancel order
925de370 sent 5,423 BTS to
98ad11fe cancel order
3bcde7ef cancel order
8daa11de cancel order
23e46e04 cancel order
490643b3 cancel order
01ef7794 cancel order
8a4248a8 cancel order
8616eb4c cancel order
0ba9f388 cancel order
37e81039 cancel order
3eddfbb8 cancel order
4e5bfdca cancel order
bf4c46cc cancel order
402329c0 cancel order
1c5cc4e5 cancel order
de2bcf12 cancel order
7556bc58 paid 166.7 SBCHAIN for 0.01 CNY
4fa61476 paid 166.7 SBCHAIN for 0.01 CNY
a249400b paid 166.7 SBCHAIN for 0.01 CNY
f2d85d90 wants 5,264 ZEPH for 548 BTS
81360f96 cancel order
a78b1672 cancel order
36ec096f paid 166.7 SBCHAIN for 0.01 CNY
0bd0840b wants 3,307 ZEPH for 338 BTS
fea29a63 wants 338 BTS for 2,937 ZEPH
virtual paid 2,937 ZEPH for 338 BTS
ffa68b5d paid 52.5 BTS for 514 ZEPH
fab1cd57 paid 248 BTS for 2,429 ZEPH
140315dd wants 1,653 ZEPH for 157 BTS
2d36bb59 wants 5,000 ZEPH for 500 BTS
22d86947 wants 5,000 ZEPH for 510 BTS
93710ba4 paid 9,314 ZEPH for 1,089 BTS
595f18bf paid 666 ZEPH for 77.9 BTS
43a9e067 wants 1,167 BTS for 9,980 ZEPH
47be9745 paid 525 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
virtual paid 300 BTS for 3,000 ZEPH
virtual paid 200 BTS for 2,000 ZEPH
199f0bfa wants 1.207 CNY for 20,117 SBCHAIN
7e95858c cancel order
7a896e5c wants 6,286 ZEPH for 550 BTS
c2e1fcdb wants 5,000 ZEPH for 462 BTS
1483b674 wants 2,000 ZEPH for 200 BTS
02e2f3e8 wants 5,000 ZEPH for 525 BTS
5e7296ef paid 0.0001 ZEPH for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 15,000 ZEPH for 1,739 BTS
e6bee0ab wants 2,862 ZEPH for 279 BTS
30c6701d wants 3,000 ZEPH for 300 BTS
b0e05f16 wants 1,739 BTS for 15,000 ZEPH
9100f7a8 cancel order
cfc37fa2 paid 428 ZEPH for 49.2 BTS
1f75cd88 paid 100.3 ZEPH for 11.53 BTS
c65becf0 paid 176.3 ZEPH for 20.27 BTS
80aa453a paid 4,004 ZEPH for 461 BTS
b5857c43 paid 10.09 ZEPH for 1.16 BTS
d5580d32 wants 1,746 BTS for 15,000 ZEPH
ed6eed66 cancel order
783c661a paid 25 ZEPH for 2.747 BTS
eb8fca0b paid 0.0002 ZEPH for 0.00002 BTS
fba9ac02 paid 127.4 ZEPH for 14 BTS
94c4c328 paid 177.7 ZEPH for 19.53 BTS
9039f46a paid 3.68 ZEPH for 0.405 BTS
42b5d987 wants 772 GDEX.BTO for 463 CNY
bad56a4c wants 3,969 ZEPH for 387 BTS
97138f59 paid 3,520 ZEPH for 387 BTS
e426ba72 sent 6,000 CNY to
89ada382 cancel order
ebc4b991 cancel order
30b16950 cancel order
2963782c cancel order
c27fc96d wants 880 ZEPH for 88 BTS
79468422 paid 793 ZEPH for 87.1 BTS
42f51654 wants 511 BTS for 4,647 ZEPH
3a40e765 paid 454 BTS for 4,656 ZEPH
aa05abfa wants 1,081 ZEPH for 100 BTS
58786776 paid 98.8 ZEPH for 11.36 BTS
25adb418 wants 643 BTS for 5,592 ZEPH
ef31f391 paid 774 ZEPH for 89 BTS
d409c5e7 wants 1,769 BTS for 15,000 ZEPH
2ec01062 paid 500 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
1d8dc534 paid 537 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
virtual paid 525 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
virtual paid 372 BTS for 3,633 ZEPH
virtual paid 205 BTS for 2,000 ZEPH
7523dd33 wants 4,656 ZEPH for 454 BTS
1875ebaf wants 2,000 ZEPH for 205 BTS
89a6bc20 wants 5,000 ZEPH for 537 BTS
6b5c028f paid 9.2 ZEPH for 1.075 BTS
abda62bd wants 692 BTS for 5,921 ZEPH
67e6cec4 paid 334 ZEPH for 39 BTS
2e6ad5fa paid 5,344 ZEPH for 625 BTS
9fad1244 paid 167 ZEPH for 19.52 BTS
7a2f03c1 paid 66.8 ZEPH for 7.81 BTS
a80d2d70 cancel order
bf573835 paid 2,672 ZEPH for 312.4 BTS
90b2530c paid 248.5 ZEPH for 29.05 BTS
6f82aefd paid 1,336 ZEPH for 156.2 BTS
60b013c1 paid 51.9 ZEPH for 6.07 BTS
virtual paid 16.04 ZEPH for 1.875 BTS
e8b907a9 wants 3,633 ZEPH for 372 BTS
47f6cabe wants 5,000 ZEPH for 525 BTS
1e18ee4b paid 133.6 ZEPH for 15.62 BTS
aeafd874 paid 26.7 ZEPH for 3.12 BTS
62900981 paid 668 ZEPH for 78 BTS
2a51622c paid 73.3 ZEPH for 8.57 BTS
1886c782 wants 1,115 BTS for 9,539 ZEPH
a2e69921 paid 3,474 ZEPH for 406 BTS
cd72d79f paid 855 ZEPH for 100 BTS
928fa226 cancel order
fe2b5377 paid 334 ZEPH for 39.1 BTS
cfe3cdb1 paid 334 ZEPH for 39.1 BTS
b0d14861 paid 272.6 ZEPH for 31.9 BTS
4a8cb048 paid 950 ZEPH for 111 BTS
3623b17a paid 428 ZEPH for 50 BTS
0f793b59 paid 26.7 ZEPH for 3.076 BTS
d9b64ada paid 0.828 ZEPH for 0.0954 BTS
d9b64ada paid 0.0001 ZEPH for 0.00001 BTS
0cd4807c paid 84.7 ZEPH for 9.76 BTS
4bb61e7d wants 3,422 ZEPH for 308 BTS
4bfea4bc paid 13.54 ZEPH for 1.56 BTS
b1ce9d00 paid 2,664 ZEPH for 307 BTS
8d6245d2 wants 2,800 ZEPH for 252 BTS
ef50e9f3 wants 575 BTS for 4,990 ZEPH
a9111383 paid 2,200 ZEPH for 253.4 BTS
1edb7b5d wants 9,849 ZEPH for 936 BTS
43fe197b wants 5,000 ZEPH for 500 BTS
23125948 paid 525 BTS for 5,000 ZEPH
b0d49a71 wants 5,000 ZEPH for 525 BTS
a750d6cf wants 273 BTS for 2,335 ZEPH
ad05ec18 cancel order
afa96456 paid 17,810 ZEPH for 1,959 BTS
152ca89a wants 1,959 BTS for 17,810 ZEPH
a8b9dcc2 paid 0.522 BTS for 5.49 ZEPH
ec0d187c paid 201.3 BTS for 2,119 ZEPH
bc9e7bce paid 115.2 BTS for 1,213 ZEPH
8edbfa8f paid 10.59 BTS for 111.4 ZEPH
147c5e97 paid 29.73 BTS for 313 ZEPH
c3bd7c65 paid 132.5 BTS for 1,395 ZEPH
36d15cf0 paid 78.1 BTS for 822 ZEPH
07930e48 paid 2.64 BTS for 27.8 ZEPH
f8398b9c paid 10.59 BTS for 111.4 ZEPH
435165a1 paid 2.64 BTS for 27.8 ZEPH
2981141b paid 1.563 BTS for 16.45 ZEPH
ff7d354a paid 2.64 BTS for 27.8 ZEPH
b66e61dd paid 836 BTS for 8,356 ZEPH
157df61a paid 33.2 BTS for 316 ZEPH
dea47a05 paid 40.5 BTS for 386 ZEPH
54f85ff5 paid 40.5 BTS for 386 ZEPH
ebf7740f paid 17.12 BTS for 163 ZEPH
32b81afc paid 33.5 BTS for 319 ZEPH
06c3f392 paid 91.1 BTS for 868 ZEPH
b07b0fbf paid 7.44 BTS for 70.8 ZEPH
4dc0427a paid 13.88 BTS for 132.2 ZEPH
05ac3f42 paid 27.55 BTS for 262.4 ZEPH
a46f79f4 paid 40.5 BTS for 386 ZEPH
6c46e44f paid 1.099 BTS for 10.46 ZEPH
ce391ad8 wants 3,300 ZEPH for 346 BTS
554b7643 paid 0.17 ZEPH for 0.02 BTS
a9eb2dd1 paid 1.084 ZEPH for 0.1275 BTS
83be76d4 paid 160.7 ZEPH for 18.9 BTS
6ddcec7d paid 1.084 ZEPH for 0.1275 BTS
c6ed88d9 paid 1.084 ZEPH for 0.1275 BTS
48ae9643 paid 1.084 ZEPH for 0.1275 BTS
425e7dfc paid 1.084 ZEPH for 0.1275 BTS
02046b96 paid 0.323 ZEPH for 0.038 BTS
fb2ea248 paid 1.081 ZEPH for 0.1272 BTS
fc499b59 paid 0.428 ZEPH for 0.0504 BTS
0de447b7 paid 2,630 ZEPH for 309 BTS
608a54bd paid 160.7 ZEPH for 18.9 BTS
1e4cb4cf paid 0.323 ZEPH for 0.038 BTS
18a8262b wants 8,356 ZEPH for 836 BTS
17c56f78 wants 1,193 BTS for 10,145 ZEPH
virtual paid 984 ZEPH for 116.4 BTS
virtual paid 84.7 ZEPH for 10 BTS
virtual paid 2,124 ZEPH for 250 BTS
e2a4c4db paid 791 ZEPH for 93 BTS
a93f2cd4 paid 146.4 ZEPH for 17.22 BTS
c3c26c16 paid 271 ZEPH for 31.9 BTS
1d94640e paid 165.8 ZEPH for 19.5 BTS
3cb054af paid 146.4 ZEPH for 17.22 BTS
7781c68f paid 43.8 ZEPH for 5.16 BTS
e10329a6 paid 43.9 ZEPH for 5.16 BTS
937fc57f paid 24.5 ZEPH for 2.88 BTS
d8af1666 paid 24.5 ZEPH for 2.88 BTS
caa68850 cancel order
971e7c74 wants 1,245 BTS for 10,290 ZEPH
virtual paid 63 ZEPH for 7.63 BTS
virtual paid 82.6 ZEPH for 10 BTS