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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.42 BTS
Lifetime fees paid51.4 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 2.42
DEEX 0.1
bebd2ea6 sent 2 BTS to
2bb6ecd0 sent 1 BTS to
0b0c0bd6 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
696558a4 sent 2 BTS to
b1689e82 sent 0.1 DEEX to
19988559 sent 6 BTS to
a279c448 sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
b18a9366 cancel order
a148b94b cancel order
9db7b930 sent 2,100 BTCPLUS to
fdc2d02c cancel order
22c24ebe sent 1,400 BTCPLUS to
b43299d7 cancel order
1d89715d cancel order
6444c1e0 sent 180.6 BTCPLUS to
18b3dac0 cancel order
ede4f177 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
b3c3d8c4 cancel order
91b657f3 sent 0.037 ARCOIN to
fd86e02f sent 185 STRANGE to
dc9d347c sent 49.9 OPEN.ZGC to
b5cc8e14 sent 0.697 ZENGOLD to
28100d35 sent 0.01167 GALLEON to
333ae397 sent 1.95 TASKMANAGER to
f1b967c4 sent 142.6 ELOAD to
c185d7de sent 8.36 OPEN.GRC to
9ebd58fd sent 4.87 BLOCKPAY to
65df5973 sent 617 OCEANIA to
df78c38a sent 800 CRYPTOCEEDS to
004d40b1 sent 4.77 OPEN.STEEM to
f2163545 sent 43.5 BTCPLUS to
95e44791 sent 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
cfbcb1f2 cancel order
da4cda60 cancel order
e221d52b cancel order
df1df286 cancel order
6662bec2 cancel order
53587767 cancel order
353223ba cancel order
c9a3562c sent 0.0000782 OPEN.BTC to
ba42304c sent 200 BTCOIN to
456dfe01 sent 0.997 OBITS to
7c3cbf7e sent 0.85 USD to
7d2298b0 sent 0.001996 FASTBTC to
97ec2efb sent 870 CRYPTOCEEDS to
7d53b1a8 sent 30,490,887 COMPUCEEDS to
2b24be52 wants 100 USD for 100 CRYPTOCEEDS
de1265e3 wants 64.4 BTS for 200 CRYPTOCEEDS
e36be131 wants 150 CRYPTOCEEDS for 11.85 BTS
virtual paid 11.85 BTS for 150 CRYPTOCEEDS
ec1437ea wants 19.18 BTS for 200 OCEANIA
f24f1f44 wants 75 OCEANIA for 7.5 BTS
virtual paid 7.5 BTS for 78.3 OCEANIA
f2757051 wants 19.16 BTS for 200 OCEANIA
a71adb46 wants 26.07 OCEANIA for 2.497 BTS
virtual paid 2.497 BTS for 26.07 OCEANIA
ae844717 wants 65.6 OCEANIA for 6.29 BTS
virtual paid 6.29 BTS for 65.6 OCEANIA
virtual paid 0.0005 BTC for 31.9 BTS
b539288c sent 100 CRYPTOCEEDS to
e0e0efc1 sent 100 CRYPTOCEEDS to
8d34c242 sent 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
1f7aa461 sent 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
4d820183 wants 55 USD for 10 OPEN.ZGC
9180b9a1 wants 50 OPEN.ZGC for 50 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 50 ZENGOLD for 50 OPEN.ZGC
5ce1e317 sent 5 BTS to
00a7a6b8 settle 0.0005 BTC
278d7343 wants 100 OCEANIA for 12.5 BTS
virtual paid 12.5 BTS for 109.6 OCEANIA
cb680983 sent 15 BTS to
4072a4a4 sent 300 OCEANIA to
4f029505 sent 50 ZENGOLD to
2fe4bd19 wants 100 OCEANIA for 11.4 BTS
virtual paid 11.4 BTS for 100 OCEANIA
4432e005 wants 13,498,500 USD for 1,500 BTCPLUS
117a8cf7 wants 550 BTCPLUS for 109.7 BTS
virtual paid 109.7 BTS for 550 BTCPLUS
2359ce2a wants 2,249,700 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
ec56571b sent 350 BTCPLUS to
7d30bd29 wants 50 BTCPLUS for 12.83 BTS
virtual paid 12.83 BTS for 50 BTCPLUS
79814459 paid 0.001642 OPEN.DASH for 0.0000783 OPEN.BTC
82f94289 wants 0.0000783 OPEN.BTC for 0.001642 OPEN.DASH
2ec7b7a2 wants 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 140 BTS
virtual paid 140 BTS for 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
30399334 wants 15,747,900 USD for 2,100 BTCPLUS
b4db13b0 wants 3,500 BTCPLUS for 1,385 BTS
virtual paid 1,385 BTS for 3,504 BTCPLUS
5a498232 sent 40 BTS to
18d4e484 wants 8,398,600 USD for 1,400 BTCPLUS
e8487d34 wants 1,500 BTCPLUS for 211.6 BTS
virtual paid 211.6 BTS for 1,500 BTCPLUS
ee02ffa7 wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 8.67 BTS
virtual paid 8.67 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
10bf5f62 paid 30 ELOAD for 0.1425 USD
354d5cd1 wants 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 6.72 BTS
virtual paid 6.72 BTS for 2,000,003 COMPUCEEDS
3414ca06 paid 200 OCEANIA for 11.18 BTS
8a3689f8 wants 4,785 BTS for 500 CRYPTOCEEDS
14437554 cancel order
89256af4 cancel order
91a32978 cancel order
986906ff cancel order
c8496c21 cancel order
7376a28e cancel order
c039bbb8 cancel order
f694b5b9 cancel order
7a2e4881 cancel order
1606eea8 cancel order
f7be68b8 cancel order
5171d0f7 cancel order
f4172106 cancel order
c3289862 cancel order
321c24b8 cancel order
94eef891 cancel order
de93fe60 cancel order
c97c9b0a cancel order
b0d33928 cancel order
e680271a cancel order
6d1df5b4 cancel order
ed094994 cancel order
f446c304 cancel order
9ca64971 cancel order
9a4bcc18 cancel order
b2680912 cancel order
48d6199f cancel order
8c2cfee3 cancel order
536ec3ca cancel order
fe564636 cancel order
4af793f5 cancel order
9f61aa9a cancel order
e233ee41 cancel order
d525c1a1 cancel order
ee3aae04 cancel order
08e67fe9 cancel order
42044d2b cancel order
9ab69f08 wants 9,569,751 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
5216d7ae wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 3.99 BTS
virtual paid 3.91 BTS for 980,392 COMPUCEEDS
a633b963 wants 11.18 BTS for 200 OCEANIA
e02fef49 cancel order
d08bbb77 wants 0.000465 FASTBTC for 15 BTS
be86bdc6 wants 0.1425 USD for 30 ELOAD
dd3703c6 wants 37 ELOAD for 0.1758 USD
virtual paid 0.1758 USD for 37 ELOAD
b36fe052 wants 980,392 COMPUCEEDS for 1 BTS
6e83355a wants 1 BTS for 980,392 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 980,392 COMPUCEEDS for 1 BTS
2b4f5145 cancel order
ca662e1f wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 3.45 BTS
virtual paid 3.45 BTS for 1,000,002 COMPUCEEDS
c4c9f38e wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 3.3 BTS
virtual paid 3.3 BTS for 1,000,003 COMPUCEEDS
b3936024 wants 81.5 BTS for 50 ZENGOLD
ecc9cdb0 wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 2.634 BTS
virtual paid 2.634 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
1719d5e5 cancel order
e6b19852 wants 0.98 USD for 1 CRYPTOCEEDS
30514370 wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 8.85 BTS
virtual paid 8.85 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
7d39f575 sent 130 BTS to
8e2fd797 sent 100 BTS to
7d267fc5 sent 100 BTS to
233e40dc sent 200 BTS to
e81dccdf sent 0.01672 OPEN.BTC to
3726d282 cancel order
c05f490f wants 568 BTS for 0.01672 OPEN.BTC
e7815f0a sent 8,668 BTCPLUS to
ac184dde cancel order
d23a5b7f cancel order
26fa5ecf cancel order
3be9bdbf wants 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 41 BTS
virtual paid 41 BTS for 10,000,001 COMPUCEEDS
eb30d017 wants 1,349,775 USD for 225 BTCPLUS
352a349b wants 250 BTCPLUS for 246.4 BTS
virtual paid 246.4 BTS for 250 BTCPLUS
eb2b9f6a wants 812,719 USD for 180.6 BTCPLUS
85265b7c wants 200 BTCPLUS for 22.5 BTS
virtual paid 22.5 BTS for 200.7 BTCPLUS
08a5c64e wants 0.002 FASTBTC for 41.4 BTS
virtual paid 41.4 BTS for 0.002 FASTBTC
1e127be3 wants 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 23.55 BTS
virtual paid 23.55 BTS for 10,000,003 COMPUCEEDS
d7c9208c cancel order
1a1eacda wants 8,996,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
c22cb2cf wants 2,100 BTCPLUS for 235 BTS
virtual paid 235 BTS for 2,100 BTCPLUS
1f71bb17 cancel order
6eea51f4 cancel order
5a6efdb8 cancel order
112603da cancel order
bacb0798 cancel order
34a9b96f cancel order
3533118a cancel order
cfd650a5 cancel order