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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00793 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.761 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00793
DEEX 0.1
7fa3cf17 sent 0.1 DEEX to
fd181199 sent 0.0383 BRIDGE.BTC to
7039f5b5 cancel order
a3f8f427 wants 1,652 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.0383 BRIDGE.BTC
5493c344 issue 0.0383 BRIDGE.BTC to
f0386511 wants 493 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC for 493 BRIDGE.WGR
5f4983d0 wants 62.2 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.001553 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001553 BRIDGE.BTC for 62.2 BRIDGE.WGR
ca739c98 wants 126.7 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.00316 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00316 BRIDGE.BTC for 126.7 BRIDGE.WGR
4f9002e6 cancel order
96e41853 wants 147 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.00316 BRIDGE.BTC
e03b3c74 wants 281.6 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.00634 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00634 BRIDGE.BTC for 281.6 BRIDGE.WGR
499a1ff3 paid 0.00000736 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.275 BRIDGE.WGR
fe0f7f7e paid 0.1397 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,222 BRIDGE.WGR
f5c6a640 wants 5,222 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1397 BRIDGE.BTC
3b329a7c cancel order
232c2aee wants 5,271 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1397 BRIDGE.BTC
f68b3908 cancel order
cef78e62 wants 5,373 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1397 BRIDGE.BTC
7f9886ed cancel order
3317dfa9 wants 5,543 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1397 BRIDGE.BTC
776b97e8 cancel order
6c223511 paid 73.6 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01287 BRIDGE.BTC
058f15e7 paid 3.39 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.000594 BRIDGE.BTC
0f4bf9ca wants 5,484 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1263 BRIDGE.BTC
9364348c cancel order
d243cf0a cancel order
b5a717cb wants 5,000 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1288 BRIDGE.BTC
4e6160be wants 5,000 BRIDGE.WGR for 0.1263 BRIDGE.BTC
07bedad3 wants 0.01347 BRIDGE.BTC for 77 BRIDGE.PURE
710b6ad2 cancel order
1804b079 wants 0.01385 BRIDGE.BTC for 77 BRIDGE.PURE
03c7b6a0 cancel order
ec3c3e09 wants 0.116 BRIDGE.BTC for 662 BRIDGE.PURE
virtual paid 45 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00788 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 617 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
f981f62a wants 0.01513 BRIDGE.BTC for 86 BRIDGE.PURE
virtual paid 86 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01513 BRIDGE.BTC
6da0fa41 cancel order
f71f894e wants 0.1347 BRIDGE.BTC for 748 BRIDGE.PURE
59990b80 wants 0.1271 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.PURE
virtual paid 718 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.1271 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5f93c61f wants 0.01397 BRIDGE.BTC for 77 BRIDGE.PURE
14a8ac6a wants 0.02186 BRIDGE.BTC for 123.4 BRIDGE.PURE
virtual paid 123.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.02186 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ad912e17 paid 0.1465 BRIDGE.BTC for 916 BRIDGE.PURE
a65784a9 wants 916 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.1465 BRIDGE.BTC
6d31186a cancel order
6f68bcb9 wants 1,011 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.1465 BRIDGE.BTC
016d6a9d wants 52 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00843 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00843 BRIDGE.BTC for 52 BRIDGE.PURE
6af0d80f wants 679 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.1086 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.1086 BRIDGE.BTC for 679 BRIDGE.PURE
173bd3b1 wants 24.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.3 BRIDGE.PURE