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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight3.126 BTS
Lifetime fees paid42.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 3.126
DEEX 0.1
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
NOBLE 0.0002
XBTSX.STH 0.0712
GOOGL 0.00001
BRENT 0.0001
virtual cancel order
ca4b21a2 issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
3eb5c28c issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
8af5dea4 issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
000129dc issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
39f71b59 issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
85743d1e issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
a3efa822 issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
5c6b03dc issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
aa975471 issue 8 BRIDGE.MERO to
acf8f62d sent 0.0387 BRIDGE.BTC to
e87d035d wants 0.00003 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.SNO
virtual paid 180 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.0000306 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
fef550ae paid 1,618 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.00031 BRIDGE.BTC
8c510e5a wants 0.00031 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,618 BRIDGE.SNO
5642d653 cancel order
e59eb919 cancel order
cd259847 wants 0.00029 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,618 BRIDGE.SNO
2555cf30 paid 2.027 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.00000038 BRIDGE.BTC
e16355ca cancel order
39ccbf2a wants 0.00027 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,440 BRIDGE.SNO
ad68b2c8 cancel order
3063c431 wants 0.00023 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,260 BRIDGE.SNO
532a83a8 cancel order
f481fbbf wants 0.00017 BRIDGE.BTC for 900 BRIDGE.SNO
5675e169 cancel order
fa0f50a9 wants 0.00013 BRIDGE.BTC for 720 BRIDGE.SNO
f1f01625 wants 0.0001 BRIDGE.BTC for 540 BRIDGE.SNO
0618959c wants 0.00003 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.SNO
virtual paid 180 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.0000306 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3a3f2214 paid 403 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.00241 BRIDGE.BTC
f3752f24 wants 0.00241 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
808e1701 cancel order
099ca8bc cancel order
676fd9df wants 0.002415 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
1bd7c171 wants 0.00293 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
c6611e32 cancel order
58e0463b cancel order
cfa1f7a0 wants 0.002616 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
46711e08 cancel order
f1d67c29 wants 0.00293 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
b2737f9d cancel order
e2779b7d wants 0.00282 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
d5f53b2c cancel order
1f38d56a wants 0.00293 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
4ec16edf cancel order
fcbfa1e5 wants 0.00294 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
26699ee8 wants 0.00301 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
97c902e5 cancel order
b4afd69d cancel order
88c6dcc9 wants 0.003056 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
24546e74 cancel order
69bf40b9 wants 0.00305 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
18269f99 cancel order
bdd79eae wants 0.003056 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
d60faf42 wants 0.003064 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
104fc7f5 cancel order
9cc9f289 wants 0.002334 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
49225bb5 cancel order
87e47eae cancel order
1ac002ee wants 0.003064 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
3ee06fbd cancel order
70743821 wants 0.00282 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
c1b425b0 wants 0.003064 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
134afa46 cancel order
4533210b sent 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC to
c6d7ec22 cancel order
3ada8d59 wants 0.00314 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
13732ee4 paid 0.1001 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.00000079 BRIDGE.BTC
c3c8efdc wants 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC for 403 BRIDGE.OUR
virtual cancel order
e84e92f3 paid 180 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.00003 BRIDGE.BTC
8407cf9c wants 0.00003 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.SNO
5a8275c4 paid 2.01 BRIDGE.FOX for 0.00000057 BRIDGE.BTC
75a09c8c paid 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.0000213 BRIDGE.BTC
19d04792 wants 0.00002 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.SNO
virtual paid 180 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.0000216 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0ee8bd41 cancel order
cdd4b195 wants 0.0000213 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR
fc6e176d cancel order
da10f0d3 wants 0.0000034 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.FOX
dd9c4055 cancel order
1f34f9ba wants 0.0000253 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR
783c87b5 cancel order
95dcb99e wants 0.0000255 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR
72e6fb86 wants 0.0000035 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.FOX
d5bbfbef wants 0.0000257 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR
71b484b0 wants 0.00002 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.SNO
virtual paid 180 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.0000234 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0901d096 paid 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR for 0.0000248 BRIDGE.BTC
25745bb6 cancel order
ab1fb5d7 wants 0.0000248 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR
844a2fcb wants 0.0000263 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.2 BRIDGE.OUR
4d12db7f paid 360 BRIDGE.SNO for 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC
32095807 cancel order
3f5d215d wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
4b47a91e cancel order
85d6a82b wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
d10dc126 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
34f9e1c2 cancel order
1654546c cancel order
b67362b0 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
a69d80cc wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
da541293 cancel order
50d2d883 cancel order
35fbbed5 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
fa3a286d wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
8802530b cancel order
72e3c6c2 cancel order
4085266e wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
6af31243 cancel order
fb18503c wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
83d17051 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
5de7c135 cancel order
e2fc09bc cancel order
3aa4273a wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
fc8ee786 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
d77b3589 cancel order
279bf9f7 cancel order
f22ffd74 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
dd50002c cancel order
09722525 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
d3cda4c6 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
f03446c1 cancel order
c9712804 cancel order
4a28c3c1 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
27aa2f94 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
19d09f56 cancel order
7c15c53f wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
529bed3f cancel order
9a8dde33 cancel order
f28416cd wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
9e212806 cancel order
eda52639 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
2f89c8aa wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
2f6ef5ea cancel order
2dd14b0d cancel order
9538e16f wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
86766772 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
06d9c00b cancel order
c6ec0309 cancel order
81066f74 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
0eb16a05 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
755ac276 cancel order
555a7724 cancel order
69d25d7a wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
cd6fabe8 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
e6472ca2 cancel order
ca604c85 cancel order
cf83e69c wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
4677b95c wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
272aa1cf cancel order
025b3b64 cancel order
472dd19f wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
98604d2b cancel order
1d9c3e24 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
72b32ced cancel order
0fefe2b8 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
afd1f6bf cancel order
32a5c632 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
3f618560 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
bfadebd2 cancel order
77e43789 cancel order
88363dee wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
22fc83ea cancel order
6f548161 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
b917c94d cancel order
31e47657 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
5e743fa1 cancel order
212956ff wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
4133294e wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
02edcf5d cancel order
c29fadbd cancel order
6deb119d wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
b7795d0d wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
a04468d4 cancel order
f6968d35 cancel order
963391b6 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
69c5eb38 cancel order
1563b6a5 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
c98bada2 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
006a060b cancel order
366bcf25 cancel order
1c37b7c2 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
64beb29a cancel order
f05c314f wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
34071dfb cancel order
7478c108 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
ec52606c cancel order
35cd96d0 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
5dfef297 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
a6fba39d cancel order
8e28c451 cancel order
bf59b827 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
abbcb98b cancel order
ff339e76 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
075c15f7 cancel order
20fc9480 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
38de8aca wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
763c843d cancel order
d2457812 cancel order
9c71504a wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
e2f5e84f cancel order
53caf5ab wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO
fcb06ca2 wants 0.00005 BRIDGE.BTC for 360 BRIDGE.SNO