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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight15,483 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7.8 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance Collateral
BTS 53.2 744
RUB 0.234 0
BTWTY 0.00068 0
DEEX 0.1 0
SEER 1,251 0
ELECTRON 3,511,997 0
SEED 6,718 0
LAMBO 10 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
GDEX.JRC 132.2 0
XBTSX.STH 0.17 0
GOOGL 0.00001 0
CVN 42.2 0
RUBLE 0 -656
virtual paid 133 RUBLE for 33.2 BTS
95e1cd68 sent 15,100 BTS to
070075d5 settle 133 RUBLE
68964c41 sent 0.00001 BTS to
virtual paid 273 BTS for 533 RUBLE
4c2f0e7f paid 87.6 BTS for 122.6 RUBLE
c16c87ea paid 0.00000011 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01648 BTS
63dc737e paid 0.0000861 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.9 BTS
5e6f9954 wants 3,247 BTS for 0.02167 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01326 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 0.00494 BRIDGE.BTC for 744 BTS
virtual paid 0.0002428 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.4 BTS
51a33c24 paid 0.003034 BRIDGE.BTC for 454 BTS
fb93315f paid 0.000112 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.78 BTS
6ee578df adjust collateral by -1 BTS, debt by -1 CALLCNY05MARCH19
b1ae4126 update account/votes
8f0acf48 adjust collateral by 1 BTS, debt by 1 CALLCNY05MARCH19
bd1f3014 paid 1,450 BTS for 371 CNY
79f7e030 wants 7,851 BTS for 0.0923 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0923 OPEN.BTC for 7,851 BTS
da3533ed adjust collateral by 442 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
virtual paid 407 BTS for 1,244 RUBLE
22ef6f2a paid 293.3 BTS for 15 USD
c92d9db0 sent 500 RUBLE to
a08c4e8d adjust collateral by 182 BTS, debt by 300 RUBLE
f9b9598f sent 1,600 RUBLE to
cf651862 adjust collateral by 60.6 BTS, debt by 100 RUBLE
53a45e90 adjust collateral by 910 BTS, debt by 1,500 RUBLE
06dc46a9 sent 900 RUBLE to
9b2da8a4 sent 1,000 SEED to
74c3e5b2 paid 0.0447 GDEX.BTC for 1,681 BTS
9582ae70 paid 0.000837 GDEX.BTC for 31.5 BTS
54c18349 paid 0.000749 GDEX.BTC for 28.2 BTS
22879b0b paid 0.000519 GDEX.BTC for 19.53 BTS
8175e249 paid 0.00374 GDEX.BTC for 141 BTS
c04046be paid 0.000721 GDEX.BTC for 27.13 BTS
ace885e1 paid 0.000335 GDEX.BTC for 12.6 BTS
8c8d7a1d paid 0.001257 GDEX.BTC for 47.3 BTS
4010fa5d paid 0.001144 GDEX.BTC for 43 BTS
6b66ca78 wants 2,031 BTS for 0.054 GDEX.BTC
89cefd1b cancel order
325fbd69 paid 0.01055 GDEX.BTC for 395 BTS
75259899 paid 0.01807 GDEX.BTC for 677 BTS
35dc16e0 paid 0.01026 GDEX.BTC for 384 BTS
000556d2 paid 0.01008 GDEX.BTC for 378 BTS
ba2e9274 wants 2,032 BTS for 0.054 GDEX.BTC
b89d67ee paid 0.00415 GDEX.BTC for 155.6 BTS
a36a2b7b wants 2,000 BTS for 0.0534 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002655 GDEX.BTC for 9.95 BTS
8058e269 sent 71 CNY to
719ead35 adjust collateral by 270.3 BTS, debt by 71 CNY
ee65c67c paid 0.324 USD for 0.449 CVCOIN
f5e20712 paid 10.25 USD for 14.2 CVCOIN
33e00912 paid 4.43 USD for 6.14 CVCOIN
e95b36e3 paid 30 CNY for 132.2 GDEX.JRC
a1009e01 wants 132.2 GDEX.JRC for 30 CNY
8eabaf3e adjust collateral by 319 BTS, debt by 30 CNY
e41a191c wants 20.8 CVCOIN for 15 USD
68fee7b2 adjust collateral by 369 BTS, debt by 15 USD
0a61a334 sent 50 CNY to
11c531ef adjust collateral by 517 BTS, debt by 50 CNY
0897b364 wants 672 BTS for 0.0223 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0223 GDEX.BTC for 672 BTS
139883c0 paid 48.6 CNY for 809,293 ELECTRON
a7e6f384 paid 121.2 CNY for 3,980 SEED
67865698 wants 809,293 ELECTRON for 48.6 CNY
1a5858e7 adjust collateral by 27.6 BTS, debt by 20 CNY
cd4e32ba wants 3,980 SEED for 121.2 CNY
c93b68cc cancel order
5be4d81e wants 4,967 SEED for 149.8 CNY
53e5099d cancel order
c0ed632d wants 791 OPULENCE for 50.2 CNY
virtual paid 50.2 CNY for 791 OPULENCE
bdaeb003 wants 4,967 SEED for 149.8 CNY
83dabd3d adjust collateral by 278 BTS, debt by 200 CNY
9a0f43c6 sent 1 BTS to
3fbd0dbb sent 50 SEED to
7b0afe7b sent 1 BTS to
478536b6 sent 1 BTS to
45d5b695 sent 100 SEED to
74f4b41e sent 2 BTS to
34517e1e sent 10 BTS to
b0929587 sent 96.4 CNY to
b94c4a3e paid 111 CNY for 3,638 SEED
4def096b wants 3,638 SEED for 111 CNY
1dfb9557 wants 21.5 CVCOIN for 31.6 USD
virtual paid 31.6 USD for 21.5 CVCOIN
a7a5daac wants 31.6 USD for 200 CNY
virtual paid 200 CNY for 31.6 USD
2fc26215 wants 1,251 SEER for 200 CNY
virtual paid 200 CNY for 1,251 SEER
9ecd0c19 wants 2,702,703 ELECTRON for 300 CNY
virtual paid 300 CNY for 2,702,703 ELECTRON
0836212f wants 908 CNY for 400 BTS
virtual paid 210.7 BTS for 478 CNY
virtual paid 189.3 BTS for 430 CNY
35f48de0 paid 0.0001185 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.104 BTS
0545a7e6 wants 447 BTS for 0.01706 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0169 BRIDGE.BTC for 443 BTS
63347962 paid 0.0000232 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.608 BTS
9ee2d1d5 cancel order
ec0b0232 wants 487 BTS for 0.01706 BRIDGE.BTC
ff291a46 wants 0.00069 BTWTY for 2,348 BTS
virtual paid 2,348 BTS for 0.00069 BTWTY