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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.596 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.2387 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.596
DEEX 0.1
TESLACOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
VITAL 53,237
c489dbad sent 0.1 DEEX to
d3c8e975 paid 0.0001 OPEN.WAVES for 0.00184 BTS
534dea87 wants 102.2 VITAL for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 102.2 VITAL
f2fd852a cancel order
8fab9356 wants 2,500 VITAL for 24 BTS
virtual paid 23 BTS for 2,396 VITAL
43d9fc33 paid 0.0225 OPEN.WAVES for 0.418 BTS
a8d3bca3 sent 6.28 OPEN.WAVES to
8d093a3f sent 10 OPEN.WAVES to
eb3edd29 wants 39,308 VITAL for 375 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 5,435 VITAL
virtual paid 13.54 BTS for 1,456 VITAL
virtual paid 154.7 BTS for 16,456 VITAL
virtual paid 157.2 BTS for 16,456 VITAL
dccb97ed wants 10,989 VITAL for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 10,989 VITAL
5d81ffc4 paid 0.521 OPEN.WAVES for 9.63 BTS
f6152af0 paid 2.303 OPEN.WAVES for 42.6 BTS
54c9c4d1 paid 2.303 OPEN.WAVES for 42.6 BTS
f2119d42 paid 0.83 OPEN.WAVES for 15.36 BTS
9115095e paid 0.1088 OPEN.WAVES for 2.013 BTS
cb3488f3 paid 0.707 OPEN.WAVES for 13.07 BTS
7b0eef7e paid 0.241 OPEN.WAVES for 4.46 BTS
6ffefc1b paid 0.532 OPEN.WAVES for 9.83 BTS
ba75f2f9 paid 1.293 OPEN.WAVES for 23.9 BTS
e46a2e12 paid 0.451 OPEN.WAVES for 8.34 BTS
02994a77 paid 0.1882 OPEN.WAVES for 3.48 BTS
6c78c16f paid 0.066 OPEN.WAVES for 1.22 BTS
20cafb27 paid 0.0581 OPEN.WAVES for 1.074 BTS
24df2aa9 wants 500 BTS for 27.04 OPEN.WAVES
virtual paid 8.07 OPEN.WAVES for 149.2 BTS
f9825a24 paid 3.78 OPEN.WAVES for 69.8 BTS
57ced19c paid 1.503 OPEN.WAVES for 27.8 BTS
ddba773d paid 3.78 OPEN.WAVES for 69.8 BTS
47a81156 paid 0.294 OPEN.WAVES for 5.43 BTS