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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.484 BTS
Lifetime fees paid116.8 BTS
Cashback/vesting0.00074 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.484
CNY 12.68
BADCOIN 10,000
SBCHAIN 20,188
ae7731d3 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
cb40198b sent 20,188 SBCHAIN to
fe8d410b sent 0.1 TURION to
79b8d645 paid 0.27 OPEN.EOS for 12.68 CNY
8d11696b upgrade account
b484c00e wants 91.8 BTS for 116.5 CNY
virtual paid 116.5 CNY for 91.8 BTS
d072c3b1 cancel order
6ecc0c81 wants 112.3 BTS for 142.5 CNY
virtual paid 26 CNY for 20.5 BTS
cb582514 cancel order
ddd22e51 wants 112.8 BTS for 142.5 CNY
ccd922da wants 12.68 CNY for 0.27 OPEN.EOS
b1de0d3d sent 47,950 CNY to
cad7d013 sent 640 CNY to
a0ea05f9 sent 5,000 CNY to
0495c700 sent 25,200 CNY to
4722ba51 sent 10,000 CNY to
b0277e8a sent 5,555 CNY to
fe4819d7 paid 1,300 BTS for 5,395 CNY
aa6b2b14 wants 5,395 CNY for 1,300 BTS
f114f80c cancel order
1ee38288 wants 5,330 CNY for 1,300 BTS
a9699b8b wants 1,300 BTS for 5,070 CNY
virtual paid 232.4 CNY for 59.6 BTS
virtual paid 4,838 CNY for 1,240 BTS
cb084c48 cancel order
c3a38b0f wants 2,350 BTS for 5,170 CNY
e87b0e82 sent 90,000 CNY to
79a8abe4 paid 9,967 BTS for 33,619 CNY
5e0be3a7 wants 33,619 CNY for 9,967 BTS
521c3c49 cancel order
8e883f82 wants 33,888 CNY for 9,967 BTS
1a0e89f6 cancel order
2cd7eb9e wants 33,688 CNY for 9,967 BTS
0b483bf4 cancel order
2d9a7c7d wants 34,386 CNY for 9,967 BTS
57bcab31 cancel order
839c5f56 wants 34,386 CNY for 9,967 BTS
6c22cceb cancel order
1978070c wants 33,590 CNY for 3.37 BTS
ec25ecfe cancel order
e12bd2ab wants 33,590 CNY for 3.37 BTS
7ea2f7cc cancel order
8334c7cc paid 50 BTS for 172.5 CNY
b42aaa84 paid 14.48 BTS for 50 CNY
c77c9690 paid 14.53 BTS for 50.1 CNY
dfce84c5 paid 9,954 BTS for 34,340 CNY
977a207a wants 69,000 CNY for 20,000 BTS
2544023b cancel order
43255f7f sent 1,420 CNY to
ca7609b6 wants 110,000 CNY for 20,000 BTS
5477aadf cancel order
47f4d0b7 wants 89,500 CNY for 20,000 BTS
bc22da4e wants 20,000 BTS for 90,000 CNY
virtual paid 90,000 CNY for 20,000 BTS
dc22d3ee paid 22,253 BTS for 96,357 CNY
5893ddcb paid 2.38 BTS for 10.31 CNY
e47cc826 paid 2,216 BTS for 9,597 CNY
4ec2a69b paid 156.3 BTS for 677 CNY
5ce47990 paid 147.5 BTS for 639 CNY
06e13135 paid 156.3 BTS for 677 CNY
d63a22eb paid 9.38 BTS for 40.6 CNY
bdac432c paid 24.84 BTS for 107.6 CNY
16055620 paid 8.49 BTS for 36.8 CNY
ed884147 paid 15.04 BTS for 65.1 CNY
f27675a5 paid 10.2 BTS for 44.2 CNY
882bdcd9 wants 108,250 CNY for 25,000 BTS
c418b37b cancel order
1bc3f192 wants 107,500 CNY for 25,000 BTS
92e19d56 cancel order
9b2129fb wants 125,000 CNY for 25,000 BTS
ecb820d4 wants 25,000 BTS for 107,500 CNY
virtual paid 12,800 CNY for 2,977 BTS
virtual paid 89,427 CNY for 20,797 BTS
virtual paid 5,273 CNY for 1,226 BTS
eda46c78 cancel order
9224bcf6 wants 4,920 BTS for 17,712 CNY
5a0169af cancel order
30c9f57d wants 5,649 BTS for 17,712 CNY
eb9c5485 cancel order
77d47191 cancel order
695906b6 wants 3,290 BTS for 9,999 CNY
8592cc7c wants 65,766 BTS for 199,199 CNY
834e9220 wants 1,785 CNY for 452 BTS
virtual paid 452 BTS for 1,785 CNY
bc5b0ebd cancel order
e28569ee paid 1,784 CNY for 452 BTS
a0e090ca wants 65,000 BTS for 256,750 CNY
56a2b124 sent 20,000 CNY to
2a531092 sent 56,000 CNY to
9bb91b3e cancel order
74628565 wants 87,932 BTS for 334,142 CNY
21e34e42 cancel order
3e3761cd wants 107,000 BTS for 332,076 CNY
4620b03a cancel order
0ce3bbc3 wants 151,820 BTS for 334,004 CNY
2bf56a34 cancel order
6ea278f0 wants 16,700 BTS for 33,400 CNY
75363e6a paid 49,430 BTS for 176,958 CNY
da0a3225 wants 250,425 CNY for 69,951 BTS
virtual paid 20,521 BTS for 73,466 CNY
d40f8836 cancel order
b97f5bcf paid 992 BTS for 3,552 CNY
f2831ffd paid 812 BTS for 2,908 CNY
745cdae1 paid 1,391 BTS for 4,980 CNY
0264f46b wants 270,398 CNY for 75,530 BTS
virtual paid 2,383 BTS for 8,544 CNY
3e09bed4 cancel order
546efcb2 wants 270,776 CNY for 75,530 BTS
e85461a8 cancel order
8f6e4a32 wants 270,776 CNY for 3.59 BTS
8e2ddee4 cancel order
b7b77b69 wants 54,000 CNY for 15,000 BTS
319fe632 paid 4,920 BTS for 17,712 CNY
f3d3f361 wants 17,712 CNY for 4,920 BTS
6609a197 paid 12,535 BTS for 45,126 CNY
ee28fa4b wants 45,126 CNY for 12,535 BTS
36a43ee8 adjust collateral by -53,151 BTS, debt by -30,000 CNY
5158200d paid 2,765 BTS for 10,480 CNY
b786b0e0 paid 182.6 BTS for 692 CNY
f8a4b313 paid 792 BTS for 3,000 CNY
17450594 paid 2,638 BTS for 9,998 CNY
6dc3c3c8 paid 184.7 BTS for 700 CNY
2c837694 wants 30,547 CNY for 8,060 BTS
virtual paid 1,498 BTS for 5,692 CNY
6b62e04e cancel order
f720cca0 cancel order
b7c9fcaf paid 82 BTS for 315.6 CNY
0151e391 wants 31,031 CNY for 8,060 BTS
94517765 wants 32,240 CNY for 8,060 BTS
ee7e4b05 wants 8,030 BTS for 30,353 CNY
virtual paid 30,353 CNY for 8,030 BTS
e887d93e cancel order
aa1f1eeb wants 8,060 BTS for 30,346 CNY
dc38db43 adjust collateral by 53,151 BTS, debt by 30,000 CNY
f4076f15 adjust collateral by -49,401 BTS, debt by -20,000 CNY
f39036e6 paid 5,920 BTS for 20,306 CNY
5db164e2 wants 20,306 CNY for 5,920 BTS
507a0f8f cancel order
30ee6e69 wants 20,246 CNY for 3.42 BTS
452e73e8 cancel order
5a8fd04e wants 20,557 CNY for 3.46 BTS
cc891025 cancel order
81dd8d15 wants 20,230 CNY for 5,950 BTS
6d32c444 cancel order
f4fab586 wants 26,775 CNY for 5,950 BTS
3f90dea8 paid 19,846 CNY for 5,924 BTS
65d8d864 paid 1.558 CNY for 0.465 BTS
5a2deea5 wants 5,950 BTS for 19,933 CNY
fab9405a paid 50.6 CNY for 15.1 BTS
d5e6c434 paid 34.8 CNY for 10.4 BTS
e2888e86 cancel order
38043b0f wants 8,666 BTS for 19,932 CNY
e8b2a9a4 adjust collateral by 49,401 BTS, debt by 20,000 CNY
212fde3d cancel order
b85ebc70 wants 203,179 CNY for 88,147 BTS
dd325488 adjust collateral by -31,513 BTS, debt by -20,000 CNY
735ab292 cancel order
578b2600 wants 5,700 BTS for 19,950 CNY
573eded2 cancel order
a64335b8 wants 5,500 BTS for 19,545 CNY
d2057d8a adjust collateral by 31,513 BTS, debt by 20,000 CNY
b76e6de7 sent 429 CNY to
d3a41a76 cancel order
3a0b4a73 paid 34.1 BTS for 100 CNY
1fe173dc paid 34.1 BTS for 100 CNY
a971a972 wants 522 CNY for 178 BTS
fbc24bca cancel order
849e5afe wants 522 CNY for 2.935 BTS
b298233d cancel order
325247e5 paid 19.53 BTS for 57.5 CNY
d90a34db paid 15.63 BTS for 46 CNY
a906a650 paid 7.81 BTS for 23 CNY
7aa0a6bc paid 16.32 BTS for 48.1 CNY
21b52b2d paid 9.77 BTS for 28.76 CNY
267b54d0 paid 7.81 BTS for 23 CNY
1f353749 wants 751 CNY for 255 BTS
dc2e7e77 cancel order
d6610d09 wants 752 CNY for 255 BTS
810ce737 wants 1 BTS for 2.95 CNY
virtual paid 2.95 CNY for 1 BTS
cf5c73b1 paid 0.0488 CNY for 0.0184 BTS
0fe85c0a paid 2,869 CNY for 1,083 BTS
51f55e25 wants 4,920 BTS for 13,038 CNY
3ad80d76 paid 344 CNY for 129.7 BTS
0f241854 paid 9,825 CNY for 3,707 BTS
2fb180c5 cancel order