立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



BTS5Wu22ZL3XqQ7CoDYXiQft5vypntcTNRPHBHWg27eGyNShaSStc 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
1 50%
BTS5NmoZGKKkcdigdT6Z9nKpWwaXhuthtGUBbi4gCtvbRJuAMSP2M 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.004 BTS
Lifetime fees paid60.6 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.004
RUBLE 0.00002
DEEX 0.1
OPEN.KRM 0.875
ZALUPA 0.002
XBTSX.STH 0.0488
15179822 sent 1 BTS to
6c2be64a sent 0.001 BTS to
2562f253 sent 0.5 BTS to
501e7861 sent 1.4 BTS to
0ecf8b7a sent 0.6 BTS to
f4a3b95f sent 1 RUBLE to
b66d1c4e sent 1 BTS to
56a8d86a sent 1 BTS to
da5dd6bd sent 1 BTS to
353f03a8 sent 1 BTS to
39ac6d43 sent 1 BTS to
33a39565 sent 1 BTS to
100be607 sent 1 BTS to
2733c46a sent 1 BTS to
21895102 sent 1 BTS to
ff102f7d sent 1 BTS to
181810fa sent 1 BTS to
08291511 wants 0.0627 BTS for 0.295 RUBLE
virtual paid 0.295 RUBLE for 0.0627 BTS
virtual cancel order
15e626df sent 1 RUBLE to
a154c81e sent 0.2 RUBLE to
e8f89c62 sent 3 BTS to
20ac5a83 sent 2 RUBLE to
cddca117 sent 1 RUBLE to
39d7d941 sent 1 RUBLE to
4572bed3 sent 1 RUBLE to
420fabae sent 1 RUBLE to
d3029c91 sent 1 RUBLE to
59843de8 sent 1 RUBLE to
34750f51 sent 1 RUBLE to
50658e96 sent 1 RUBLE to
da6d9770 sent 1 RUBLE to
f255c078 sent 1 RUBLE to
e44e71fe sent 1 RUBLE to
fbff7148 sent 1 RUBLE to
8cfbf764 sent 4 RUBLE to
fba4fb3d paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.00002 RUBLE
119a837b paid 0.0943 BTS for 0.262 RUBLE
0f2410ff sent 2 RUBLE to
08e17b91 sent 12 RUBLE to
71215b45 paid 0.00135 BTS for 0.00375 RUBLE
026d4241 wants 13.9 RUBLE for 5 BTS
virtual paid 1.664 BTS for 4.62 RUBLE
f92271ff paid 3.24 BTS for 9 RUBLE
62265418 sent 1 RUBLE to
e556be3b sent 2 RUBLE to
007466e3 sent 1 RUBLE to
6119d840 sent 2 RUBLE to
8f04b34f wants 2.457 RUBLE for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 2.457 RUBLE
0ee84d0f sent 1 RUBLE to
c8c25386 sent 1 RUBLE to
5530131b sent 1 RUBLE to
dfd59a42 sent 1 RUBLE to
e67790c1 sent 1 RUBLE to
6fcf6eee sent 1 RUBLE to
ed4994ca sent 0.5 RUBLE to
ae3df9d3 sent 1 RUBLE to
ba7ed7b5 sent 1 RUBLE to
a46cb92b sent 3 RUBLE to
dfdcb23f sent 1 RUBLE to
72739338 sent 3 RUBLE to
4a6e9747 sent 3 RUBLE to
8f467666 sent 3 RUBLE to
8fe37cbb sent 3 RUBLE to
6a14bac7 sent 3 RUBLE to
4ded4d26 sent 2 RUBLE to
9fffb298 sent 5 RUBLE to
536914ca sent 3 RUBLE to
fdefa4ad sent 1 RUBLE to
455fe5be sent 1 RUBLE to
620f32fa sent 1 RUBLE to
17fa613e sent 1 RUBLE to
ae7363c5 sent 1 RUBLE to
8929a6d5 sent 1 RUBLE to
9e96ed1e sent 1 RUBLE to
3b7b687a sent 1 RUBLE to
9305c8fe sent 1 RUBLE to
4931d3f9 sent 2 RUBLE to
a0306a3e sent 1 RUBLE to
36964dc4 sent 10 RUBLE to
554e277c wants 14.15 RUBLE for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 14.15 RUBLE
cf9a76fa paid 1.582 RUBLE for 0.63 BTS
virtual cancel order
331994d5 sent 1 RUBLE to
f8e9a426 sent 1 RUBLE to
07f13aa9 sent 1 RUBLE to
09473302 sent 1 RUBLE to
0a5a4f68 wants 0.764 BTS for 2 RUBLE
virtual paid 2 RUBLE for 0.764 BTS
virtual cancel order
822ea9fa wants 0.63 BTS for 1.582 RUBLE
virtual paid 0.00005 RUBLE for 0.00002 BTS
469e78ff sent 1 RUBLE to
b14a7d61 sent 1 RUBLE to
14ee04f1 sent 5 RUBLE to
cb8fb0b8 sent 1 RUBLE to
53583003 sent 1 RUBLE to
f1c3295a sent 1 RUBLE to
e39d11f8 sent 1 RUBLE to
adcb3d33 sent 1 RUBLE to
32681908 sent 2 RUBLE to
305ca257 sent 1 RUBLE to
c742baef sent 3 RUBLE to
da26517e sent 1 RUBLE to
f8c08689 sent 3 RUBLE to
6e0882bb sent 1 RUBLE to
3972b273 sent 8 RUBLE to
ee6465e0 sent 2 RUBLE to
e0d094b8 sent 2 RUBLE to
bb2a2342 sent 3 RUBLE to
4f79d32c sent 3 RUBLE to
3a1c92ac wants 2 BTS for 4.52 RUBLE
virtual paid 4.52 RUBLE for 2 BTS
30f21744 sent 3 RUBLE to
f62f6b7d sent 4 RUBLE to
59ad364f sent 3 RUBLE to
852d8ae8 sent 3 RUBLE to
24ae264f sent 1 RUBLE to
ea927cb8 sent 1 RUBLE to
c59e142b sent 1 RUBLE to
407f1618 sent 15 RUBLE to
35106f74 sent 1 RUBLE to
9c243bcd sent 1 RUBLE to
6b2e5dae sent 1 RUBLE to
2c8bbd9c sent 1 RUBLE to
65ae8862 sent 1 RUBLE to
fc294031 sent 1 RUBLE to
8f05aee4 paid 3.004 RUBLE for 1.04 BTS
95588b3b sent 1 RUBLE to
ed1ddfdd sent 1 RUBLE to
e914ed29 wants 1.772 BTS for 5.12 RUBLE
virtual paid 2.116 RUBLE for 0.732 BTS
0fe57eb8 sent 5 RUBLE to
e3fea7b8 sent 1 RUBLE to
0b2ef444 sent 1 RUBLE to
80a5d908 sent 3 RUBLE to
272ab99f sent 4 RUBLE to
aab70508 sent 4 RUBLE to
2237a016 sent 4 RUBLE to
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5c2befe9 sent 2 RUBLE to
0041e01d sent 25 RUBLE to
551c0be1 sent 30 RUBLE to
1512f35c sent 2.5 BTS to
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9dcf38a1 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
36c07e04 wants 14.33 RUBLE for 2 BTS
virtual paid 2 BTS for 14.33 RUBLE
18516f21 sent 5 BTS to
1f5a1a05 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
953d232d sent 4.95 RUBLE to
afb9afb3 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
50e806f7 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
a928b03e sent 4.95 RUBLE to
a4ad2486 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
dc04b85d sent 4.95 RUBLE to
51b0d110 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
ef24c464 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
16f9dc24 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
cb054305 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
409ef2e1 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
48198251 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
85caad50 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
b8f54411 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
eb5bf44d sent 4.95 RUBLE to
e7b412a3 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
ecf3abad sent 4.95 RUBLE to
d334efc0 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
f6926097 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
17f83fa5 sent 4.95 RUBLE to
3b8377ad sent 4.95 RUBLE to
d02179e3 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
5888435d sent 9.9 RUBLE to
2e17c6b8 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
697d06b0 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
86b94f8b sent 9.9 RUBLE to
75401c1f sent 9.9 RUBLE to
c4778032 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
fae00911 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
89a45836 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
24640d34 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
8b309386 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
1fa5d8a5 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
4287b6f1 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
8e189993 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
a2d72162 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
17c8a52b sent 9.9 RUBLE to
0806c320 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
e8b7ff53 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
cdf054f4 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
960ad056 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
89ae58ac sent 9.9 RUBLE to
64629f02 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
3c0f85ef sent 9.9 RUBLE to
3349f388 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
759a332b sent 9.9 RUBLE to
d6cabb66 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
08a5a5bf sent 9.9 RUBLE to
a1a701fc sent 9.9 RUBLE to
6f145fa3 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
501d6f32 sent 9.9 RUBLE to
0fbef74c sent 50 RUBLE to