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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00009 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.722 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00009
DEEX 0.1
LIQPAY 0.005
f4ce2988 issue 25,000 BRIDGE.XAP to
098d904d issue 37,319 BRIDGE.XAP to
4f2ec30b issue 100 BRIDGE.XAP to
d6d8861d sent 0.1 DEEX to
68e06316 sent 0.00682 BRIDGE.BTC to
07f8df5c wants 0.00337 BRIDGE.BTC for 296 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 296 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00337 BRIDGE.BTC
829d72c4 wants 0.00345 BRIDGE.BTC for 303.5 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 303.5 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00345 BRIDGE.BTC
a8419a45 cancel order
e1a40812 wants 0.00922 BRIDGE.BTC for 595 BRIDGE.XAP
51da9a6f sent 0.705 BRIDGE.XAP to
423712bd sent 1,000 BRIDGE.ESCO to
11ddc5d6 sent 0.0273 BRIDGE.BTC to
8b8a7ddb wants 0.0198 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,466 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,466 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0198 BRIDGE.BTC
8e86cd44 cancel order
001d6c8a wants 0.0276 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,009 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 542 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00746 BRIDGE.BTC
928887b5 sent 0.0153 BRIDGE.BTC to
92e9185a wants 0.01255 BRIDGE.BTC for 890 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 64.4 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.000908 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 826 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01164 BRIDGE.BTC
0959acc0 wants 0.002944 BRIDGE.BTC for 207.3 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 207.3 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.002944 BRIDGE.BTC
b2b66222 cancel order
0169d65c sent 0.0367 BRIDGE.BTC to
9cfec923 wants 0.001783 BRIDGE.BTC for 18 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 18 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.001783 BRIDGE.BTC
3e6130db cancel order
e65b426f wants 0.02323 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,106 BRIDGE.XAP
d0e902aa wants 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,894 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,894 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
357ab47d cancel order
b0b77f51 wants 0.063 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
3b741b8a wants 0.0027 BRIDGE.BTC for 18 BRIDGE.ESCO
b64beb65 sent 0.201 BRIDGE.BTC to
4086c196 wants 0.00887 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.9 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 73.9 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.00887 BRIDGE.BTC
56f21dab cancel order
c4b6b4f2 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0534 BRIDGE.BTC
f13cf5df wants 0.0534 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XAP
a22b351d paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0258 BRIDGE.BTC
f0fd4057 wants 0.0258 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP
5ed74890 wants 0.02005 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02005 BRIDGE.BTC
802561dc cancel order
58008cb2 wants 0.02094 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XAP
4f9bbe87 wants 0.0391 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 853 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.01668 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,147 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02244 BRIDGE.BTC
b65c0bbe wants 0.054 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,999 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 2,999 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.054 BRIDGE.BTC
5986dd91 sent 0.0986 BRIDGE.BTC to
4873bc1d wants 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,334 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 2,334 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
af2e2b64 wants 0.00935 BRIDGE.BTC for 667 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 667 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00935 BRIDGE.BTC
3db484d2 paid 2.537 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.000454 BRIDGE.BTC
6f82faa3 paid 97.5 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01744 BRIDGE.BTC
d5b0099e paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0388 BRIDGE.BTC
22a5e592 wants 0.0388 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
b4daef4c wants 0.0184 BRIDGE.BTC for 92 BRIDGE.ESCO
c992e36a wants 0.0179 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ESCO
3327e3fc cancel order
06de1213 sent 0.0373 BRIDGE.BTC to
16e654fa wants 0.0344 BRIDGE.BTC for 192 BRIDGE.ESCO
357a45a1 cancel order
3565a0d2 paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0357 BRIDGE.BTC
131c516a paid 7.6 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.001332 BRIDGE.BTC
2f994648 wants 0.0351 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.ESCO
4fe2e86a wants 0.0357 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
c02219d5 sent 0.2004 BRIDGE.BTC to
04abfb1e paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC
99bf371d wants 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
d98b04f6 sent 100 BRIDGE.ESCO to
48850a4b cancel order
8bc66cb9 wants 0.01435 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ESCO
a460a00b cancel order
d85322bc paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC
f7588853 wants 0.045 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
3234180b paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.02715 BRIDGE.BTC
584b8674 wants 0.02715 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
7a5872aa paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC
d9cb563f wants 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
007f4f94 wants 0.02058 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ESCO
deb88e21 wants 0.0309 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0309 BRIDGE.BTC
c035885b cancel order
062bc3bf wants 0.0434 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
767639b4 cancel order
9df81739 wants 0.0529 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
76443881 sent 598 BRIDGE.ESCO to
19d3f52b paid 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.27 BRIDGE.ESCO
25491321 paid 0.01697 BRIDGE.BTC for 86.7 BRIDGE.ESCO
3ce853b0 wants 100 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01957 BRIDGE.BTC
88685474 paid 2,999 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0577 BRIDGE.BTC
f9223f13 wants 0.0577 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,999 BRIDGE.XAP
e8f26e2c paid 0.0367 BRIDGE.BTC for 204 BRIDGE.ESCO
fcbc45d9 wants 204 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0367 BRIDGE.BTC
abc829a9 sent 25,155 BRIDGE.XAP to
cb3ebb9a wants 1,200 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0229 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0229 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,200 BRIDGE.XAP
6198d4d5 wants 3,149 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0598 BRIDGE.BTC
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virtual paid 0.057 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.XAP
8b590877 cancel order
b30f5d5b wants 4,300 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0774 BRIDGE.BTC
b6ebb5da paid 0.02134 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,123 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.131 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,278 BRIDGE.XAP
789b7363 paid 0.0001493 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.86 BRIDGE.XAP
fdf2483a paid 0.0165 BRIDGE.BTC for 869 BRIDGE.XAP
79f213c0 wants 3,997 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0791 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0791 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,997 BRIDGE.XAP
1d851ffc wants 2,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.038 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.038 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XAP
5d70ad65 wants 4,860 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0923 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0543 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,860 BRIDGE.XAP
42d6c5ea paid 0.02398 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,331 BRIDGE.XAP
4af65157 paid 0.00775 BRIDGE.BTC for 431 BRIDGE.XAP
79b99804 paid 0.0173 BRIDGE.BTC for 960 BRIDGE.XAP
154858d1 wants 10,000 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.18 BRIDGE.BTC
76ddfc00 paid 0.0164 BRIDGE.BTC for 75.1 BRIDGE.ESCO
f47072ee wants 75.1 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0164 BRIDGE.BTC
ccbf6df7 paid 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC for 220 BRIDGE.ESCO
f3b6d78b paid 50 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01422 BRIDGE.BTC
a35a4f1a wants 0.01422 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.ESCO
c6d54139 wants 220 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.053 BRIDGE.BTC
b90ae88f sent 801 BRIDGE.ESCO to
f28a4516 sent 0.0803 BRIDGE.BTC to
911e75bb cancel order
d2a3b60f wants 550 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.1326 BRIDGE.BTC
4f42ac4c cancel order
ba33847f paid 0.2053 BRIDGE.BTC for 853 BRIDGE.ESCO
04822932 wants 1,405 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.338 BRIDGE.BTC
0f53b1ff sent 100.8 BRIDGE.ESCO to
a878b786 paid 0.0283 BRIDGE.BTC for 101 BRIDGE.ESCO
fe014ca9 wants 101 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0283 BRIDGE.BTC