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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight7.83 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.19 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 5.93
CNY 0.0073
IPFS 0.2505
BADCOIN 10,000
TCASH 0.041
d1a1fda0 sent 15,771 CNY to
db45fdd3 sent 15,770 CNY to
8d80dddd sent 15,770 CNY to
5b8810e6 wants 15,785 CNY for 451 IPFS
virtual paid 451 IPFS for 15,785 CNY
dee16105 cancel order
6f3c7d8f wants 18,040 CNY for 451 IPFS
e66c179e sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
d28d85be sent 0.041 TCASH to
74156b1e wants 1.7 IPFS for 72.3 CNY
virtual paid 72.3 CNY for 1.7 IPFS
b957eb9c wants 250 IPFS for 8,411 CNY
virtual paid 8,411 CNY for 250 IPFS
466291c0 cancel order
15263b06 wants 279 IPFS for 8,482 CNY
e7d387d6 sent 2 BTS to
99cad1b4 wants 10 BTS for 6.15 CNY
virtual paid 6.15 CNY for 10.02 BTS
67517193 cancel order
1569416b wants 10 BTS for 6.1 CNY
6a125d29 paid 5,230 BTS for 3,164 CNY
46c1f8af wants 8,491 CNY for 14,035 BTS
virtual paid 8,805 BTS for 5,327 CNY
0bbc054f cancel order
1b29d2fb wants 8,519 CNY for 14,034 BTS
dde1993e cancel order
1539e651 wants 8,589 CNY for 14,034 BTS
914d1d67 cancel order
0039bce0 paid 14.7 BTS for 0.294 IPFS
ba5fd234 paid 155 BTS for 3.1 IPFS
ca4a379c paid 504 BTS for 10.08 IPFS
08d44388 paid 24.1 BTS for 0.482 IPFS
fc02f098 paid 9.67 BTS for 0.1934 IPFS
52131d0d paid 23.67 BTS for 0.473 IPFS
c88ba604 paid 266.5 BTS for 5.33 IPFS
4ebeff29 paid 380 BTS for 7.59 IPFS
aa3db6cb paid 147 BTS for 2.94 IPFS
6d9f919c paid 526 BTS for 10.51 IPFS
8ce31ca4 paid 303.6 BTS for 6.07 IPFS
113e4724 paid 0.66 BTS for 0.0132 IPFS
1cb2f6b0 paid 0.67 BTS for 0.0134 IPFS
2ef61dc9 paid 748 BTS for 14.97 IPFS
bf1ebb39 paid 1,497 BTS for 29.93 IPFS
099a2bf2 paid 19.54 BTS for 0.391 IPFS
06c30139 paid 4.89 BTS for 0.0977 IPFS
9a01d4d3 paid 3.91 BTS for 0.0782 IPFS
94519b79 paid 22.24 BTS for 0.445 IPFS
b664ecd3 paid 518 BTS for 10.36 IPFS
85db8f84 paid 3.66 BTS for 0.0731 IPFS
4f4c0aaf paid 1,277 BTS for 25.55 IPFS
30d0a8a0 paid 65.5 BTS for 1.31 IPFS
b53f745d paid 9.77 BTS for 0.1954 IPFS
10687c91 paid 11.86 BTS for 0.237 IPFS
2cc99b67 paid 13.7 BTS for 0.274 IPFS
a6b2986c paid 2,373 BTS for 47.5 IPFS
98820f51 paid 121.4 BTS for 2.43 IPFS
7487c8b6 paid 526 BTS for 10.5 IPFS
535e25d8 paid 11.86 BTS for 0.237 IPFS
72470e6f paid 121.4 BTS for 2.43 IPFS
ff2cd7df paid 100 BTS for 2 IPFS
a1410c51 paid 94.9 BTS for 1.898 IPFS
2860c110 paid 60.7 BTS for 1.214 IPFS
e4091642 paid 16.43 BTS for 0.329 IPFS
c72d8d25 paid 25 BTS for 0.5 IPFS
179238c3 wants 200 IPFS for 10,000 BTS