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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight22,714 BTS
Lifetime fees paid15.12 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 6.68
BTSUCN 0.604
2e1b3f35 sent 480 BTS to
4b0a1e87 paid 179 CNY for 335 BTS
f9db80f7 wants 335 BTS for 179 CNY
73f85063 wants 177.6 CNY for 2,400,530 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,400,530 BTSUCN for 179 CNY
virtual cancel order
ac705c0f cancel order
b3410f06 wants 180 CNY for 2,400,530 BTSUCN
1c55acad sent 2,400,529 BTSUCN to
866bf074 paid 65.5 CNY for 123.8 BTS
17c34b4e paid 6.7 CNY for 12.66 BTS
b9ef8b06 paid 6.68 CNY for 12.6 BTS
d17f66d0 wants 149 BTS for 78.9 CNY
764c26c3 wants 7.78 CNY for 106,571 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,570 BTSUCN for 8 CNY
virtual cancel order
8aa2c032 cancel order
804ab017 wants 10.34 CNY for 106,571 BTSUCN
76f248c6 cancel order
b2b19fd0 wants 30 CNY for 399,640 BTSUCN
virtual paid 399,640 BTSUCN for 30.05 CNY
virtual cancel order
5832db4b cancel order
e4f79d6f wants 29.3 CNY for 266,427 BTSUCN
2b14af68 wants 135.4 BTS for 40.9 CNY
bbcfd96f wants 11.67 CNY for 159,857 BTSUCN
virtual paid 159,857 BTSUCN for 11.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
e1f81812 cancel order
9970ff65 wants 29.2 CNY for 399,641 BTSUCN
virtual paid 399,641 BTSUCN for 29.25 CNY
virtual cancel order
c9fcd177 wants 16 CNY for 159,857 BTSUCN
30f9642c sent 6,075 BTS to
6f5207fa sent 100 BTS to
3798181c wants 6,167 BTS for 2,473 CNY
virtual paid 2,473 CNY for 6,182 BTS
e696c61f wants 261 CNY for 3,623,406 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,132,729 BTSUCN for 155.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,490,677 BTSUCN for 108.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
8f363781 cancel order
c99306c2 wants 460 CNY for 3,623,406 BTSUCN
5db03b75 cancel order
daa6b4c4 wants 2,212 CNY for 5,831 BTS
virtual paid 5,831 BTS for 2,212 CNY
virtual cancel order
47d8520f wants 460 CNY for 3,623,406 BTSUCN
c11fd380 cancel order
98554795 wants 325 CNY for 2,957,338 BTSUCN
9790236c cancel order
f3fabc59 wants 567 CNY for 159,856 BTSUCN
9c6f5899 paid 186.5 CNY for 836 BTS
54a09c96 wants 836 BTS for 186.5 CNY
b8bcb75a paid 53,285 BTSUCN for 186.7 CNY
2713115e wants 186.7 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
521ae742 paid 189.5 CNY for 845 BTS
bff1899d wants 845 BTS for 189.5 CNY
198638a9 paid 53,285 BTSUCN for 189.7 CNY
44cfd72f wants 189.7 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
cb5573fe paid 171.4 CNY for 763 BTS
e0a4b6fc wants 763 BTS for 171.4 CNY
2446bd66 paid 53,285 BTSUCN for 171.6 CNY
7ee73c73 wants 171.6 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
24d72448 paid 341 CNY for 1,521 BTS
d02058b6 wants 1,521 BTS for 341 CNY
87696b53 paid 106,571 BTSUCN for 341 CNY
83dc0f11 wants 341 CNY for 106,571 BTSUCN
1f8f214f paid 165.6 CNY for 745 BTS
3fda7184 wants 745 BTS for 165.6 CNY
e48fae7c paid 53,285 BTSUCN for 165.7 CNY
428ee39e wants 165.7 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
9c673719 paid 250 CNY for 1,064 BTS
aeee90a8 wants 1,064 BTS for 250 CNY
f7163fa8 paid 79,928 BTSUCN for 250 CNY
f97b7a41 wants 250 CNY for 79,928 BTSUCN
c11e150c sent 22,800 BTS to
7907a7bc sent 100 BTS to
c8b2e914 wants 1,141 BTS for 414 CNY
virtual paid 414 CNY for 1,159 BTS
cdfc296c paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 84 CNY
eff810f8 wants 84 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
acab1289 wants 82.1 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
virtual paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 82.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
1cce5728 cancel order
763f82c9 wants 82.3 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
f404a3d5 cancel order
5dc89003 wants 82.3 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
d429af79 paid 79,928 BTSUCN for 248.6 CNY
fd9a7544 wants 248.6 CNY for 79,928 BTSUCN
e883ce27 paid 165 CNY for 520 BTS
d3dd836d wants 520 BTS for 165 CNY
7dd563f3 paid 53,285 BTSUCN for 165.2 CNY
4e3c616c wants 165.2 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
3338e51e wants 912 BTS for 330 CNY
virtual paid 330 CNY for 912 BTS
af663d25 paid 90,880 BTSUCN for 282 CNY
bc711827 paid 15,690 BTSUCN for 48.6 CNY
8262d38c wants 330 CNY for 106,570 BTSUCN
179176a5 paid 165 CNY for 734 BTS
e551922a wants 734 BTS for 165 CNY
5cd1a469 paid 53,285 BTSUCN for 165.2 CNY
34423633 wants 165.2 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
7007257e wants 1,076 BTS for 244 CNY
virtual paid 244 CNY for 1,076 BTS
92aa99a1 paid 79,927 BTSUCN for 244.4 CNY
346799ae wants 244.4 CNY for 79,927 BTSUCN
13f7a208 cancel order
192759d5 paid 82.5 CNY for 367 BTS
1ea03a15 wants 367 BTS for 82.5 CNY
ef1b2b24 wants 85.5 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
e5f2b20b paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 82.6 CNY
ebf582d0 wants 82.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
63df5a5c paid 81.5 CNY for 363 BTS
e74720c6 wants 363 BTS for 81.5 CNY
ff4d5a22 wants 81.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
virtual paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 81.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
824291b7 wants 359 BTS for 81.5 CNY
virtual paid 81.5 CNY for 362 BTS
666cd128 wants 81.4 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
virtual paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 81.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
b02647b7 cancel order
56ecdc89 wants 81.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
e9a6a185 paid 81.5 CNY for 353 BTS
00477358 wants 353 BTS for 81.5 CNY
4eb6625f wants 81.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
virtual paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 81.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
07aa561d cancel order
cb43a5d3 wants 720 BTS for 166.3 CNY
virtual paid 101.7 CNY for 441 BTS
virtual paid 64.7 CNY for 280.3 BTS
fac46191 wants 82.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
c2e092ca paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 84.2 CNY
12f7b019 paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 82.3 CNY
4b8c2ffc wants 82.3 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
0b868a8e wants 84.2 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
00d4a9e8 paid 82.2 CNY for 329 BTS
c69a4bba wants 329 BTS for 82.2 CNY
2dcaa6bb paid 16,456 BTSUCN for 50.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
fae10938 paid 354 BTSUCN for 1.093 CNY
c85eb6d5 paid 1,807 BTSUCN for 5.59 CNY
32d972ff paid 324 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
0168150e paid 12.85 BTSUCN for 0.0397 CNY
a992af5f paid 464 BTSUCN for 1.432 CNY
7f7c29f9 paid 752 BTSUCN for 2.324 CNY
6d6b6d10 paid 6,472 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
60760263 wants 82.3 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
45013112 paid 328 CNY for 1,371 BTS
cb2a769e wants 1,371 BTS for 328 CNY
5de53ca0 wants 299 CNY for 97,408 BTSUCN
virtual paid 97,408 BTSUCN for 299 CNY
virtual cancel order
9781a804 cancel order
fc8cdeb9 paid 7,641 BTSUCN for 24 CNY
fc839ac4 wants 167.3 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,520 BTSUCN for 4.77 CNY
ae1b1632 cancel order
0441cc31 wants 168 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
7f560f5c cancel order
00a48f78 wants 181 CNY for 53,285 BTSUCN
4ccd2537 paid 753 CNY for 3,357 BTS
265bb135 wants 3,362 BTS for 755 CNY
virtual paid 1.24 CNY for 5.52 BTS
de1c199e paid 239,779 BTSUCN for 755 CNY
006d298e wants 755 CNY for 239,779 BTSUCN
f8478aac cancel order
30129ec8 cancel order
d90dcdc6 wants 256 CNY for 79,926 BTSUCN
e01bf707 wants 339 CNY for 106,568 BTSUCN
88f1fa9d paid 84.6 CNY for 377 BTS
7b33b066 wants 377 BTS for 84.6 CNY
ec5f80c1 paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 84.7 CNY
d0fa8be5 wants 84.7 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
78492ff1 paid 86.5 CNY for 385 BTS
09989786 wants 385 BTS for 86.5 CNY
b3e95a47 paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 86.6 CNY
312b45d4 paid 82.8 CNY for 369 BTS
2d1d16cf wants 369 BTS for 82.8 CNY
7690dd2f wants 86.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
88bdfcbe paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 82.9 CNY
e23455f0 wants 82.9 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
823d5941 paid 82 CNY for 365 BTS
4138f748 paid 82.5 CNY for 367 BTS
f5acfd11 wants 367 BTS for 82.5 CNY
9f2410c4 paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 82.6 CNY
82b4db05 wants 365 BTS for 82 CNY
a4dda95e wants 82.6 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
1450fb96 paid 11,038 BTSUCN for 34 CNY
693bdad9 paid 15,604 BTSUCN for 48.1 CNY
1e6bcec3 wants 82 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
51c88fcb paid 67.5 CNY for 300.6 BTS
bd138492 wants 360 BTS for 80.9 CNY
f570bba6 paid 13.38 CNY for 59.6 BTS
a01d2a90 paid 26,642 BTSUCN for 81 CNY
931a79d7 wants 81 CNY for 26,642 BTSUCN
32f7d733 paid 81.4 CNY for 363 BTS