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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight4.77 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.305 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.773
DEEX 0.376
LAMBO 0.000031
TESLACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
FIRELOTTO 0.00001666
a56f2e8f sent 16 DEEX to
a984c724 wants 0.03 DEEX for 1 CRYPTOMAT
virtual paid 1 CRYPTOMAT for 0.03 DEEX
virtual cancel order
3c592388 wants 0.03 DEEX for 5 FIRELOTTO
virtual paid 5 FIRELOTTO for 0.03 DEEX
virtual cancel order
95c24e41 wants 12.17 DEEX for 4 BTS
virtual paid 4 BTS for 12.17 DEEX
5f3c59d4 wants 8.85 DEEX for 10 LAMBO
virtual paid 10 LAMBO for 8.85 DEEX
virtual cancel order
c41d9c27 cancel order
93267b83 wants 32.3 DEEX for 10 LAMBO
0ea79ea1 sent 829 DEEX to
f59a4b39 sent 8,000 DEEX to
d5957d9e cancel order
8959bd0f wants 0.0577 DEEX.BTC for 7,500 DEEX
beb6d1ce cancel order
ee1ef232 wants 0.0585 DEEX.BTC for 7,500 DEEX
8db0e148 sent 0.0022 DEEX.BTC to
d7463fc7 cancel order
300d9449 wants 0.0022 DEEX.BTC for 500 DEEX
virtual paid 500 DEEX for 0.0022 DEEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
841edf60 wants 0.00294 DEEX.BTC for 500 DEEX
virtual paid 0.0085 DEEX for 0.00000006 DEEX.BTC
414566ea cancel order
4d97839f wants 0.00494 DEEX.BTC for 500 DEEX
766b8b0f update account/votes
9b9d13f5 cancel order
75043457 paid 587 BTS for 1,049 DEEX
b0a7a960 wants 1,049 DEEX for 587 BTS
270aa1c6 cancel order
99ba2371 wants 1,468 DEEX for 587 BTS
7cfa603e cancel order
28bc0d3b wants 58,741 DEEX for 587 BTS
94a6e8a5 wants 33,291 DEEX for 4.99 BTS
207b3274 cancel order
a4b570ad wants 421,789 BTS for 8,287 DEEX
ed26d725 paid 1,701 BTS for 2,613 DEEX
6f5410f0 wants 2,613 DEEX for 1,701 BTS
250866ec paid 675 BTS for 1,086 DEEX
6876f7af wants 1,086 DEEX for 675 BTS
234c3c9f cancel order
0b5d93cd wants 1,164 DEEX for 675 BTS
e84dc89f cancel order
10688da3 wants 6,754 DEEX for 675 BTS
2f52bbe7 cancel order
4fc61aba wants 1,164 DEEX for 675 BTS
b1a138ff paid 677 BTS for 677 DEEX
ba663ac2 wants 677 DEEX for 677 BTS
105e3624 cancel order
3824cfaa wants 1,302 DEEX for 677 BTS
b8e26328 cancel order
ebe94f29 wants 645 DEEX for 677 BTS
6b6d3c92 cancel order
4d3cd594 wants 645 DEEX for 677 BTS
3a7f2506 cancel order
e5b68f71 wants 676,982 DEEX for 677 BTS
d91e41e1 cancel order
5bbd9492 wants 564 DEEX for 677 BTS
a4c25cb3 cancel order
d20deb5a wants 67,697 DEEX for 677 BTS