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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0453 BTS
Lifetime fees paid179.6 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0453
NOBLE 0.0002
BRIDGE.FLX 0.001583
ffadf793 sent 10.75 BTS to
b5e04e95 sent 229.2 BRIDGE.BCO to
c0fd6290 cancel order
62932e1e wants 0.00447 BRIDGE.BTC for 229.2 BRIDGE.BCO
ae6b8061 cancel order
d1dfc4fc wants 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC for 229.2 BRIDGE.BCO
381f0998 paid 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC for 229.7 BRIDGE.BCO
f73211ea wants 229.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
91713f80 cancel order
9b984422 wants 218.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
93301e0c cancel order
d41d1d2a wants 229.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
9f1261cd cancel order
758c149c wants 221 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
c60d07d3 cancel order
88b9639c wants 229.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
506d5ed4 cancel order
d15658ca cancel order
9df1a9ed wants 229.5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
c8025faf wants 229.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
3bbbbba5 cancel order
02c4c7fd wants 229.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
b511a0f5 cancel order
c42fd1f3 wants 228.4 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
f46490fd cancel order
3dd90ec7 wants 228.5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
ff60218e cancel order
b5b9ae26 wants 229.5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
2050a336 cancel order
6968d9e4 cancel order
9001d7d9 wants 229.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
f91b8aab wants 229.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00432 BRIDGE.BTC
f0e8010b cancel order
dc099ab6 paid 181.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00351 BRIDGE.BTC
da0d35fb wants 0.00351 BRIDGE.BTC for 181.6 BRIDGE.BCO
28d2e8cb paid 0.00342 BRIDGE.BTC for 182 BRIDGE.BCO
3952e40c wants 225.2 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
5105a903 cancel order
4b30449e wants 245 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
c0e82b9b cancel order
e04245c1 wants 235 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
32e39b34 cancel order
b6b1f482 wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
72ed178d cancel order
82fffd80 wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
a6362e30 cancel order
28a61090 wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
155d4d7e cancel order
19450995 wants 225 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
890566a6 cancel order
612b9a66 wants 225.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
b69d5251 cancel order
e87b225c wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
ed09cc1a cancel order
078a74a7 wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
82906333 cancel order
7b057051 wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
d3e35888 cancel order
6c363e84 wants 231.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
ae31517f cancel order
deae971f wants 233.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
aaea15a6 cancel order
f0e19226 wants 245 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
a96a7650 cancel order
40dfc902 cancel order
f1e72743 wants 233.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
5d69e91f wants 245 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
df5feb71 cancel order
e2b8e032 cancel order
d4abdc04 wants 235 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
f6e0f22b wants 245 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
f4cafbcc cancel order
ee81c5f0 wants 235 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
71f8b589 cancel order
3c1b7f02 wants 245 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
211e76f5 paid 203 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
428532bf wants 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
67cc66e2 cancel order
affc6cc7 wants 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
a3fb87d7 cancel order
c4771a3e wants 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
fa841d1d cancel order
c54f7a41 wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
76c4d04e cancel order
6551a6e6 wants 0.00426 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
5406ee1f cancel order
8ce61d50 wants 0.00426 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
578bb703 cancel order
df7b5180 wants 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
e15ce0f2 cancel order
b7fb2b50 wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
1a2be339 cancel order
49357cbc wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
289c264c cancel order
c231d9bb wants 0.00442 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
501e8a4f cancel order
de8458dd wants 0.00443 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
560461a8 cancel order
aef58524 wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
f5b6a342 cancel order
68fff101 wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
3af0517c cancel order
b92c1faf wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
8bacf18b cancel order
76c903e5 wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
a0bfee50 cancel order
eac4b8a7 wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.BCO
2b768abc paid 0.000795 BRIDGE.BTC for 38.6 BRIDGE.BCO
8fc8694f cancel order
9584dff5 paid 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC for 96.8 BRIDGE.BCO
5f0ffd3f wants 135.5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
36e7a05c cancel order
06f9749a wants 135.5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
b01d7120 cancel order
ae16e3ba cancel order
6687a0e5 wants 135.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
aa7b2d01 wants 135.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
43d066f4 cancel order
36a9c441 wants 135.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
ae665383 cancel order
6b76ca16 wants 0.001486 BRIDGE.BTC for 67.7 BRIDGE.BCO
a4f101cd wants 135.8 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
267e0d60 cancel order
44999eac cancel order
7e5b9153 wants 135.9 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
d4c9df6c cancel order
7a52e725 wants 135.9 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
b5d4263d cancel order
9771c8d8 wants 135.9 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
9c05609c cancel order
20da9c2a wants 0.001485 BRIDGE.BTC for 67.7 BRIDGE.BCO
fa930e8f wants 135.9 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.002787 BRIDGE.BTC
c2710878 cancel order
b89e85d4 cancel order
726280c5 paid 0.000928 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.2 BRIDGE.BCO
4c86b298 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
66e08069 cancel order
fd49c56b wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
43cd422d cancel order
ba5a947d wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
a7a24826 cancel order
25f781b5 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
129c6ee8 cancel order
ed6565e4 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
64e174c0 cancel order
534eb152 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
720aea3b cancel order
16a684aa wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
2f51a9a3 cancel order
a3a9a5a3 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
5626693b cancel order
50ec8e2b wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
ab53e2a7 cancel order
6d874902 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
c91ceba5 cancel order
94b05428 wants 0.000494 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.5 BRIDGE.BCO
a09fa332 wants 181 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
ef32a592 cancel order
dd3b1cba cancel order
c54f2fec cancel order
0f336d70 wants 211 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
90643aed wants 215 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
6179e83d cancel order
f446d581 cancel order
ead47b1a wants 185.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC
d922c4b3 wants 0.000494 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.5 BRIDGE.BCO
bd93ff44 cancel order
7e42ec2f wants 197 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00394 BRIDGE.BTC
ac4e0546 paid 0.000222 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.1 BRIDGE.BCO
27d8cb53 paid 0.000229 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.46 BRIDGE.BCO
bfd5fa27 wants 208.3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
ec001ed2 cancel order
ac6a6b7d wants 230 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
17fd01ad cancel order
cab12406 cancel order
570cf2cf wants 221.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
b66c771d wants 227.5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
6bee8186 cancel order
d01b619f wants 229.4 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
54af3465 paid 209 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
47ac4d39 wants 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC for 209 BRIDGE.BCO
5676e9b6 cancel order
885afd6c wants 0.00449 BRIDGE.BTC for 209 BRIDGE.BCO
e9d4a1b8 cancel order
3cf43927 wants 0.00448 BRIDGE.BTC for 209 BRIDGE.BCO
746acba2 cancel order
5f1dd303 paid 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC for 180 BRIDGE.BCO
6e12d262 wants 180 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC
1e0b37c9 cancel order
00701492 wants 184.6 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC
453e054d cancel order
ab57190b wants 184.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC
a6cbb1fe cancel order
d5d58c30 wants 185.7 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC
22a12004 cancel order
ca1929f9 wants 0.000629 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.33 BRIDGE.BCO
9e72658e wants 180 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC
5d91f510 cancel order
391fa424 cancel order
14259451 paid 0.000272 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.32 BRIDGE.BCO