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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.672 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.101 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.672
CNY 0.048
6c0f971b sent 14,684 CNY to
aed166a0 wants 2.607 CNY for 5.95 BTS
virtual paid 5.95 BTS for 2.613 CNY
virtual cancel order
8b132d4a wants 762 CNY for 1,740 BTS
beac18d6 paid 1,740 BTS for 762 CNY
cb00d66d wants 2,298 CNY for 5,244 BTS
80af0d1a paid 5,244 BTS for 2,298 CNY
10d478e2 cancel order
a1df79ee wants 8,401 CNY for 19,170 BTS
virtual paid 186.6 BTS for 81.8 CNY
virtual paid 6,000 BTS for 2,630 CNY
virtual paid 6,000 BTS for 2,630 CNY
2a3c523d cancel order
83a28951 paid 2,077 BTS for 912 CNY
11e13f7f wants 14,706 CNY for 33,473 BTS
virtual paid 6,000 BTS for 2,636 CNY
virtual paid 6,000 BTS for 2,636 CNY
virtual paid 228 BTS for 100.3 CNY
c33e1ae3 cancel order
fccad6a2 wants 14,730 CNY for 33,484 BTS
0e02169f cancel order
42e7c48a sent 14,995 CNY to
c2983def wants 14,725 CNY for 33,474 BTS
7d3ad9f6 cancel order
9d48041d wants 14,748 CNY for 33,480 BTS
17fe1bf5 cancel order
80900813 wants 14,754 CNY for 33,484 BTS
22ff8984 paid 5,262 CNY for 11,743 BTS
virtual paid 9,733 CNY for 21,721 BTS
d8a983f5 wants 33,465 BTS for 14,995 CNY
5257af84 paid 9.14 CNY for 19.85 BTS
e8518912 wants 19.85 BTS for 9.14 CNY