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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.0001 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.04 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0001
CNY 0.388
BTSUCN 0.01122
f34dd091 sent 1,511 CNY to
7b867373 paid 277 BTS for 89.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
ce3fd95d paid 6.21 BTS for 2 CNY
bb8012b4 paid 1,392 BTS for 448 CNY
c8852088 paid 6.21 BTS for 2 CNY
de30b52d paid 9.32 BTS for 3 CNY
2ebe0732 paid 27.96 BTS for 9 CNY
e45e8959 paid 15.53 BTS for 5 CNY
90410144 paid 71.5 BTS for 23 CNY
2f948b27 paid 2,324 BTS for 748 CNY
7abcfabd paid 43.5 BTS for 14 CNY
eba16fab paid 183.3 BTS for 59 CNY
9d67b607 paid 115 BTS for 37 CNY
392d1e6e paid 6.05 BTS for 1.95 CNY
4cb06be2 wants 1,513 CNY for 4,701 BTS
virtual paid 223.7 BTS for 72 CNY
df0a01c1 paid 909 CNY for 3,223 BTS
60640eaf wants 3,223 BTS for 909 CNY
5d43f949 wants 340 CNY for 68,020 BTSUCN
virtual paid 68,020 BTSUCN for 340 CNY
089f91d7 cancel order
a615aef6 wants 340 CNY for 68,020 BTSUCN
4ccef1ee wants 158.5 CNY for 31,696 BTSUCN
virtual paid 0.2364 BTSUCN for 0.0013 CNY
virtual paid 31,696 BTSUCN for 158.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
13419e2f wants 411 CNY for 74,762 BTSUCN
virtual paid 74,762 BTSUCN for 411 CNY
27e0dc1f cancel order
a6e0efea wants 586 CNY for 106,458 BTSUCN
92b6a128 sent 490 BTSUCN to