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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0973 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.94 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0973
BRIDGE.SMK 0.0000893
BRIDGE.NDB 0.0001317
BRIDGE.SPHX 0.0000233
BRIDGE.AGDN 0.0000219
BRIDGE.PHON 0.0000337
BRIDGE.FOX 0.0000899
BRIDGE.PPO 0.000783
BRIDGE.DKPC 0.0000227
BRIDGE.ENCO 0.0001083
BRIDGE.OUR 0.000169
BRIDGE.QBO 0.000117
BRIDGE.MNDX 0.000908
BRIDGE.MBOX 0.0000767
BRIDGE.CUX 0.0000421
BRIDGE.AGM 0.000925
BRIDGE.ROCO 0.000129
BRIDGE.RESC 0.000001
BRIDGE.FTON 0.000146
b1a106bd sent 0.7 BTS to
ed9a215a sent 0.01084 BRIDGE.BTC to
2b303205 issue 0.01084 BRIDGE.BTC to
d03c4971 sent 2 BTS to
1fd987aa sent 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC to
f4d13d84 cancel order
edce62dc wants 212 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
89d3c19c cancel order
50e47e63 wants 152.3 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
90fcf5e5 cancel order
687ddd34 wants 82.2 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
fd5b9990 wants 0.002272 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.2 BRIDGE.FTON
virtual paid 39.2 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002272 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b4694dd2 paid 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.2 BRIDGE.FTON
451de3d7 wants 39.2 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
ee31c8c2 cancel order
a5fc1d7c wants 39.9 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
c773e3d1 cancel order
bfbbaac1 wants 39.9 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
c827cee7 cancel order
55307b09 wants 104.4 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002287 BRIDGE.BTC
f80fcb98 cancel order
39034458 wants 104.4 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
aee12a39 cancel order
90fae7dc wants 104.5 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
883da2aa cancel order
b0129069 wants 104.7 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
e9f1ef9b cancel order
e2f017a7 wants 104.9 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
d96dab58 cancel order
925f15c4 wants 105 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
607c58fe cancel order
7964a483 wants 105.3 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
07dc22b3 cancel order
6d4065dc wants 105.7 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
94860c3e cancel order
a72ef4de wants 106.8 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
5601ef13 cancel order
967dbee2 wants 106.9 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
74d178b2 cancel order
3557cb38 wants 107 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
70004470 cancel order
4dcea472 wants 107.4 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
7e310805 cancel order
3585a0ff wants 107.5 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
196ed05c cancel order
188b6caf wants 107.6 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
0d22b14d cancel order
38541c36 wants 107.7 BRIDGE.PACT for 0.002316 BRIDGE.BTC
e74f860f wants 0.00232 BRIDGE.BTC for 29 BRIDGE.FTON
virtual paid 29 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00232 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
36957856 cancel order
fecf4c95 wants 0.00354 BRIDGE.BTC for 29 BRIDGE.FTON
71bb6feb cancel order
bed10aa4 wants 0.00354 BRIDGE.BTC for 29 BRIDGE.FTON
3af61814 paid 0.002665 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.5 BRIDGE.FTON
b03dd70b wants 28.5 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002665 BRIDGE.BTC
a2f3cd66 cancel order
ebe64490 wants 28.6 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002665 BRIDGE.BTC
6cc02db8 cancel order
db7619f6 wants 26.6 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002665 BRIDGE.BTC
a54f236c cancel order
f98bedd0 wants 28.96 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.002665 BRIDGE.BTC
6c0a8099 cancel order
f336e435 paid 0.0000675 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.549 BRIDGE.FTON
6c3e72c9 wants 22.23 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
6b5a6fb8 cancel order
9c7ea423 wants 30 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
9b3e7bcd cancel order
6b52d66d wants 30.1 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
cf7def5d cancel order
43d67639 wants 30.1 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
bc84831f cancel order
42f4cb1d wants 30.2 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
83b4faf3 cancel order
5aed504e wants 38.8 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
f2a664a3 cancel order
9b5cc34b wants 45.8 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
5d5dae33 wants 0.00263 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
virtual paid 83.1 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.000948 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 177.2 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00179 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f9bd3c12 cancel order
eef198ef wants 0.007 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
e4d8bd2d cancel order
56316430 wants 0.00724 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
9de2beeb cancel order
6b95a60f wants 0.00755 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
8e21b828 cancel order
ba90d2de wants 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
445d82a6 cancel order
a2cfad6f wants 0.001986 BRIDGE.BTC for 101.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
b660d8ad cancel order
52c5ee2e wants 0.00724 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
d9ea4ebd cancel order
61cad388 wants 0.00729 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
93fda5b5 cancel order
93f69304 wants 0.0087 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
77c58349 cancel order
672720ce wants 0.00928 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
1e4d0d8f cancel order
f87c83c5 wants 0.00934 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
383dd8f0 cancel order
8c080573 wants 0.00936 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
317f2c53 cancel order
96806bc1 wants 0.00936 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
1be66385 cancel order
95f922b3 wants 0.00937 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
dd03e06c cancel order
6a786e9b wants 0.00931 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
3ddbcd81 cancel order
b4b1b377 wants 0.00937 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
0aff2474 cancel order
168858c8 wants 0.00937 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
36275e11 cancel order
5f8e84ee wants 0.00937 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
26702a2b cancel order
9a27d578 wants 0.00906 BRIDGE.BTC for 260.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
b2c0aaae paid 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC for 261 BRIDGE.NELLA
52ff20c2 wants 261 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC
3db331cc cancel order
48235cdd wants 273 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC
a51eb956 cancel order
ad07dc0f wants 274.4 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC
dc8fd433 cancel order
6fd3063d wants 289 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC
6823ceb3 cancel order
fecb684b wants 289 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC
09bfa515 cancel order
ac80978d wants 23.7 BRIDGE.FTON for 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC
f801ac59 paid 73.4 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00414 BRIDGE.BTC
33349bf0 wants 0.00414 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
0a999350 cancel order
0e644251 wants 0.00455 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.4 BRIDGE.NELLA
ad47714f wants 73.6 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.6 BRIDGE.NELLA
29f3b648 cancel order
6c93083f wants 115 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC
e3bbf709 cancel order
d1d6944f wants 128.2 BRIDGE.NELLA for 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC
f56cf4eb paid 108 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.00336 BRIDGE.BTC
ea0de967 wants 0.00336 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
39a40768 cancel order
c89a1339 wants 0.0038 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
4ba5509c cancel order
a7b5eea2 wants 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
c6a61869 cancel order
41540faf wants 0.00391 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
ad1a7260 cancel order
68808f41 wants 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
a527af88 cancel order
225b9e0b wants 0.00437 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
f02f6f11 cancel order
f7267da3 wants 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
96a9cd32 cancel order
81841d8e wants 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
c36a835b cancel order
8a605baf wants 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
17948db2 cancel order
12d69d0e wants 0.00439 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
ab2044dd cancel order
4951143e wants 0.00439 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
e7f0fddf cancel order
6023df5d wants 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
88b630f0 cancel order
8d277730 wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
5a5e180d cancel order
7f6c5621 wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
b5e03518 cancel order
00527e1a wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
3e4a07dd cancel order
9788e540 wants 0.00441 BRIDGE.BTC for 108 BRIDGE.MNBC
5d5e87fe cancel order
78a0c0fd paid 1 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.0000408 BRIDGE.BTC
3d9068e8 paid 1 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.0000408 BRIDGE.BTC
1fcd2ace wants 0.00449 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.MNBC
2da761f6 cancel order
4f92c2af wants 0.00449 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.MNBC
e97dd40f paid 6.01 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.0002456 BRIDGE.BTC
147b67d5 cancel order
aebba01f wants 0.00474 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
abfedafb cancel order
2b2a6509 wants 0.00474 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
8a88e845 cancel order
75b2399b wants 0.00474 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
e0a34891 cancel order
f059f2fe wants 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
269af350 cancel order
dc09765b wants 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
81377a33 cancel order
8a7b9091 wants 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
bdc0699d cancel order
2c5d3932 wants 0.00615 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
01137a59 cancel order
c7c3b486 wants 0.00621 BRIDGE.BTC for 116 BRIDGE.MNBC
ae5da50c paid 0.00511 BRIDGE.BTC for 116.2 BRIDGE.MNBC
b8d8d386 wants 116.2 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.00511 BRIDGE.BTC
038f3d01 cancel order
618f5a3f wants 116.3 BRIDGE.MNBC for 0.00511 BRIDGE.BTC