立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid10.73 BTS


Asset Balance
BEOS 0.00004
BEOS.VOTEA 0.00004
BEOS.VOTEB 0.00004
14a9570d sent 0.00004 BEOS.VOTEB to
5976779d sent 0.00004 BEOS.VOTEA to
33c00279 sent 15,799 BTS to
1e05f104 sent 100 BTS to
03855f64 wants 9,100 BTS for 151,636 BEOS
virtual paid 151,636 BEOS for 9,101 BTS
virtual cancel order
96054f6d cancel orders (2)
fdfe4c52 wants 4,715 BTS for 78,550 BEOS
virtual paid 25,000 BEOS for 1,501 BTS
virtual paid 18,650 BEOS for 1,119 BTS
6b065050 wants 2,548 BTS for 42,450 BEOS
virtual paid 17,450 BEOS for 1,048 BTS
896f9104 cancel order
f880caf5 wants 3,596 BTS for 59,900 BEOS
virtual paid 17,450 BEOS for 1,048 BTS
c2b5ff45 wants 1,108 BTS for 18,450 BEOS
virtual paid 18,450 BEOS for 1,108 BTS
6dd37afc wants 772 BTS for 12,855 BEOS
virtual paid 6,560 BEOS for 394 BTS
virtual paid 6,295 BEOS for 378 BTS
virtual cancel order
a0c618c9 wants 153.7 BTS for 2,560 BEOS
virtual paid 2,560 BEOS for 153.7 BTS
f85df895 sent 9,949 BTS to
e6687df1 sent 49,999 BTS to
1593fe34 sent 19,999 BTS to
60ddc60c sent 19,999 BTS to
d9eafd3d sent 18,801 BTS to
2333253e sent 15,497 BTS to
069ead71 sent 500 BTS to
cb71d6af sent 5,032 BTS to
a6f1ff98 sent 39,769 BTS to
2228977c sent 20,000 BTS to
cb6a52df sent 5,000 BTS to
201435fe sent 27,721 BTS to
828821b4 sent 100 BTS to
074d27e0 sent 8,782 BTS to
5ceb1747 sent 23,828 BTS to
f762f88e sent 30,928 BTS to
e4a02aa6 sent 25,460 BTS to
49ffd23c sent 15,550 BTS to
2c6c364b sent 80 BTS to
fc2cca4e sent 700 BTS to