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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight3.26 BTS
Lifetime fees paid11.8 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 3.26 0
COMPUCEEDS 3,000,000 3,000,000
BTCPLUS 1.066 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
virtual cancel order
516949fe cancel order
911141b1 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
46dccf1b sent 24,544,337 COMPUCEEDS to
ec1864dd sent 1,861 BTCPLUS to
f8c85ce6 cancel order
4566e7f9 sent 0.1508 BTCPLUS to
d2138c2d sent 1,241 COMPUCEEDS to
9950c30b wants 2,249,700 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
e4ad61af wants 333 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 333 BTCPLUS
9545844b wants 18,805,462 COMPUCEEDS for 601 BTS
virtual paid 601 BTS for 18,805,462 COMPUCEEDS
2d8cf0a9 sent 5,109 BTCPLUS to
a498d7f7 cancel order
5ff64c7d cancel order
975d12d1 wants 59,340,000 BTS for 3,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
ebf21229 wants 8,370,778 USD for 1,861 BTCPLUS
65c3aa23 cancel order
e10a46a4 wants 83,741,278 USD for 1,861 BTCPLUS
dd75c516 wants 1,961 BTCPLUS for 199 BTS
virtual paid 199 BTS for 1,961 BTCPLUS
c79dd142 wants 1,092,632 COMPUCEEDS for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 1,092,632 COMPUCEEDS
9f806953 wants 1,978 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
5207fb56 wants 3,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 4.75 BTS
virtual paid 4.75 BTS for 3,000,002 COMPUCEEDS
805cfa95 wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 29.06 BTS
virtual paid 29.06 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
8c143026 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
7eee80b2 wants 15,301,455 USD for 5,109 BTCPLUS
c00799f1 cancel order
ea3592ae wants 14,816,100 USD for 5,109 BTCPLUS
7feece4c cancel order
324d3f81 wants 15,199,275 USD for 5,109 BTCPLUS
8a76b924 cancel order
dd0a5807 wants 14,816,100 USD for 5,109 BTCPLUS
6a65a45e cancel order
adf2d827 wants 15,301,455 USD for 5,109 BTCPLUS
320a2c2a cancel order
cfe65df3 wants 15,295,465 USD for 5,107 BTCPLUS
971983d9 paid 4,000 BTS for 5,160 BTCPLUS
a0cfb23b wants 5,160 BTCPLUS for 4,000 BTS
a7e4a06e sent 1 BTS to
0fdbf752 sent 0.15 BTS to
5a5fd80f sent 0.15 BTS to
d15c76c0 sent 0.15 BTS to