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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.00058 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.771 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00058
GDEX.BKBT 0.00107
OPEN.HTML 0.0059
OPEN.RISE 0.00059
GDEX.SEER 0.0001
OPEN.W3C 0.013
OPEN.COI 0.0019
54b2d57b sent 0.0000307 OPEN.BTC to
56418198 sent 0.000026 QORA to
cdb93a02 sent 0.000113 OPEN.SCR to
b539f9aa wants 0.00000486 OPEN.BTC for 0.243 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.243 OPEN.SCR for 0.00000486 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
3556a89e sent 0.246 OPEN.SCR to
4a0e95fb wants 0.00000684 OPEN.BTC for 0.593 BTS
virtual paid 0.592 BTS for 0.00000684 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
f6c86b20 wants 0.00009 BTS for 0.046 GDEX.BKBT
virtual paid 0.0449 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00009 BTS
virtual cancel order
c14856de wants 0.604 BTS for 12.48 FUNC
virtual paid 12.48 FUNC for 0.604 BTS
49ca68f3 cancel order
57f331db wants 0.00000218 OPEN.BTC for 0.19 BTS
virtual paid 0.1897 BTS for 0.00000218 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
b31b5270 cancel order
592e1b15 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.000026 QORA
396033a5 wants 0.01533 BTS for 3.066 GDEX.BKBT
virtual paid 0.032 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00016 BTS
c9f23e07 paid 2.99 GDEX.BKBT for 0.01494 BTS
8c5aee2d cancel order
a5df4f52 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.013 OPEN.W3C
459c1d8c cancel order
95688271 wants 0.00022 BTS for 0.001706 QORA
virtual paid 0.00168 QORA for 0.00022 BTS
virtual cancel order
c9724ecf wants 0.0397 BTS for 3.82 GDEX.BKBT
virtual paid 0.75 GDEX.BKBT for 0.0078 BTS
a0cbca61 wants 0.191 BTS for 0.53 LITT
virtual paid 0.53 LITT for 0.191 BTS
ff2cb153 wants 0.00001906 OPEN.BTC for 1.65 BTS
virtual paid 1.65 BTS for 0.00001906 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
20838e4f wants 0.00071 BTS for 0.000341 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.000338 OPEN.SCR for 0.00071 BTS
virtual cancel order
57d01893 cancel order
265777bd wants 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.000341 OPEN.SCR
96ecdbb2 wants 0.00000467 OPEN.BTC for 0.246 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.2457 OPEN.SCR for 0.00000467 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
acb37f34 paid 0.46 BTS for 0.46 LITT
5f6e048e wants 0.52 LITT for 0.519 BTS
virtual paid 0.0599 BTS for 0.06 LITT
dd2d65cc wants 0.02 LITT for 0.01998 BTS
virtual paid 0.01998 BTS for 0.02 LITT
4844249a cancel order
59791da2 wants 0.0002 FUNC for 0.00001 BTS
89c7bf75 cancel order
58143988 wants 0.99 FUNC for 0.0688 BTS
ad9b2a75 wants 0.549 BTS for 0.242 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.242 OPEN.SCR for 0.549 BTS
virtual cancel order
796f1dc7 cancel order
515c8ea1 wants 0.984 BTS for 0.246 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.004 OPEN.SCR for 0.016 BTS
aeacd3a0 cancel order
fd600f3f cancel order
a725ff93 wants 0.0777 GDEX.SEER for 0.00277 BTS
c63c6c86 wants 0.0777 GDEX.SEER for 0.00277 BTS
5b44236a cancel order
a69b058b wants 0.192 OPEN.XRP for 0.299 BTS
917f4754 cancel order
f85a0a14 wants 0.0422 OPEN.XRP for 0.365 BTS
68b2c8fd cancel order
74ea57d9 wants 0.1922 OPEN.XRP for 1.662 BTS
9815a349 wants 0.139 BTS for 0.1264 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.1264 OPEN.SCR for 0.139 BTS
virtual cancel order
c4ead6a8 wants 0.2158 GDEX.BKBT for 0.0456 BTS
virtual paid 0.0456 BTS for 3.68 GDEX.BKBT
f86ac15d wants 0.01578 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00177 BTS
virtual paid 0.00177 BTS for 0.1427 GDEX.BKBT
d5161d6f cancel order
bc74b238 wants 1.596 QORA for 1.596 BTS
virtual paid 0.00171 BTS for 0.00171 QORA
c61aee51 cancel order
d0ae2ac2 wants 0.00556 QORA for 0.00555 BTS
0732dbc7 cancel order
f32d9cac cancel order
5752ba2a cancel order
0682eb28 cancel order
9b471086 cancel order
b81ecaa8 wants 1.002 QORA for 1.002 BTS
1977f471 wants 1 FUNC for 0.87 BTS
virtual paid 0.87 BTS for 12.5 FUNC
7774e4bb wants 1 FUNC for 0.0695 BTS
eb72efa8 wants 0.3 FUNC for 0.02084 BTS
d7a98b74 wants 0.0999 FUNC for 0.00694 BTS
f45e64cc wants 0.0999 FUNC for 0.00694 BTS
b5e23667 cancel order
bf9f5b38 wants 0.238 BTS for 0.192 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.008 OPEN.SCR for 0.00992 BTS
2b53baa2 paid 0.1656 OPEN.SCR for 0.2054 BTS
0be746b3 wants 0.238 BTS for 0.192 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.192 OPEN.SCR for 0.238 BTS
virtual cancel order
24d6b6b9 cancel order
ff29d914 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00002 OPEN.EOSDAC
e5ac69d3 cancel order
cbe93233 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0001 GDEX.SEER
fcd10ac0 wants 0.2485 BTS for 0.246 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.246 OPEN.SCR for 0.2485 BTS
virtual cancel order
2bd0faef cancel order
c20d3d83 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.002013 OPEN.COI
d919b3aa cancel order
e42a6e34 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0059 OPEN.HTML
c866dc5e cancel order
e83f584f wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.013 OPEN.W3C
8225beca cancel order
f67d7f80 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.002013 OPEN.COI
d13cb659 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00605 OPEN.COI
virtual paid 0.00403 OPEN.COI for 0.00001 BTS
virtual cancel order
147a7c59 wants 0.2367 BTS for 2.3 OPEN.EOSDAC
virtual paid 2.3 OPEN.EOSDAC for 0.2367 BTS
virtual cancel order
b4b0e822 cancel order
d8ce52fd wants 1.046 OBITS for 0.802 BTS
e572da01 cancel order
165a239a wants 0.0055 OBITS for 0.00421 BTS
1eede839 wants 0.00069 BTS for 0.000013 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.000013 OPEN.EOS for 0.00069 BTS
c3f01df4 cancel order
08922863 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00605 OPEN.COI
a984da8b wants 0.1563 BTS for 0.1303 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.1303 OPEN.SCR for 0.2215 BTS
virtual cancel order
652bddc1 cancel order
e05359f8 wants 0.334 BTS for 0.186 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.0556 OPEN.SCR for 0.1 BTS
19c6dee2 cancel order
d2858b38 wants 0.374 BTS for 0.187 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.00117 OPEN.SCR for 0.00234 BTS
eb3b57df cancel order
d4836a2e wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00077 GDEX.BKBT
dd106625 wants 0.00002 BTS for 0.0027 GDEX.BKBT
virtual paid 0.00193 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00002 BTS
virtual cancel order
d1eed9b2 cancel order
34f3e03a wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.013 OPEN.W3C
89231a54 cancel order
9ba6adeb wants 0.000011 OPEN.EOS for 0.00001 BTS
bb2e847a cancel order
6bd1a5ee wants 0.000222 OPEN.EOS for 0.00001 BTS
3049c3e0 wants 0.00012 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0009 GDEX.BKBT
a66f85e6 wants 0.00012 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0009 GDEX.BKBT
29a2b821 wants 0.00012 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0009 GDEX.BKBT
df8aad07 cancel order
0ab1db41 cancel order
91fde34b wants 0.011 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00012 BTS
fd91d3b4 wants 0.011 GDEX.BKBT for 0.00012 BTS
3e399a18 cancel order
66c84539 wants 0.26 OPEN.XRP for 0.00001 BTS
841f3434 wants 1.2 BTS for 0.6 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.6 OPEN.SCR for 1.2 BTS
virtual cancel order
a50f96d1 cancel order
398522e8 wants 0.002014 OPEN.EOS for 0.1088 BTS
virtual paid 0.00005 BTS for 0.000001 OPEN.EOS
e503801a wants 0.1146 BTS for 0.0239 OPEN.XRP
virtual paid 0.0239 OPEN.XRP for 0.1146 BTS
c5716105 cancel order
449f3e29 wants 2.302 OPEN.EOSDAC for 0.685 BTS
virtual paid 0.685 BTS for 2.302 OPEN.EOSDAC
4628f888 wants 0.00005 OPEN.EOSDAC for 0.00001 BTS
98b315c9 cancel order
4c30a2c5 cancel order
8b1509ea cancel orders (2)
583dc1b8 cancel order
587c4f51 cancel order
f6eec900 cancel order
766e1a4b wants 0.0552 OPEN.EOS for 0.00049 BTS
984d163f wants 0.0552 OPEN.EOS for 0.00036 BTS
df57d467 wants 0.0552 OPEN.EOS for 0.00024 BTS
dec3077a wants 0.00515 OPEN.EOS for 0.00002 BTS
38a1fc2d wants 0.000152 OPEN.EOS for 0.00001 BTS
448c4189 wants 0.000052 OPEN.EOS for 0.00001 BTS
3fbd8b37 wants 0.000022 OPEN.EOS for 0.00001 BTS
af1e05a2 cancel order
f2322ee8 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0061 OPEN.COI
db39855b wants 0.4 BTS for 0.2 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.2 OPEN.SCR for 0.4 BTS
virtual cancel order
7a1d2111 wants 0.306 BTS for 0.153 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.153 OPEN.SCR for 0.306 BTS
virtual cancel order
a941cefc cancel order
d6ed7352 cancel order
2790d55f cancel order
9199c61a wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00381 OPEN.COI
6246d226 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.000528 OPEN.COI