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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00035 BTS
Lifetime fees paid10.13 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00035 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000504 0
DEEX 0.0215 0
BRIDGE.KLKS 0.01084 5,340
BRIDGE.TRTT 0.00244 0
MOONDEX.BTC 0.0002052 0.000205
HOTDEX.DMME 0.663 0.661
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
ef423429 sent 0.00684 BRIDGE.BTC to
a404b39a wants 0.00114 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,726 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 1,726 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
52b419f5 cancel order
3e1d5dae wants 0.001417 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,940 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 119 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000088 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 95 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0000693 BRIDGE.BTC
1fe0d6d6 cancel order
fe6d934a paid 0.0000059 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.KLKS
1cd19d33 paid 0.00000068 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.153 BRIDGE.KLKS
57fce8f6 paid 0.001103 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,869 BRIDGE.KLKS
c00e7f00 paid 0.0000327 BRIDGE.BTC for 55.4 BRIDGE.KLKS
4c6733dc wants 11,154 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00658 BRIDGE.BTC
099681c0 cancel order
12b97cd8 wants 0.00000632 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.03 BRIDGE.KLKS
e9590dbe paid 2,250 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.001462 BRIDGE.BTC
8c79ff6b paid 740 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000459 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 350 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0002205 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC
5d6f06d7 paid 10 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0000062 BRIDGE.BTC
10202087 cancel order
816aa323 wants 0.001462 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,250 BRIDGE.KLKS
e5356ad6 wants 1,488 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000908 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 750 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000458 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 750 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000458 BRIDGE.BTC
b4e251dd cancel order
f1c668fa wants 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
3a4fc73e cancel order
82c0ecc1 wants 500 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000265 BRIDGE.BTC
7832e5a7 wants 0.0002205 BRIDGE.BTC for 350 BRIDGE.KLKS
b404f0cc wants 0.000465 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.KLKS
ec0a793d wants 0.000458 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.KLKS
435022bb wants 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.KLKS
92a298dd wants 0.000443 BRIDGE.BTC for 750 BRIDGE.KLKS
791d8b59 wants 0.00116 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
1d0dfa99 cancel order
64e4e38d cancel order
479189da wants 6,004 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC
9a014f23 wants 0.00343 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,365 BRIDGE.KLKS
59469af6 cancel order
eb3e1277 paid 2,495 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.001547 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,746 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0011 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 848 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000542 BRIDGE.BTC
db4c2ce5 wants 0.001547 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,495 BRIDGE.KLKS
3dd59b69 cancel order
28719a17 wants 0.000542 BRIDGE.BTC for 848 BRIDGE.KLKS
2091e2dc wants 0.0011 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,746 BRIDGE.KLKS
dc19dbfd cancel order
9ff48848 sent 9,900 BRIDGE.KLKS to
bfefef49 cancel order
5f2e905f cancel order
a59a83d2 cancel order
0bcf7c44 cancel order
9e31bbcf wants 0.002246 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,495 BRIDGE.KLKS
4ea4d188 wants 0.00235 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
6e8a1d7a wants 0.0024 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
92c09b81 wants 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
bf11d470 wants 0.00255 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
dbbd62a2 wants 0.0026 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
1b168300 cancel order
a2af9ba7 wants 0.00402 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,365 BRIDGE.KLKS
643d0ed2 sent 0.0055 BRIDGE.BTC to
34866e37 wants 4.49 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0000036 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000036 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.5 BRIDGE.KLKS
c5170e87 wants 0.000863 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,569 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 446 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,122 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000617 BRIDGE.BTC
422336ce wants 0.00442 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,760 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 6,008 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00348 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,751 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000998 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
970ebe78 wants 0.0001818 BRIDGE.BTC for 308 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 120 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 188 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.000111 BRIDGE.BTC
0d57ed7d cancel order
88918165 wants 0.01485 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,998 BRIDGE.KLKS
d4b72f9b wants 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
892fadc2 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.661 HOTDEX.DMME
e20d0a5d sent 0.0159 BRIDGE.BTC to
122752c7 sent 0.0253 BRIDGE.BTC to
4c593f91 wants 0.01808 BRIDGE.BTC for 22,049 BRIDGE.TRTT
virtual paid 22,049 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.01808 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c98eae47 cancel order
30dcd106 cancel order
c8083607 wants 0.02204 BRIDGE.BTC for 26,559 BRIDGE.TRTT
virtual paid 4,290 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.00356 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 21,572 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.0179 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 696 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.000578 BRIDGE.BTC
94a2260a wants 0.001172 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,395 BRIDGE.TRTT
virtual paid 1,317 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.00111 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 73.2 BRIDGE.TRTT for 0.0000615 BRIDGE.BTC
6f8a0c15 sent 0.00354 HOTDEX.BTC to
09920184 wants 0.000507 HOTDEX.BTC for 39 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 1.175 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0000411 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 1.175 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00004 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 1.175 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0000388 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 10 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00013 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 25.47 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.000331 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
9f0360e1 wants 0.000885 HOTDEX.BTC for 59 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 59 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.000885 HOTDEX.BTC
3f11cb66 wants 0.00207 HOTDEX.BTC for 77 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 1 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.000027 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 65 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.001754 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 1 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0000269 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 10 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.000269 HOTDEX.BTC
209d3227 cancel order
400e2c77 wants 0.00485 HOTDEX.BTC for 127.5 HOTDEX.DMME
c81ff7db cancel order
d7599f2f wants 0.00586 HOTDEX.BTC for 84 HOTDEX.DMME
41019b0c sent 0.0089 HOTDEX.BTC to
f92fe782 wants 0.00205 HOTDEX.BTC for 68.2 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 68.2 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00205 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
b984f5d6 cancel order
56ba50ee paid 0.001013 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00000009 HOTDEX.BTC
4985843f wants 0.00606 HOTDEX.BTC for 68.2 HOTDEX.DMME
cf1c64fd wants 0.00585 HOTDEX.BTC for 266 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 266 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00585 HOTDEX.BTC
0f5f8365 cancel orders (5)
f3626231 wants 0.00229 HOTDEX.BTC for 47 HOTDEX.DMME
b40f12ff wants 0.002445 HOTDEX.BTC for 50 HOTDEX.DMME
43d65fb8 wants 0.002455 HOTDEX.BTC for 50 HOTDEX.DMME
e1689447 wants 0.002465 HOTDEX.BTC for 50 HOTDEX.DMME
8b1c4ff4 wants 0.002485 HOTDEX.BTC for 50 HOTDEX.DMME
ed8a3c38 cancel orders (4)
54b32506 wants 0.001004 HOTDEX.BTC for 33.5 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 33.5 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.001004 HOTDEX.BTC
68fb8db1 paid 0.001176 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00000005 HOTDEX.BTC
bf8c2bdf paid 0.000004 HOTDEX.BTC for 0.1 HOTDEX.DMME
b8a89a47 paid 0.000012 HOTDEX.BTC for 0.3 HOTDEX.DMME
16d09c55 paid 0.000012 HOTDEX.BTC for 0.3 HOTDEX.DMME
4730d297 paid 0.000012 HOTDEX.BTC for 0.3 HOTDEX.DMME
d7553cf1 cancel order
93cc2557 cancel order
cbcf99df cancel orders (2)
35f9002b cancel order
4e6ab22d cancel order
a803016d cancel order
f4d7059a cancel order
1d3546c5 cancel order
09d47a1b cancel order
afa3ef3c cancel order
8c53ec5b wants 1 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00004 HOTDEX.BTC
767727b0 paid 0.001176 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00000005 HOTDEX.BTC
2d8ab176 cancel order
25cd8039 wants 0.000425 HOTDEX.BTC for 10 HOTDEX.DMME
100c3bea wants 0.000645 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
58d6b0cb wants 0.000653 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
53a4caee wants 0.00066 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
2faf23ae wants 0.000668 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
20614282 wants 0.000675 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
d2191312 wants 0.000683 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
c21972c2 wants 2 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00004 HOTDEX.BTC
052278a4 wants 0.00069 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
9f0b1c36 wants 0.000698 HOTDEX.BTC for 15 HOTDEX.DMME
33d332c8 wants 2 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.000038 HOTDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.000038 HOTDEX.BTC for 2 HOTDEX.DMME
54fff001 wants 0.001175 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
6ac9aaf6 wants 0.001188 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
2e559121 wants 0.0012 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
e009112b wants 0.001213 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
d53c60fd wants 0.001225 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
3dd108a5 wants 0.001238 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
682af132 paid 0.0101 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0000005 HOTDEX.BTC
8c6fb1ff cancel orders (8)
bedb26b7 wants 0.0000196 HOTDEX.BTC for 1 HOTDEX.DMME
a4f7479f paid 1 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0000196 HOTDEX.BTC
7c143988 wants 0.0000196 HOTDEX.BTC for 1 HOTDEX.DMME
699601c5 wants 0.000725 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
45fd6c3e wants 0.00075 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
14d08b3a wants 0.000775 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
48f8d88a wants 0.0000201 HOTDEX.BTC for 1 HOTDEX.DMME
702b59e2 cancel order
ecdfb25b wants 0.000101 HOTDEX.BTC for 5 HOTDEX.DMME
1495dd3d wants 0.000505 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
c78bbd0a wants 0.0008 HOTDEX.BTC for 25 HOTDEX.DMME
de6c9699 paid 1 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0000203 HOTDEX.BTC