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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.14 BTS
Lifetime fees paid15.2 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.272
0a26df7d wants 33.4 CLOUDCOIN for 2 BTS
virtual paid 2 BTS for 33.4 CLOUDCOIN
a3e4c113 wants 2.547 BTS for 50.9 OPEN.IQ
virtual paid 50.9 OPEN.IQ for 2.547 BTS
176e185f cancel order
3928fcce sent 716 NOWCOIN to
de4f5287 sent 1 BTS to
efcea0f4 adjust collateral by -0.01023 BTS, debt by -0.001 CNY
68476983 adjust collateral by 0.00056 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
6f211643 adjust collateral by 0.00967 BTS, debt by 0.001 CNY
1ab356a4 cancel order
509601fe wants 10 BTS for 1 NOWCOIN
802f472c sent 11 CLOUDCOIN to
0815bb90 adjust collateral by -0.01528 BTS, debt by -0.001 CNY
c99c911e adjust collateral by 0.00079 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
948e3d5d adjust collateral by 0.0145 BTS, debt by 0.001 CNY
18c200f1 cancel order
9a0fbad1 wants 6 BTS for 1 NOWCOIN
104d3536 sent 11 CLOUDCOIN to
9c2eec1e sent 10 CLOUDCOIN to
992ab713 sent 10 NOWCOIN to
42d56753 sent 1 NOWCOIN to
dc27986a sent 1 NOWCOIN to
80cf3f6c sent 1 BTS to
c0a1285f sent 1 NOWCOIN to
9381637b sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
1d34a5ad sent 10 NOWCOIN to
336a891b sent 0.00001 BTS to
c910b991 sent 0.00001 BTS to
dff0f3ad paid 1.11 BTS for 1 NOWCOIN
7b74b5f1 adjust collateral by -0.00411 BTS, debt by -0.0001 USD
40c6859f adjust collateral by 0.00058 BTS, debt by 0 USD
55147b4c adjust collateral by 0.00353 BTS, debt by 0.0001 USD
de6da88f wants 1 CLOUDCOIN for 0.0879 BTS
virtual paid 0.0879 BTS for 1 CLOUDCOIN
770d1238 sent 10 NOWCOIN to
f0242f83 adjust collateral by -0.00511 BTS, debt by -0.0001 USD
c2a3a624 adjust collateral by 0.0007 BTS, debt by 0 USD
8cda507e adjust collateral by 0.00441 BTS, debt by 0.0001 USD
491f3838 wants 1 NOWCOIN for 1.11 BTS
0961d731 sent 28 NOWCOIN to
88f44b1d sent 10 CLOUDCOIN to
d5d1170d wants 254.5 BTS for 50.9 OPEN.IQ
714af50c burn 0.0001 NEXTCOIN
5927a566 burn 0.001 ZALUPA
bfd48a58 burn 0.002 TERRACOIN
3f5da4a8 burn 0.001 SWIFTCOIN
37f0cef5 burn 0.0004 QUBIT
b3871763 burn 0.018 LIQPAY
c4be1b19 burn 0.006 HYPERCASH
4fb4b0dc burn 0.006 FRESHCOIN
1df73af0 burn 0.019 CROKS
9a4c2192 burn 0.089 CEMENT
723dad19 burn 1 VIRTUAL
17db3303 burn 0.0001 PROTON
e8d8c6ca burn 0.005 DONGFENG
7f6f3595 burn 0.0002 ELECTRON
f08bf603 sent 1 BEX to
a2fe738b cancel order
cc63ca91 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0001 PROTON
4b84c5db wants 0.0392 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
virtual paid 0.1 DEEX for 0.0392 BTS
10a953d9 wants 0.00254 BTS for 0.00001 EBAYCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 EBAYCOM for 0.00254 BTS
5c20670a wants 0.0361 BTS for 0.00001 AMAZONCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 AMAZONCOM for 0.0361 BTS
f0faa8fe wants 0.001 BTS for 0.00001 FORDCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 FORDCOM for 0.001 BTS
2493ffe9 wants 0.00779 BTS for 0.00001 ALIBABACOM
virtual paid 0.00001 ALIBABACOM for 0.00779 BTS
16b5c8d7 wants 0.013 BTS for 0.00001 MCDONALDSCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 MCDONALDSCOM for 0.013 BTS
b83b2f28 wants 0.012 BTS for 0.00001 MICROSOFTCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 MICROSOFTCOM for 0.012 BTS
8503eb16 wants 0.028 BTS for 0.00002 FACEBOOKCOM
virtual paid 0.00002 FACEBOOKCOM for 0.028 BTS
68bb565e cancel order
96d4ce88 wants 0.014 BTS for 0.00001 VISACOM
virtual paid 0.00001 VISACOM for 0.014 BTS
739a9819 wants 0.016 BTS for 0.00001 BAIDUCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 BAIDUCOM for 0.016 BTS
5ee2114d wants 0.021 BTS for 0.00001 APPLECOM
virtual paid 0.00001 APPLECOM for 0.021 BTS
64a3be94 wants 0.022 BTS for 0.00001 TESLACOM
virtual paid 0.00001 TESLACOM for 0.022 BTS
b93160f0 wants 0.0722 BTS for 0.00002 AMAZONCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 AMAZONCOM for 0.0361 BTS
de2c1271 wants 0.1 BTS for 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM for 0.1 BTS
58662eae wants 0.069 BTS for 0.1 READMEMO
virtual paid 0.1 READMEMO for 0.069 BTS
767588e3 wants 0.03 BTS for 0.00001 NETFLIXCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 NETFLIXCOM for 0.03 BTS
8caaf564 wants 0.02 BTS for 0.00002 CISCOCOM
virtual paid 0.00002 CISCOCOM for 0.02 BTS
850677a2 wants 0.4 BTS for 0.00001 BOEINGCOM
virtual paid 0.00001 BOEINGCOM for 0.4 BTS
bd88eb1c wants 0.778 BTS for 0.00001 GOOGL
virtual paid 0.00001 GOOGL for 0.778 BTS
c3800236 wants 3 BEX for 14.73 BTS
virtual paid 14.73 BTS for 3 BEX
d0b3eb94 cancel order
e2864618 wants 420 BTS for 100 NOWCOIN
324e031d wants 30 CLOUDCOIN for 15 BTS
virtual paid 15 BTS for 30 CLOUDCOIN
a38347b7 sent 100 NOWCOIN to
b083b181 sent 1 NOWCOIN to
3b3ca20e wants 40 BTS for 13.1 NOWCOIN
virtual paid 13.1 NOWCOIN for 40 BTS
a7b47489 sent 40 BTS to
bd8c40d2 sent 100 BTS to
630032a8 wants 2.077 BTS for 0.69 NOWCOIN
virtual paid 0.69 NOWCOIN for 2.077 BTS
5518505e wants 112.7 BTS for 37.4 NOWCOIN
virtual paid 37.4 NOWCOIN for 112.7 BTS
c443e066 paid 10 NOWCOIN for 30 BTS
b2e3c3e1 wants 30 BTS for 10 NOWCOIN
87560077 wants 2.63 BTS for 1 NOWCOIN
virtual paid 1 NOWCOIN for 2.63 BTS
845f43d3 sent 1 NOWCOIN to
21428315 sent 1 NOWCOIN to
03e19273 sent 1 NOWCOIN to
322a1c27 sent 1 NOWCOIN to
cda01ced update account/votes
3493fb41 sent 336 NOWCOIN to
5d6787b4 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
6bb0ae9e sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
2fd7fd76 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
e43b1203 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
580be169 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
f9725787 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
c6c18149 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
bfc4436a sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
4e3dd72e sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
d1bcf3ca sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
68f4ea1c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
66ec383c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
80112d7a sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
448c357c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
fc63b129 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
8c87be26 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
22dc20ae sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
5c33f81e sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
5ab6dbe2 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
6dfaf71c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
fda9cebb sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
e84e4a7f sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
b7605e07 wants 3.01 BTS for 1 NOWCOIN
virtual paid 1 NOWCOIN for 3.01 BTS
c7cda1ec sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
6f4c69f0 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
0e86528b sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
7ae0c60c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
f1fa4e92 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
c357595c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
f2839cc1 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
c695a47f sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
f736d1f7 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
d1bb4712 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
8e4e582b sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
a1f7db01 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
b73e61bb sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
1cb55f6e sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
27b6dabb sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
9640c4de sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
140986f6 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
3462fcfd sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
68313938 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
81df991d sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
2e22c964 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
4aedb50e sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
9a7174f7 sent 2.5 BTS to
96ff9a1d sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
1f213c05 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
56521336 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
7a25d55b sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
d881f498 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
e5861276 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
3324401f sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
2ea1106d sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
35db337e sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
f228ced5 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
689c8811 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
e3450d42 sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
ae3d279a sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
56a7088f sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
93b3534f sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
9119192c sent 0.0001 NOWCOIN to
e454e900 sent 3,361 ZEPH to
86c3da6f sent 353 CVCOIN to
52a4f09c paid 0.75 BTS for 0.1875 CVCOIN
virtual cancel order
807421dd paid 1.71 BTS for 0.428 CVCOIN