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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight12.65 BTS
Lifetime fees paid131.3 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 11.42 0
BRIDGE.LTC 0.00000106 0
BRIDGE.XZC 0.0000131 0
BRIDGE.BITG 0.000177 0
BRIDGE.SINS 0.000269 0
BRIDGE.MERI 0.000597 0
BRIDGE.SPDR 0.002015 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19OC020P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0 0.0831
c46a7a42 sent 1,030 BRIDGE.NRG to
3eb62c65 cancel order
93c4a415 wants 0.33 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,030 BRIDGE.NRG
6a6f20e8 issue 1,030 BRIDGE.NRG to
7e6e8c90 sent 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC to
a5b2f345 cancel orders (2)
777a15b5 wants 300 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC
3ca48145 wants 300 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC
d7fe3d1d cancel order
2c6004d1 wants 1,049 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
d14bc9ee cancel order
40b31f15 wants 69 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.02105 BRIDGE.BTC
826a9449 cancel order
d74e4d01 wants 320 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
a5fc4ed3 cancel order
f15ca0c2 wants 310 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
df44efde cancel order
1b57d3f4 wants 320 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
c995830f cancel order
1485164c wants 312.4 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
ef45ed22 cancel order
23a2ec27 wants 313 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
6f16d56f cancel order
8f1bdbf7 wants 314 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
2b1eb84d cancel order
96b056e3 wants 314 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
9a45fb1d cancel order
0733a27f wants 314 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
5f30594b cancel order
9e884f2d wants 314 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
ebe85bca cancel order
b3de9da9 wants 314.4 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
457dd30f cancel order
7c76115f wants 314.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
da7fcd55 cancel order
f06f7790 wants 314.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
63ea9823 cancel order
d864a1b7 wants 318 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
7cf15d06 cancel order
0c6533e4 wants 318 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
fc961c16 cancel order
d1344762 wants 318 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
0e289fba cancel order
40155ff8 wants 315 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
ecd0f7ba cancel orders (2)
914d3042 wants 261.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC
93c16af3 cancel order
56f46206 wants 58.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.01754 BRIDGE.BTC
7000758a cancel order
eb2af9f9 wants 654 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC
e5311812 cancel order
8b129701 wants 654 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0785 BRIDGE.BTC
e22f52e5 cancel orders (3)
5b8594da wants 59.4 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
3c46eef9 cancel order
74728979 wants 109.3 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.01159 BRIDGE.BTC
7ccb4a1a cancel order
b7319e6e cancel order
a932f30c wants 661 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0606 BRIDGE.BTC
5f69ed9a cancel order
bcdd3e7d wants 51.6 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0066 BRIDGE.BTC
514723c6 wants 50 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
2ff6908d wants 38.6 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
8ad04456 wants 505 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0606 BRIDGE.BTC
2798fa54 cancel orders (6)
78d84299 wants 505 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0505 BRIDGE.BTC
84779d2d wants 61 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.01754 BRIDGE.BTC
ff609f78 wants 60 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00559 BRIDGE.BTC
764ab909 cancel order
2648df92 wants 60 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00559 BRIDGE.BTC
e2c92827 wants 60 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00559 BRIDGE.BTC
3910916e cancel order
bf6e586b cancel order
20dac8a4 wants 60 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00562 BRIDGE.BTC
afffd47e wants 60 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00561 BRIDGE.BTC
1fa8aace cancel order
d9393e7e wants 862 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.079 BRIDGE.BTC
e508b13b wants 60.3 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00561 BRIDGE.BTC
ade25590 wants 60.3 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00567 BRIDGE.BTC
b7555c82 cancel order
456cdd2a wants 60.3 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00573 BRIDGE.BTC
ca7a1658 cancel order
6987823f wants 985 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0903 BRIDGE.BTC
55915a6e cancel order
e189c940 wants 44.4 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00573 BRIDGE.BTC
6eeedeac cancel order
172b5b29 wants 700 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0903 BRIDGE.BTC
567c5823 cancel order
a9ebb6cb wants 20 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00258 BRIDGE.BTC
455e4808 cancel order
79c486c2 wants 730 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0935 BRIDGE.BTC
cfe0f5ad cancel order
fb6400ac wants 724 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0935 BRIDGE.BTC
903428e1 cancel order
4d7819d8 wants 724 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0935 BRIDGE.BTC
ca18c68a cancel order
b94965fe wants 20 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00258 BRIDGE.BTC
5d36e725 cancel order
3447899d wants 691 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0878 BRIDGE.BTC
e169a146 cancel order
8b78e0f1 wants 67.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00827 BRIDGE.BTC
06d218a7 wants 725 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0878 BRIDGE.BTC
7e3ef918 cancel orders (2)
2c127bf6 cancel order
012a7d87 cancel order
aac0f9a4 cancel order
c517c3c4 cancel order
1c28a563 wants 725 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0834 BRIDGE.BTC
6735a6ef cancel order
8651849d wants 758 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0834 BRIDGE.BTC
a73ffccf cancel order
a0c172e4 wants 834 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0834 BRIDGE.BTC
787b53ec cancel order
4545ca9b wants 910 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0834 BRIDGE.BTC
0c34b4a8 wants 20.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.002443 BRIDGE.BTC
744c21b6 wants 20.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.002483 BRIDGE.BTC
5c893d9b wants 20.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.002524 BRIDGE.BTC
4f5f4f80 wants 20.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.002564 BRIDGE.BTC
93b2bdcb wants 20.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.002604 BRIDGE.BTC
9c10509b cancel orders (3)
e54fa70c wants 20.2 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.002604 BRIDGE.BTC
26879441 wants 28.65 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC
56fa860d cancel order
9df0a027 wants 48.6 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
5a66fcde cancel order
25706d1c wants 48.5 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
74f5013b cancel order
d116480c wants 48.8 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
23fdbe6c cancel order
2eed39e4 wants 48.5 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
eaa3b2a8 cancel order
d3d25a73 wants 49.6 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
865a0000 cancel order
e42083e1 wants 979 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0897 BRIDGE.BTC
5a6ad191 wants 50 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0063 BRIDGE.BTC
4c9325f7 cancel order
2821c400 wants 768 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
d18e3d3e cancel orders (2)
856dd57a wants 786 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.095 BRIDGE.BTC
7ac272d7 wants 7.93 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.00096 BRIDGE.BTC
3ec72f9f cancel order
4577193a wants 800 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
61e4dc61 cancel order
0dc07232 wants 865 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
6d76b7eb cancel order
31f79ed5 wants 873 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
3033511b cancel order
73860205 wants 950 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
17a28786 cancel order
0c1d4840 wants 950 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
4cf1ca15 cancel order
ebb3a809 wants 960 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
2e0f3743 cancel order
fe575968 wants 960 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
f9cf5acf cancel order
594e15ca wants 960 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
49736e05 cancel order
5614837c wants 1,047 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
8b30fe0f cancel order
c2b32a0d wants 960 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.096 BRIDGE.BTC
fd5cb3f9 cancel orders (2)
96f4ea6d cancel order
c0cad9b5 wants 308 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0308 BRIDGE.BTC
1f07083c cancel order
6e4bd534 wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0102 BRIDGE.BTC
3f240e8e wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC
514ed9b9 cancel order
cd7926cb wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC
40467136 cancel order
3f3c31c5 wants 600 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.055 BRIDGE.BTC
f070b895 wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
4c4681f3 cancel orders (10)
4d41f888 wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0099 BRIDGE.BTC
e025b135 wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC
8b5c019b wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0097 BRIDGE.BTC
d02d4c3d wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0096 BRIDGE.BTC
5090a880 wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0094 BRIDGE.BTC
d20d901d wants 100 BRIDGE.BLOCK for 0.0095 BRIDGE.BTC