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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0906 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.698 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0906
CNY 0.1255
DEEX 0.1
BZBJB 1,776
STOIC 1,000
df094e36 sent 0.1 DEEX to
be5547bb sent 442,748 BTS to
a38b2832 sent 442,748 BTS to
03175eb4 sent 442,700 BTS to
3c596723 sent 48 BTS to
acd4717a sent 10 BTS to
fb31de7d sent 442,758 BTS to
302da950 sent 888 BZBJB to
6e8cc7df sent 888 BZBJB to
704e005e sent 27,422 BTS to
4b28107d paid 54,856 CNY for 14,822 BTS
a8cd6a4c paid 2,570 CNY for 676 BTS
23523a83 paid 45,322 CNY for 11,924 BTS
5c1e850e sent 12,500 BTS to
f29e9fbc paid 48,763 CNY for 12,500 BTS
3ca52abc sent 19,577 BTS to
53602810 paid 29,901 CNY for 7,570 BTS
b4ad03a3 paid 48,012 CNY for 12,000 BTS
6215d0a0 paid 27 CNY for 6.4 BTS
e893142f wants 6.4 BTS for 27 CNY
ce3f0e70 wants 7,570 BTS for 29,901 CNY
f0b2af9a wants 14,822 BTS for 54,856 CNY
0f919d98 wants 12,600 BTS for 47,893 CNY
7cb073d1 wants 12,500 BTS for 48,763 CNY
206b522e wants 12,000 BTS for 48,012 CNY
0accb887 sent 10,328 BTS to
fe9f353e paid 20,020 CNY for 5,200 BTS
cf7d1075 paid 20,003 CNY for 5,129 BTS
9a29fd4a sent 7,469 BTS to
a2be5352 paid 9,987 CNY for 2,466 BTS
virtual paid 20,012 CNY for 5,003 BTS
030eda1a wants 2,466 BTS for 9,987 CNY
7812f7eb wants 5,003 BTS for 20,012 CNY
2617f834 wants 5,129 BTS for 20,003 CNY
01944383 wants 5,200 BTS for 20,020 CNY
5e8cf171 sent 1.5 BTS to
c428fae4 sent 73,500 BTS to
304e1e47 paid 401,319 CNY for 73,502 BTS
ddf39a16 wants 73,502 BTS for 401,319 CNY
12a3339b cancel order
4fe7cdc9 wants 75,012 BTS for 401,320 CNY
1b596ceb cancel order
d54c0d5b wants 72,954 BTS for 401,320 CNY
c2bc44e7 sent 165,911 BTS to
70ce614b paid 46,039 CNY for 12,115 BTS
57a90c58 paid 745 CNY for 196 BTS
a52acf34 paid 10,885 CNY for 2,864 BTS
cea6acde paid 19,001 CNY for 5,000 BTS
68838188 paid 152,268 CNY for 40,069 BTS
8cca59e3 paid 327,846 CNY for 86,273 BTS
f16bc85f paid 73,699 CNY for 19,394 BTS
68d4bb8a sent 126,048 BTS to
12decb0e sent 10 BTS to
329da571 wants 165,912 BTS for 630,481 CNY
049e5ff9 cancel order
9419b3a1 wants 180,132 BTS for 630,480 CNY
6335ee9b paid 41,010 CNY for 9,785 BTS
37362db7 paid 1,676 CNY for 400 BTS
1351123d paid 178,347 CNY for 42,555 BTS
6609a0ad paid 38,482 CNY for 9,182 BTS
bd6314e0 paid 83,820 CNY for 20,000 BTS
92345d9e paid 13,735 CNY for 3,277 BTS
f0dc0124 paid 20.96 CNY for 5 BTS
d24bf055 paid 62,868 CNY for 15,001 BTS
a310b12c wants 100,205 BTS for 419,959 CNY
e926d451 cancel order
b9be4941 wants 8.29 BTS for 34.5 CNY
virtual paid 34.5 CNY for 8.3 BTS
6af0125e wants 110,519 BTS for 419,972 CNY
14cd7123 cancel order
75fdc09c cancel order
f0fc6d58 wants 40.6 BTS for 127.8 CNY
55286461 wants 135,009 BTS for 419,878 CNY
af7c447b cancel order
20bc4590 cancel order
923ef4aa cancel order
33024727 cancel order
9db4bf61 cancel order
c3bbd3f2 paid 4,442 CNY for 1,433 BTS
777ac1f2 paid 458 CNY for 148 BTS
81a9bcf7 paid 127.8 CNY for 41.2 BTS
cf95fda5 paid 69 CNY for 22.27 BTS
581d6183 paid 74,898 CNY for 24,161 BTS
761fb14b wants 25,805 BTS for 79,996 CNY
48dbe135 wants 30,000 BTS for 90,000 CNY
c8a21701 wants 30,000 BTS for 78,000 CNY
2727e12e wants 30,000 BTS for 81,000 CNY
1ce5e6f9 wants 30,000 BTS for 84,000 CNY
42e9ad99 wants 30,000 BTS for 87,000 CNY
114a3d21 paid 97.6 CNY for 32 BTS
5e117c18 wants 32 BTS for 97.6 CNY