立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0235 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.318 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0235
DEEX 0.1
TIREX 0.21
315147f2 sent 0.1 DEEX to
4d5a3248 sent 190 BTS to
9a4ebbc8 paid 287 CNY for 190 BTS
7406a4b5 wants 190 BTS for 287 CNY
3a222bcd sent 287 CNY to
7ddcfcad sent 67.4 BTS to
50b4b941 paid 98.5 CNY for 67.5 BTS
fbde2bb5 wants 67.5 BTS for 98.5 CNY
600b3d4b cancel order
c379b7a2 wants 67.9 BTS for 98.5 CNY
0b148d15 sent 59.2 BTS to
8ba6483e paid 94.2 CNY for 59.3 BTS
55c4ae7a wants 59.3 BTS for 94.2 CNY
a0b3a8f3 cancel order
df9e72b8 wants 59.5 BTS for 94.2 CNY
0dd55531 sent 137.8 BTS to
3506e81f paid 252.6 CNY for 131.5 BTS
7995f892 wants 138 BTS for 265 CNY
virtual paid 12.33 CNY for 6.42 BTS
96a0a904 sent 49.9 BTS to
c53ff929 wants 50.1 BTS for 96 CNY
5f3e8244 paid 96 CNY for 50.1 BTS
f0367c88 sent 126.3 BTS to
c469beac paid 181.3 CNY for 80.2 BTS
716f48b3 wants 126.3 BTS for 285.6 CNY
virtual paid 104.3 CNY for 46.1 BTS
c17c7fe5 cancel order
9e09be83 wants 129.3 BTS for 285.6 CNY
36c2041f sent 173 BTS to
d67d893b paid 285 CNY for 173.3 BTS
752cdc1d wants 173.3 BTS for 285 CNY
72f3e6ea cancel order
bb407368 wants 173.3 BTS for 285 CNY
11923bc8 sent 0.5 BTS to
82a95975 sent 105 BTS to
14ad2a61 paid 175.5 CNY for 105.7 BTS
039bb647 wants 105.7 BTS for 175.5 CNY
3a28f462 sent 81.1 BTS to
1e374a2e paid 92 CNY for 81.3 BTS
4eb34eb8 wants 81.3 BTS for 92 CNY
29bca306 cancel order
6c4f909f wants 81.3 BTS for 92 CNY
6b99e99a sent 101.3 BTS to
e8a81164 paid 141.5 CNY for 101.3 BTS
8a312a8a wants 101.3 BTS for 141.5 CNY
b49a30e8 sent 79 BTS to
9e06fc66 paid 200 CNY for 79 BTS
66cd02b4 wants 79 BTS for 200 CNY
2f7a53a5 cancel order
23c620d3 wants 79.3 BTS for 200 CNY
d6810a90 cancel order
cd13b830 wants 80 BTS for 200 CNY
dbaa01af update account/votes
cc96533d sent 69.8 BTS to
1fbe893b paid 179.4 CNY for 69.8 BTS
2adbccd7 wants 69.8 BTS for 179.4 CNY
f04123ba sent 58.2 BTS to
59912fb0 paid 200 CNY for 58.1 BTS
5319c394 wants 58.1 BTS for 200 CNY
f675d9c7 sent 0.21 TIREX to
75332554 sent 27.8 BTS to
2b6c0b3b paid 99.9 CNY for 27.9 BTS
60226f22 wants 27.9 BTS for 99.9 CNY
c6c4f800 cancel order
921e08d5 wants 27.77 BTS for 99.9 CNY
d0f04b08 cancel order
76608a46 wants 30.5 BTS for 99.9 CNY
748c9bb3 cancel order
0cd464fa wants 30.53 BTS for 99.9 CNY
f46683d8 sent 30 BTS to
95aa551b paid 98.4 CNY for 30 BTS
9c604074 wants 30 BTS for 98.4 CNY
2c8f8845 cancel order
270bc497 wants 30 BTS for 98.4 CNY
e1b1e171 cancel order
35e409aa wants 30.05 BTS for 98.4 CNY
e85e650f cancel order
c11cd846 wants 30.2 BTS for 98.4 CNY
24e36bf4 cancel order
00abb0ff wants 31.54 BTS for 98.4 CNY
87b7d26b cancel order
69671d69 wants 34.5 BTS for 98.4 CNY
88fd280e cancel order
5008fd55 wants 35.1 BTS for 98.4 CNY
dc845abe cancel order
581f68bc wants 34.9 BTS for 98.4 CNY
0ecdf849 update account/votes
f62ff738 sent 43.1 BTS to
e189a2c4 wants 43.1 BTS for 91.4 CNY
virtual paid 91.4 CNY for 43.1 BTS
d5c9cf18 sent 37.2 BTS to
028acb7a paid 95 CNY for 37.2 BTS
0a678a38 wants 37.2 BTS for 95 CNY