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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00102 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.36 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00102 0
DEEX 0.1 0
TIREX 0.15 0
ROYAL 0.028 0
STEPCOIN 0.023 0
MACHAIN 0.00383 0
BRIDGE.CIF 45,857 45,857
TURION 0.0992 0
CEMENT 0.00091 0
BRIDGE.GOA 1,552 0
BRIDGE.ALP 2,994 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
2f1675cf sent 0.1 DEEX to
940b603b issue 1,530 BRIDGE.GOA to
13f6ae20 sent 0.1258 BRIDGE.LTC to
fab50e56 wants 0.1267 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.002383 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002383 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1267 BRIDGE.LTC
44c648c6 wants 0.001023 BRIDGE.BTC for 45 BRIDGE.GOA
virtual paid 45 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.001023 BRIDGE.BTC
2bd256de cancel order
4578d3b9 wants 0.001365 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.GOA
virtual paid 60 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.001365 BRIDGE.BTC
7860b982 wants 0.455 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00903 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00903 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.455 BRIDGE.LTC
8e510bfc cancel order
4ed28806 paid 0.000895 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0451 BRIDGE.LTC
44b756b2 wants 1.246 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.02473 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0148 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.746 BRIDGE.LTC
3eafc45a wants 0.01802 BRIDGE.BTC for 18,021 BRIDGE.CIF
889925f4 wants 0.02107 BRIDGE.BTC for 33,979 BRIDGE.CIF
virtual paid 33,979 BRIDGE.CIF for 0.02107 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a0b5c988 cancel order
9c552ad9 wants 0.00135 BRIDGE.BTC for 45 BRIDGE.GOA
54c523f9 wants 0.00186 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.GOA
virtual paid 60 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.00186 BRIDGE.BTC
17275f85 cancel order
ef24ccb5 wants 0.00234 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.GOA
1f2ffc3a wants 0.000571 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.GOA
virtual paid 3.07 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.0001229 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 11.93 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.000454 BRIDGE.BTC
8d710f2d paid 30 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.001275 BRIDGE.BTC
8c62cee2 wants 0.001275 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.GOA
15a1ae7d sent 0.1194 BRIDGE.BTC to
77897a91 wants 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,689 BRIDGE.MRJA
virtual paid 2,957 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0631 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,732 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.037 BRIDGE.BTC
cdb07df9 cancel order
df362f1e wants 0.1051 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,689 BRIDGE.MRJA
f5f42e2b cancel order
c0d5e9cf wants 0.002153 BRIDGE.BTC for 45 BRIDGE.GOA
virtual paid 45 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.002153 BRIDGE.BTC
04c56b79 wants 0.1097 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,689 BRIDGE.MRJA
3c5d5409 cancel order
563e1cac wants 0.121 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,689 BRIDGE.MRJA
bb95fa08 cancel order
4bc723ac wants 0.1218 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,689 BRIDGE.MRJA
cfe656a4 wants 0.1172 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,138 BRIDGE.MRJA
virtual paid 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0685 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 12.34 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.000282 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,125 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0485 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8fb00200 cancel order
9f44bbd9 wants 0.166 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,826 BRIDGE.MRJA
57508ea0 cancel order
61fd7b0d wants 0.11 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
f8ca3262 cancel order
699b3b46 cancel order
131c1d0a wants 0.284 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,826 BRIDGE.MRJA
894ff601 cancel order
70496ae2 wants 0.292 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,826 BRIDGE.MRJA
164c7d8c wants 459 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.01038 BRIDGE.BTC
c15d25f8 cancel order
f4252903 wants 461 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.01038 BRIDGE.BTC
b0587763 cancel order
99b17447 wants 0.00112 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,120 BRIDGE.CIF
b5c67887 wants 1,122 BRIDGE.CIF for 0.000483 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000483 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,122 BRIDGE.CIF
38131e29 wants 0.287 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,826 BRIDGE.MRJA
5b971e9b cancel order
489efb4c cancel order
5950d133 cancel order
555edb8c wants 486 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.01087 BRIDGE.BTC
6d3971a1 paid 400 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.01089 BRIDGE.BTC
aa91c118 wants 0.136 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
33b32287 cancel order
d6293892 wants 0.1423 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,226 BRIDGE.MRJA
56ed149b wants 0.1384 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
ed70514d cancel order
fcc093b8 wants 0.283 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,226 BRIDGE.MRJA
90684a94 paid 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,558 BRIDGE.MRJA
9c9a9615 wants 4,558 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
519b4d49 cancel order
9be18835 wants 4,632 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
ecf39f7d cancel order
2e115380 wants 4,634 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
4a46fe6d cancel order
92f98757 wants 4,636 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
fb9316bf cancel order
73f72976 paid 0.00235 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,054 BRIDGE.ALP
1a5f924b paid 0.00434 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,946 BRIDGE.ALP
f3f65e7a cancel order
170056d4 wants 0.139 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,677 BRIDGE.MRJA
03346eed wants 6,793 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
162eb6ba cancel order
5c2e9081 wants 5,064 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
4d3d1dfe wants 0.1023 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,650 BRIDGE.MRJA
virtual paid 4,650 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.1023 BRIDGE.BTC
9c36a6be cancel order
089caefc wants 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC for 26,716 BRIDGE.CIF
ab924d05 wants 0.0796 BRIDGE.BTC for 52,000 BRIDGE.CIF
ddf57e90 paid 0.0489 BRIDGE.BTC for 78,874 BRIDGE.CIF
87ef4147 wants 78,874 BRIDGE.CIF for 0.0489 BRIDGE.BTC
2b84d224 wants 0.0249 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
c92b150e cancel order
2ded6055 wants 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
f6d29cb3 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.049 BRIDGE.BTC
b5885759 wants 0.049 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
ffd4019f cancel order
5fc26cf3 cancel order
0e94eb1e wants 0.0758 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,010 BRIDGE.MRJA
9ada5aa2 cancel order
7fcd9e8f sent 0.424 BRIDGE.BTC to
2d3018cb wants 0.0756 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
3ba7ccb6 wants 0.0757 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
5845c6f2 cancel order
048a96b0 wants 0.0757 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
b05a7ef3 cancel order
2e007588 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.02523 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.02523 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.02523 BRIDGE.BTC
befb0a42 cancel order
6ad691ff cancel order
0be810a4 wants 0.101 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
6ec46821 wants 12 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.221 BRIDGE.BTC
aad47caf cancel order
7933cf05 cancel order
ecc0faea wants 0.1263 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
9c97e60f cancel order
85714fd2 cancel order
38adf86a wants 0.0759 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
46c90367 wants 0.076 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
cfb5c3f0 cancel order
aae6c1a0 cancel order
6d766cc6 wants 0.076 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
18372319 wants 0.000525 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.GOA
virtual paid 15 BRIDGE.GOA for 0.000525 BRIDGE.BTC
1b70b401 wants 0.0762 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
a16308b4 cancel order
593e3863 cancel order
003061af wants 0.0764 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
d7d88750 cancel order
59ce2313 cancel order
d561f180 wants 0.000901 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.000901 BRIDGE.MRJA
780bd9f8 cancel order
a23b9ea1 wants 0.003065 BRIDGE.BTC for 170.3 BRIDGE.CBS
virtual paid 170.3 BRIDGE.CBS for 0.003065 BRIDGE.BTC
8f84260c cancel order
135c5aca wants 0.0797 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,126 BRIDGE.MRJA
71f13e32 cancel order
8d4b1122 wants 0.0306 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,200 BRIDGE.MRJA
9868773a cancel order
c74048a8 wants 0.0765 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
2ae37965 cancel order
f7e527c2 wants 4 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0001021 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001021 BRIDGE.BTC for 4 BRIDGE.MRJA
virtual paid 4 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0001021 BRIDGE.BTC
59e472b5 wants 0.03077 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,205 BRIDGE.MRJA
a2c78282 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0201 BRIDGE.BTC
5f56290d cancel order
019415aa wants 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC for 170.3 BRIDGE.CBS
2f6b58b3 cancel order
c90b6790 paid 0.00000143 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0716 BRIDGE.MRJA
41d31655 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.0201 BRIDGE.BTC
444d4e78 wants 0.0824 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,226 BRIDGE.MRJA
70c10839 wants 0.0418 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,637 BRIDGE.MRJA
00c12524 cancel order
943ae3c2 cancel order
992c24ed cancel order
9d6f39d2 cancel order
d5b0b932 wants 0.0511 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.MRJA
b5ae48d2 cancel order
61f609c3 wants 0.00426 BRIDGE.BTC for 170.3 BRIDGE.CBS
e84773d1 cancel order
35056642 cancel order
c55de234 wants 0.0372 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,456 BRIDGE.MRJA
e620f79c wants 24,353 BRIDGE.MRJA for 0.366 BRIDGE.BTC
91a3126c wants 0.0511 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,996 BRIDGE.MRJA
833b5c75 cancel order
b18c949f wants 0.0511 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,996 BRIDGE.MRJA
48b85c5c cancel order
3c4bc9e9 wants 0.0512 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,996 BRIDGE.MRJA
d42a302d wants 0.00506 BRIDGE.BTC for 170.3 BRIDGE.CBS
95976a53 cancel order
7f4d39ac cancel order
e9db1b23 cancel order
856fad4a wants 0.0696 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,709 BRIDGE.MRJA
47934d4c cancel order
00b630a3 cancel order
790ae503 cancel order
48c58af0 cancel order
e85c8b00 wants 0.0698 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,709 BRIDGE.MRJA
920617ff wants 0.00507 BRIDGE.BTC for 170.3 BRIDGE.CBS
f5e138c8 wants 0.0036 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.CBS
virtual paid 200 BRIDGE.CBS for 0.0036 BRIDGE.BTC
1dad062b cancel order
8a82857b wants 1,000 BRIDGE.CBS for 0.01515 BRIDGE.BTC