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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight13.16 BTS
Lifetime fees paid10.7 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 13.23 0
BRIDGE.SPD 0.00671 1,021
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19OC020P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0
34c11d94 sent 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC to
8d6d2d95 wants 0.000741 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,483 BRIDGE.SPD
virtual paid 1,483 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.002047 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
42e835e8 cancel order
bd450ef2 wants 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
1122a54d cancel order
4cc849d5 wants 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
46d2e628 cancel order
5d572236 wants 0.0059 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
e0178c26 cancel order
5154414d cancel order
644baecf wants 0.00591 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
ab9e8398 cancel order
76c3d472 wants 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
143d4156 wants 0.00664 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
f754d7b1 cancel order
62170250 wants 0.00681 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,482 BRIDGE.SPD
3b59abeb cancel order
4a84de2e paid 0.001075 BRIDGE.BTC for 336 BRIDGE.SPD
f9c371c7 wants 0.00527 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,146 BRIDGE.SPD
754d6cbf cancel order
48a72b00 paid 0.001116 BRIDGE.BTC for 349 BRIDGE.SPD
ea041dfc wants 0.00367 BRIDGE.BTC for 798 BRIDGE.SPD
4b8b2a6f cancel order
05849e28 paid 0.001358 BRIDGE.BTC for 424 BRIDGE.SPD
4ceffc96 wants 0.001723 BRIDGE.BTC for 375 BRIDGE.SPD
3873ebb2 wants 1,109 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
25a3e3be cancel order
b4259001 cancel order
69fae4a9 wants 1,109 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00355 BRIDGE.BTC
158d6512 cancel order
bd4cb560 paid 0.000242 BRIDGE.BTC for 75.6 BRIDGE.SPD
300c5068 wants 1,184 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00379 BRIDGE.BTC
36e20fa0 cancel order
46a2ff64 wants 0.001376 BRIDGE.BTC for 299.4 BRIDGE.SPD
314457ca wants 1,184 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00379 BRIDGE.BTC
2507ee30 cancel order
12fdc95e paid 0.000957 BRIDGE.BTC for 299 BRIDGE.SPD
d0efddc1 wants 1,483 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
f77503f0 cancel order
659ee8db wants 1,483 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
fa021b0d cancel order
0f0295a9 wants 1,478 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
9a74c947 cancel order
a44e854d wants 1,436 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
269d8151 cancel order
07d5c836 wants 1,478 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
4f11f69d cancel order
dc207681 wants 1,445 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
0c20377a cancel order
6188086b wants 1,449 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
f6217f04 cancel order
a1cbb002 wants 1,478 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
8e2721ec paid 1,000 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC
40a1e365 wants 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.SPD
24c175d5 cancel order
74ad7ab2 wants 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.SPD
d59cecc5 paid 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,002 BRIDGE.SPD
9b2fe590 wants 1,002 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
908e1ece cancel order
0e4154b9 wants 1,002 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
08577e4f cancel order
45c451d3 paid 168.2 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.000706 BRIDGE.BTC
31592a48 wants 0.000706 BRIDGE.BTC for 168.2 BRIDGE.SPD
5fb32e5e cancel order
ee7984d6 wants 808 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.002934 BRIDGE.BTC
5c7a31b1 cancel order
2d846dc2 wants 0.000866 BRIDGE.BTC for 168.2 BRIDGE.SPD
b2c311ea cancel order
1005414b cancel order
cad8ddc3 wants 0.000891 BRIDGE.BTC for 168.2 BRIDGE.SPD
0056e7dc wants 0.000899 BRIDGE.BTC for 168.2 BRIDGE.SPD
0f7e94a1 cancel order
ac66905e wants 809 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.002937 BRIDGE.BTC
3513bc9f paid 550 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00294 BRIDGE.BTC
d776ce28 wants 0.00384 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
5d77caec cancel order
de2b7fdd wants 0.00501 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
afe77d0c cancel order
3be24125 wants 0.00501 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
e1ec4843 cancel order
60656355 cancel order
c5c6837c wants 0.00501 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
a3a50367 wants 0.00532 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
2f1cdafd cancel order
ed37dd61 wants 0.00532 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
c80b5fe8 cancel order
b8d9b4e6 cancel order
f3bf20d9 wants 0.00532 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
50ad9b18 wants 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
0e8d9ad4 cancel order
f8fcb6b3 cancel order
dc955b1c wants 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
bb2be891 wants 0.00542 BRIDGE.BTC for 718 BRIDGE.SPD
5d59a48c paid 0.00383 BRIDGE.BTC for 689 BRIDGE.SPD
2e39c4bf wants 689 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00383 BRIDGE.BTC
f68cdeb7 cancel order
7a88ea7d cancel order
af2a85d3 wants 690 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00383 BRIDGE.BTC
10f94a4d wants 695 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00383 BRIDGE.BTC
68745543 cancel order
1c2e6472 wants 696 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00383 BRIDGE.BTC
9563c8a3 cancel order
4ac43ae5 paid 0.0001626 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.2 BRIDGE.SPD
5398ac36 wants 742 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
8abba5a4 cancel order
9be8864a wants 743 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
60e0f476 cancel order
8cab7d0e wants 745 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
0f331aec cancel order
c67a636e wants 747 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
baee19f9 cancel order
5f96d767 wants 749 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
b4ef7688 cancel order
77f24178 wants 750 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
02e05797 cancel order
08d5ced6 cancel order
318d3e3c wants 752 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
4414273d cancel order
62d1bd93 wants 753 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
8b52c34b wants 769 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
a86c04d7 cancel order
5467211e wants 770 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
65059186 cancel order
a26c1a78 cancel order
572eebe6 wants 774 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
07697cdc cancel order
50f37501 wants 775 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
2717d2ff wants 778 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
0f9bcced cancel order
f8e71463 cancel order
2b913055 wants 778 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
d9360682 wants 780 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
c850deae cancel order
d0854777 cancel order
57a43ea1 wants 781 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
bfa91bf3 wants 783 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
0d1a1959 cancel order
62f0d354 cancel order
fd931568 wants 795 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
d830d837 wants 1,115 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
0488a313 cancel order
28c3db17 wants 971 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC
2c1cf5b0 cancel order
7c7cbaf4 paid 43.9 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.000285 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
57f9a886 wants 902 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00371 BRIDGE.BTC
8755b5cf cancel order
f64c055d paid 341 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.002216 BRIDGE.BTC
31e3c63f wants 363 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.001494 BRIDGE.BTC
cc63924d paid 230 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.001495 BRIDGE.BTC
1e5c19a9 wants 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC for 615 BRIDGE.SPD
0d4a6cff paid 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC for 615 BRIDGE.SPD
eee7b0c5 wants 615 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
c0e90d84 cancel order
b872419f wants 615 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
69092a06 cancel order
cbb4d6cc wants 1,117 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
9f1df1a7 cancel order
86821122 wants 1,133 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
9be62614 cancel order
f1fdfbc9 wants 1,133 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
786fee2e cancel order
61e30ff7 wants 802 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
02e5d630 cancel order
414cc14c wants 805 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
9b4bc7e3 cancel order
2091f3c2 cancel order
6f74bd20 wants 811 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
3650e4fe wants 1,133 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
253d9016 sent 0.00359 BRIDGE.BTC to
ab0829ab paid 1,196 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0076 BRIDGE.BTC
eebb40e2 cancel order
87bcc822 wants 0.0076 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,196 BRIDGE.SPD
86aa6aee cancel order
c133ff75 paid 0.00128 BRIDGE.BTC for 384 BRIDGE.SPD
c3336c20 wants 0.00516 BRIDGE.BTC for 813 BRIDGE.SPD
ced0d7fc cancel order
111f199c paid 0.002456 BRIDGE.BTC for 737 BRIDGE.SPD
c5e5ebf0 paid 0.0000579 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.37 BRIDGE.SPD
607574d1 cancel order
2f4e6a2c wants 0.000346 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.7 BRIDGE.SPD
0f268f05 wants 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.7 BRIDGE.SPD
616867bc paid 0.00006 BRIDGE.BTC for 18 BRIDGE.SPD
c7973e77 paid 0.0001426 BRIDGE.BTC for 42.8 BRIDGE.SPD
ee4041d5 wants 1,199 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
32782b51 cancel order
50b5fe6f wants 1,205 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
f3464a48 cancel order
22c2a29a sent 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC to
00549a80 wants 1,212 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
772f9708 cancel order
594bf140 paid 1,535 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00749 BRIDGE.BTC
78bbc614 wants 234 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.000773 BRIDGE.BTC
da00c182 cancel order
61b75123 wants 0.00749 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,535 BRIDGE.SPD
6fdce4eb cancel order
a81b1e84 paid 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,467 BRIDGE.SPD
a4ae129c wants 1,702 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.0056 BRIDGE.BTC