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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid6.5 BTS
aaf335a1 sent 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC to
9bdec2ff sent 49.9 BRIDGE.RVIEW to
69d9b071 cancel order
045ce8a4 cancel order
2d243809 cancel order
4b7b2fde paid 0.00282 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.924 BRIDGE.RVIEW
a198675b wants 133.7 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.283 BRIDGE.BTC
603828d0 wants 29 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0885 BRIDGE.BTC
d0ffb1d4 wants 12 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0366 BRIDGE.BTC
8a496d3c sent 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC to
a02b5376 cancel order
73272cb0 paid 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.45 BRIDGE.RVIEW
2b5b3835 wants 327 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.508 BRIDGE.BTC
761d1691 sent 0.9 BRIDGE.BTC to
cd9f4535 cancel order
8850d47e wants 12.45 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.038 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000047 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01598 BRIDGE.RVIEW
virtual paid 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.RVIEW
f3c0b6f8 cancel order
ec44de40 wants 985 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.41 BRIDGE.BTC
afdf0f8a sent 0.2003 BRIDGE.BTC to
13467314 cancel order
6b33d348 wants 857 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.61 BRIDGE.BTC
a54a4f8d sent 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC to
199eb3bc cancel order
03620439 paid 0.02165 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.45 BRIDGE.RVIEW
cfefb9bb paid 0.02035 BRIDGE.BTC for 7 BRIDGE.RVIEW
virtual paid 0.0494 BRIDGE.BTC for 17 BRIDGE.RVIEW
virtual paid 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.203 BRIDGE.RVIEW
b86d0873 wants 15.42 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.038 BRIDGE.BTC
2501d5ad wants 8.65 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.02515 BRIDGE.BTC
bb3f7bce wants 17 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0494 BRIDGE.BTC
80df5b15 wants 7 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.02035 BRIDGE.BTC
73ca9fc1 cancel order
83863166 cancel orders (2)
b17e60c7 wants 23.7 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.069 BRIDGE.BTC
9a1bc826 wants 9 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.02617 BRIDGE.BTC
0eb9c618 wants 13 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC
0967daeb cancel order
9abd5904 cancel order
1c02d3aa wants 8.83 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0256 BRIDGE.BTC
e276e86c wants 37 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.1073 BRIDGE.BTC
e538411d cancel order
ed3e91bf cancel order
15aa6c11 cancel order
1e35dc82 wants 5.18 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
3c5cf18d wants 8.66 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0251 BRIDGE.BTC
91e49d67 wants 32 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0928 BRIDGE.BTC
445b5ae0 cancel order
3c9c6119 cancel order
31a02d18 cancel order
c5a6cdb4 wants 19.62 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC
48797e37 paid 21 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC
72ea12bf wants 0.0547 BRIDGE.BTC for 21 BRIDGE.RVIEW
9cdedda1 wants 1,262 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.71 BRIDGE.BTC
2b2a5b57 cancel order
fa471382 wants 1,316 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.81 BRIDGE.BTC
1e85019d sent 0.2 BRIDGE.BTC to
f709dbfb wants 19 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0495 BRIDGE.BTC
aac21be8 wants 11 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.0287 BRIDGE.BTC
67755e14 cancel order
c262f3a6 wants 1,897 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 2.087 BRIDGE.BTC
44856c15 cancel order
8ac61786 cancel order
b85d63e1 wants 141.5 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.1217 BRIDGE.BTC
93384559 wants 2,010 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.762 BRIDGE.BTC
9702ba4e cancel order
51a88ff5 wants 1,598 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.279 BRIDGE.BTC
35f02128 cancel order
9e4d199e wants 1,454 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 1.163 BRIDGE.BTC
9bf57409 cancel order
808740ec wants 1,076 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.702 BRIDGE.BTC
8f998f65 cancel order
1fa76fc6 wants 1,078 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.702 BRIDGE.BTC
f46a694e cancel order
f02fec51 wants 1,171 BRIDGE.RVIEW for 0.702 BRIDGE.BTC