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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid5.78 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000043
DEEX 0.0565
BRIDGE.BWK 0.002095
d25c35d1 sent 16,880 BRIDGE.KLKS to
f2166c3b sent 0.545 BTS to
69209b2f wants 1 BTS for 950 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 950 BRIDGE.KLKS for 1 BTS
b4ae0be3 sent 1.125 BTS to
61e4d782 wants 1.58 BTS for 1,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 1,500 BRIDGE.KLKS for 1.58 BTS
0453df21 sent 0.01013 BRIDGE.BTC to
0815aa17 wants 0.000382 BRIDGE.BTC for 110.5 BRIDGE.BWK
virtual paid 110.5 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.000382 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
aec513e2 wants 0.001076 BRIDGE.BTC for 303 BRIDGE.BWK
virtual paid 303 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.001076 BRIDGE.BTC
a949aaaf wants 0.000984 BRIDGE.BTC for 269 BRIDGE.BWK
virtual paid 269 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.000984 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1fb85610 cancel order
8fa3fcd3 cancel order
58c60355 cancel order
9e5f9edc cancel order
69816ef9 cancel orders (2)
2f6f3c83 sent 392 BRIDGE.BWK to
77243f11 paid 0.001497 BRIDGE.BTC for 381 BRIDGE.BWK
d0747c09 paid 0.0000475 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.08 BRIDGE.BWK
3a164d55 wants 393 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.001544 BRIDGE.BTC
7925b7c7 wants 0.01457 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,855 BRIDGE.KLKS
50d0da81 wants 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
b676460e wants 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
12be1797 wants 0.0375 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
74c6e8e7 wants 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
63e8244f cancel order
faaa9954 cancel order
63a28673 wants 0.00588 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
cb686309 wants 0.00498 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
6db31bab wants 0.00468 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
d5abe2bd cancel orders (5)
5b9dce89 paid 0.00001314 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.6 BRIDGE.KLKS
bd30c5df wants 2,782 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00381 BRIDGE.BTC
18bc6480 wants 5,260 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00931 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00931 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,260 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 5,260 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00931 BRIDGE.BTC
28567508 wants 0.01388 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,842 BRIDGE.KLKS
398243cc cancel order
854bac62 cancel order
50ae1ade wants 7,274 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00931 BRIDGE.BTC
b1dd093a wants 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,192 BRIDGE.KLKS
5dc137d0 wants 0.00525 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,791 BRIDGE.KLKS
bfb3689d wants 0.00912 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,824 BRIDGE.KLKS
4ee8de8b wants 5,348 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.01005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002386 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,412 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.001088 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.00658 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 3,500 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.00658 BRIDGE.BTC
6ff9ffa3 wants 0.00658 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
037a39b3 cancel order
96b564cc wants 0.00528 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
5e3fa870 wants 9,999 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,999 BRIDGE.KLKS
5fb645c8 wants 0.01387 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,340 BRIDGE.KLKS
e510ef0d wants 7,088 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0112 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000502 BRIDGE.BTC for 33.5 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,609 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.000264 BRIDGE.BTC for 172.7 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.000645 BRIDGE.BTC for 419 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.0000324 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.66 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.001737 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,099 BRIDGE.KLKS
ec48b786 sent 0.00513 HOTDEX.BTC to
9d8b5edc wants 0.001763 HOTDEX.BTC for 10 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 10 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.001763 HOTDEX.BTC
94bfb003 cancel order
61d8ae28 wants 0.00198 HOTDEX.BTC for 10 HOTDEX.DMME
2cee1980 wants 0.00338 HOTDEX.BTC for 19 HOTDEX.DMME
virtual paid 19 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.00338 HOTDEX.BTC
afc49afe sent 0.0238 HOTDEX.BTC to
705d9d2c paid 127 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0236 HOTDEX.BTC
f52d51ec paid 1.3 HOTDEX.DMME for 0.0002417 HOTDEX.BTC
54bf0677 wants 0.02386 HOTDEX.BTC for 128.3 HOTDEX.DMME
347c5565 sent 0.088 BRIDGE.BTC to
2dfe36c1 sent 415 BRIDGE.BWK to
831eb674 sent 5,384 BRIDGE.KLKS to
e01b3e59 cancel orders (10)
8718efcc cancel order
6bf66c9e wants 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC for 868 BRIDGE.KLKS
2a4159b4 wants 0.0041 BRIDGE.BTC for 572 BRIDGE.KLKS
05f97da1 wants 0.00378 BRIDGE.BTC for 527 BRIDGE.KLKS
729b2f08 wants 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC for 513 BRIDGE.KLKS
9f76b234 wants 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC for 673 BRIDGE.KLKS
9137780b wants 0.00627 BRIDGE.BTC for 869 BRIDGE.KLKS
3447c5b2 wants 0.00232 BRIDGE.BTC for 321 BRIDGE.KLKS
2f5ad82b wants 0.00322 BRIDGE.BTC for 443 BRIDGE.KLKS
272fe731 wants 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 600 BRIDGE.KLKS
a61238e1 cancel order
cf15c04d wants 7,348 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.0291 BRIDGE.BTC
1c94e951 cancel order
151c7045 wants 7,348 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.02895 BRIDGE.BTC
234db19a cancel order
ac6b8fc4 wants 0.0388 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,386 BRIDGE.KLKS
f57522ce cancel order
7b8f0d2f wants 6,604 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.02714 BRIDGE.BTC
a1a38ee1 paid 4,176 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.02714 BRIDGE.BTC
f822da6a wants 8,572 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.03155 BRIDGE.BTC
1cec44d0 cancel order
448e2160 wants 16,572 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.061 BRIDGE.BTC
f270209d cancel order
0feef70d wants 8,197 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC
ccd24617 wants 0.02714 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,176 BRIDGE.KLKS
ee148662 wants 4,142 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.01715 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,023 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 0.0131 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,161 BRIDGE.KLKS
912cb9dc cancel order
fbbad046 wants 3,351 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.0781 BRIDGE.BTC
3d13186c cancel order
4fb793af wants 3,178 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.0781 BRIDGE.BTC
991ecd9c cancel order
72900103 wants 3,161 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.0781 BRIDGE.BTC
44141434 cancel order
6afdb022 paid 0.00656 BRIDGE.BTC for 251.4 BRIDGE.BWK
6b869052 paid 0.0043 BRIDGE.BTC for 164.8 BRIDGE.BWK
46f2e401 wants 3,410 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.089 BRIDGE.BTC
46d0d283 sent 2,553 BRIDGE.KLKS to
cefa8bcf wants 2,559 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,559 BRIDGE.KLKS
ba380142 cancel order
2a8f1a63 wants 14,286 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
0a8427f3 wants 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00578 BRIDGE.BWK
virtual paid 0.005 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8484289f cancel order
5e2b32b6 sent 9,505 BRIDGE.BWK to
1256dcb1 cancel order
75dbfa10 cancel order
602a85d2 wants 20,000 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
bceacd05 cancel order
e9bfc364 wants 20,000 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
3acfe170 cancel order
28d2d6c6 wants 0.0717 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,500 BRIDGE.BWK
52795b01 wants 0.055 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.BWK
e3fd7ce0 cancel order
34b9dde2 wants 0.1226 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,500 BRIDGE.BWK
7239400e cancel order
a9a88e22 wants 0.1378 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,500 BRIDGE.BWK
4caf9fb6 cancel order
426587ce wants 0.152 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,505 BRIDGE.BWK
e0435fce wants 33,333 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
43fcc095 cancel order
c94d5461 wants 31,202 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
d29c8db6 cancel order
696b15ec wants 0.1267 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,505 BRIDGE.BWK
0a4e9e49 cancel order
af966c3b wants 0.1221 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,505 BRIDGE.BWK
ec5ee370 cancel order
769a7e29 wants 47,619 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
949dfce7 paid 0.0372 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,539 BRIDGE.BWK
808ef368 paid 0.0435 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,144 BRIDGE.BWK
9b849948 paid 0.01932 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,840 BRIDGE.BWK
17d06a68 wants 9,524 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
dff7b3e1 cancel order
0017d21a wants 16,207 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
44ea2f67 wants 0.042 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,383 BRIDGE.KLKS
1ac48bbe sent 0.00023 BTS to
da7076e8 sent 14,216 BRIDGE.KLKS to
a74fe9af cancel order
4c462da4 sent 0.1042 BRIDGE.BTC to
0bfd860c cancel order
a97e8940 paid 0.001366 BRIDGE.BTC for 218.5 BRIDGE.KLKS
108c2af6 wants 16,891 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.1056 BRIDGE.BTC
5b212758 wants 0.0216 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
6d3b6031 cancel order
da404f76 wants 0.0653 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.KLKS
bf45eae0 wants 0.095 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,694 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 11,694 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.095 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
48625768 cancel order
e8d6acea cancel order
2b8950c4 wants 0.01083 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,306 BRIDGE.KLKS
virtual paid 1,306 BRIDGE.KLKS for 0.01083 BRIDGE.BTC
67038453 wants 0.0543 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,483 BRIDGE.KLKS
fb0e030a wants 0.027 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
e15d8245 sent 17,002 BRIDGE.KLKS to
7dc8d69c cancel orders (2)
4f9c575e cancel order
86c7894e cancel order
b9d9a34e cancel order
614e7864 wants 0.0108 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.KLKS
42c746d7 wants 0.01095 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.KLKS