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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight9.84 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.17 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 3.91 0
BRIDGE.LTC 0.00000025 0
1dcf9e39 issue 0.166 BRIDGE.AGOR to
1d5a2767 issue 2.45 BRIDGE.AGOR to
fb33c0b7 issue 4.03 BRIDGE.AGOR to
fb4dec7c issue 0.298 BRIDGE.AGOR to
5332905b issue 1.374 BRIDGE.AGOR to
855a3d59 issue 0.00947 BRIDGE.AGOR to
aa25655d issue 2.45 BRIDGE.AGOR to
0af4ac7c issue 1.374 BRIDGE.AGOR to
4259385c sent 3,300 BRIDGE.AGOR to
07901914 sent 1,210 BRIDGE.AGOR to
09ff3822 wants 6.97 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000237 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000237 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.97 BRIDGE.AGOR
940e4420 wants 3.09 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000106 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000106 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.12 BRIDGE.AGOR
40dfd0ec wants 9.68 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0000028 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000028 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.68 BRIDGE.AGOR
7f9fcbe6 wants 1 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0000004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000004 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.026 BRIDGE.AGOR
13794e85 cancel order
38acc6b7 wants 36.8 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000663 BRIDGE.BTC
0d542146 paid 0.0000675 BRIDGE.BTC for 270 BRIDGE.AGOR
b8afd5ae wants 2.23 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000087 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000087 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.23 BRIDGE.AGOR
656f9067 wants 270 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0000675 BRIDGE.BTC
b182160e paid 0.00025 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.AGOR
virtual paid 0.00000056 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.24 BRIDGE.AGOR
0e75d502 wants 2.24 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000056 BRIDGE.BTC
9df008c5 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00025 BRIDGE.BTC
4c508fb3 cancel order
9fb0f835 cancel order
2ef30bc5 paid 0.00023 BRIDGE.BTC for 920 BRIDGE.AGOR
667abde5 wants 920 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00023 BRIDGE.BTC
04bdb0b0 wants 590 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001356 BRIDGE.BTC
8d244946 cancel order
2676e213 wants 1.5 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000069 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000069 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.5 BRIDGE.AGOR
26920e11 wants 18.03 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000613 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000613 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.03 BRIDGE.AGOR
05c1eb68 wants 693 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001524 BRIDGE.BTC
974edb07 wants 72 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0000331 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000331 BRIDGE.BTC for 72 BRIDGE.AGOR
49a5c9c8 cancel order
c055a3f9 cancel order
7c6d253b wants 950 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00019 BRIDGE.BTC
d22aea95 wants 1,161 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0002205 BRIDGE.BTC
e175ff00 wants 19 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0000095 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000095 BRIDGE.BTC for 19 BRIDGE.AGOR
5ce6e7d3 wants 881 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000185 BRIDGE.BTC
2c64f11a cancel order
dc797034 cancel order
393a571f paid 0.0001025 BRIDGE.BTC for 366 BRIDGE.AGOR
b5b1d8bf wants 1,905 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC
8839da69 wants 1,025 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000205 BRIDGE.BTC
0260ad6c cancel order
ff326258 wants 366 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001025 BRIDGE.BTC
b48246cf cancel order
c33a582d cancel order
785e072d wants 2.754 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000273 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000273 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.76 BRIDGE.AGOR
694509cb paid 0.0000876 BRIDGE.BTC for 274 BRIDGE.AGOR
58a8dbd8 wants 551 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001764 BRIDGE.BTC
a974020c cancel order
5ebd0e44 cancel order
212efce6 wants 332 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001029 BRIDGE.BTC
2d17f1b8 cancel order
63126500 wants 1,250 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000325 BRIDGE.BTC
baf248be wants 540 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000135 BRIDGE.BTC
f3d16d38 wants 1,022 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000235 BRIDGE.BTC
98df03f0 cancel order
a09103e8 wants 490 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001029 BRIDGE.BTC
befadf94 wants 2.143 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000213 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000213 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.15 BRIDGE.AGOR
d7e616f4 wants 2,810 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00059 BRIDGE.BTC
5ff1a8ff cancel order
8cc1eedf wants 130 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0001287 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001287 BRIDGE.BTC for 130 BRIDGE.AGOR
8cd779ee wants 4,000 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC
15ddc102 wants 0.0002367 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,006 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 850 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.0002 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 156.5 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.0000368 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1e98915b cancel order
80e9a1f6 wants 0.000931 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,948 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 2,941 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.000694 BRIDGE.BTC
4e87b6d4 paid 0.0000445 BRIDGE.BTC for 85.6 BRIDGE.AGOR
5cf21b26 wants 85.6 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0000445 BRIDGE.BTC
96acd2be wants 230 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000221 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000221 BRIDGE.BTC for 230 BRIDGE.AGOR
7e98ab10 cancel order
673a0efa cancel order
ef3f284b wants 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.9 BRIDGE.AGOR
b801bebb wants 435 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0002653 BRIDGE.BTC
257b0880 cancel order
cbf0a9a3 cancel order
600cc95b wants 435 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0002653 BRIDGE.BTC
490c49a4 cancel order
9b678c6b wants 0.000037 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.9 BRIDGE.AGOR
14614514 wants 501 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0002653 BRIDGE.BTC
27e3a8bd cancel order
11a291b5 cancel order
84722354 wants 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.9 BRIDGE.AGOR
88442796 cancel order
d9e8e465 wants 510 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.0002653 BRIDGE.BTC
c5177e31 wants 0.000266 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0391 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0391 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.000266 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ae8d90fa wants 0.0000298 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.8 BRIDGE.AGOR
9dddf4ad cancel order
7c836fed cancel order
e2a70c82 cancel order
5e733bdd cancel order
be397eec cancel order
78725b6a cancel order
088cf0ac cancel order
c2661d0b cancel order
5d6d76cb cancel order
1dee57da cancel order
962e54c6 cancel order
4a14de28 cancel order
1fe3019d wants 0.00528 BRIDGE.BTC for 621 BRIDGE.AGOR
73e78c8a wants 433 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 433 BRIDGE.AGOR
327d6d4b wants 190 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00038 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00038 BRIDGE.BTC for 190 BRIDGE.AGOR
240c9c08 cancel order
bbcf2dd1 wants 729 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC
e4f4bc65 cancel order
fed1d92b wants 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC for 607 BRIDGE.AGOR
c1ae69fc wants 733 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC
f066a745 cancel order
1d638b4b wants 725 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC
d306835c cancel order
423b9f44 wants 608 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001174 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001174 BRIDGE.BTC for 608 BRIDGE.AGOR
96588edb wants 0.001177 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1767 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.1767 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.001177 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5f306157 wants 0.00343 BRIDGE.BTC for 624 BRIDGE.AGOR
2e25c683 wants 625 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001206 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001206 BRIDGE.BTC for 625 BRIDGE.AGOR
99d3416b cancel order
d17a2e38 wants 0.00143 BRIDGE.BTC for 295 BRIDGE.AGOR
d4e80295 paid 0.000506 BRIDGE.BTC for 296 BRIDGE.AGOR
ab5d9628 wants 1,029 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00176 BRIDGE.BTC
cdfd7e72 cancel order
8c13a653 wants 705 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001206 BRIDGE.BTC
965e78f3 cancel order
c3888be5 wants 994 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00176 BRIDGE.BTC
11dce8a2 cancel order
8ec9801e wants 1,035 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00176 BRIDGE.BTC
6cb134db wants 685 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.001206 BRIDGE.BTC
e1440e36 cancel order
9d98b31d wants 1,705 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.002966 BRIDGE.BTC
72af782a cancel order
73166581 wants 1,725 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.002966 BRIDGE.BTC
0e9ac3fc cancel order
5bcac433 wants 2,392 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.002966 BRIDGE.BTC
2733e059 cancel order
add4427a wants 1,952 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.002966 BRIDGE.BTC
a68b61f2 cancel order
b1cf058b cancel order
c2020326 wants 1,504 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.002647 BRIDGE.BTC
b14a0bf9 cancel order
0092ae6f wants 198 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000319 BRIDGE.BTC
521a0714 wants 0.00032 BRIDGE.BTC for 160 BRIDGE.AGOR
virtual paid 159.8 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00032 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f082106e cancel order
300ff4b9 wants 0.00135 BRIDGE.BTC for 160 BRIDGE.AGOR
d150c69e wants 1,644 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.002647 BRIDGE.BTC
59025b41 cancel order
3d67c3b1 cancel order
18dad0fa wants 0.001233 BRIDGE.BTC for 555 BRIDGE.AGOR
virtual paid 395 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.000878 BRIDGE.BTC
2e0cce05 paid 0.000968 BRIDGE.BTC for 556 BRIDGE.AGOR
706b70ed wants 1,574 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00274 BRIDGE.BTC
2d264e38 cancel order
beac0a11 wants 1,593 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00274 BRIDGE.BTC
4c1d5b21 wants 0.002745 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.412 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.045 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.367 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.002445 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
89b4fde7 wants 0.01555 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.AGOR
c7078fd9 wants 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.AGOR
f2fe6d03 wants 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.AGOR
5f9ac304 wants 0.0045 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.AGOR
9048952f wants 0.00547 BRIDGE.BTC for 156.4 BRIDGE.AGOR
c19d72fe cancel order
405387e6 wants 0.00756 BRIDGE.BTC for 756 BRIDGE.AGOR
a47f6f71 wants 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.AGOR
cce39350 wants 0.002185 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.AGOR
6a989f92 wants 0.001895 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.AGOR
afe100df cancel order
7d74f8de wants 0.01155 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,156 BRIDGE.AGOR
e73b0d89 cancel order
636b3a61 wants 0.00564 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,156 BRIDGE.AGOR
502ed279 cancel order
7c23350b wants 0.00565 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,156 BRIDGE.AGOR
bebc2134 paid 0.06 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order