立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.0588 BTS
Lifetime fees paid9.82 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.523 0
DEEX 0.756 3,500
DONGFENG 0.005 0
66ee545a sent 14,591 DEEX to
38bc22ba sent 360 DEEX to
ebc35160 cancel order
3e7b72b2 wants 388 USDTETHER for 14,955 DEEX
6fd95e0a cancel order
c2d5efeb wants 449 USDTETHER for 14,960 DEEX
c0df0902 sent 13,981 DEEX to
23c28df9 sent 1,683 DEEX to
5861f4c6 wants 1.43 BTS for 5 DEEX
virtual paid 5 DEEX for 1.432 BTS
c550ca7f paid 14,214 CRYPTOMAT for 1,691 DEEX
6fb2c5a9 sent 14,855 DEEX to
9c3823e2 sent 1,111 DEEX to
14389e32 wants 1,691 DEEX for 14,214 CRYPTOMAT
2af282bd cancel order
83069585 cancel order
99273b38 cancel order
91da8b78 cancel order
c0f69f33 sent 7,667 DEEX to
3f578238 sent 11,111 DEEX to
cdd72ee8 sent 11,111 DEEX to
b1ec65b2 sent 111 DEEX to
f232b170 wants 1,848 DEEX for 14,214 CRYPTOMAT
94aac55e paid 1,000 DEEX for 14,286 CRYPTOMAT
63c6b4dc wants 14,286 CRYPTOMAT for 1,000 DEEX
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
7331ee6f wants 1.5 DEEX.ETH for 3,000 DEEX
8a1255ff sent 5,000 DEEX to
642d33de wants 747 USDTETHER for 3,000 DEEX
0ad545a5 wants 2,745 USDTETHER for 5,000 DEEX
a557ec35 cancel order
8766e60d wants 6,729 CRYPTOBEXCHANGE for 1,000 DEEX
5e5a2cca cancel order
e73f1c36 wants 19,900 BTS for 1,000 DEEX
4febe496 wants 990 USD for 500 DEEX
a88b26b7 wants 500 USD for 500 DEEX
17b4cb15 wants 0.25 DEEX.BTC for 1,000 DEEX
29099132 wants 10 DEEX.ETH for 500 DEEX
36881984 wants 3.89 DEEX.ETH for 500 DEEX
aaad6076 update account/votes
9b7b6298 paid 7.12 BTS for 23.7 DEEX
38c44553 wants 23.7 DEEX for 7.12 BTS
61d11690 cancel order
731198ac paid 10 LAMBO for 2.49 BTS
b22dc331 wants 2.49 BTS for 10 LAMBO
c55481d1 paid 0.0271 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
17118bc6 wants 17.38 DEEX for 4.71 BTS
9a9edffd sent 4,590 DEEX to
5ad827d7 sent 10 DEEX to
8fdf704e sent 57 DEEX to
6d08b1f8 cancel order
e0b0a48e cancel order
2f43286f wants 327 BTS for 656 DEEX
2b6c8132 update account/votes
c34217e3 paid 421 BTS for 1,260 DEEX
4258edf2 wants 1,260 DEEX for 421 BTS
d7fe8525 cancel order
903d3bca paid 267.5 BTS for 760 DEEX
0023e4cc wants 760 DEEX for 267.5 BTS
ca1f6f87 cancel order
b7f96d6a wants 436 BTS for 639 DEEX
0b877094 wants 1,550 DEEX for 265 BTS
7f65764f wants 1,197 BTS for 1,000 DEEX
7fe2252c paid 491 BTS for 672 DEEX
e546e0d9 wants 672 DEEX for 491 BTS
198ce2e6 cancel order
c99652c1 cancel order
72e71045 cancel order
47d61ce5 paid 984 BTS for 1,404 DEEX
eb694345 wants 1,404 DEEX for 984 BTS
40324657 cancel order
ffeab38f wants 1,556 DEEX for 983 BTS
50316822 paid 866 BTS for 1,200 DEEX
cac9e955 wants 1,076 BTS for 900 DEEX
e7598ebb cancel order
7873e2d5 wants 1,200 DEEX for 866 BTS
90838ef2 cancel order
a4c97d02 wants 998 BTS for 1,000 DEEX
119341b8 paid 998 BTS for 1,424 DEEX
db04bff3 wants 650 BTS for 500 DEEX
3ed05b26 wants 1,424 DEEX for 998 BTS
3dbc653b wants 1,431 DEEX for 874 BTS
bf971514 wants 1,322 BTS for 944 DEEX
82004e40 paid 1,091 BTS for 1,223 DEEX
0ce5c459 wants 1,223 DEEX for 1,091 BTS
173b80ea paid 196.4 BTS for 218 DEEX
b2c4b467 wants 218 DEEX for 196.4 BTS
62cb84b9 cancel order
5ff291f5 paid 900 BTS for 1,000 DEEX
4c22028b wants 224 DEEX for 197 BTS
dfd5b849 wants 1,000 DEEX for 900 BTS
86bcc240 wants 6 DEEX for 6 BTS
virtual paid 6 BTS for 6 DEEX
feea548b wants 500 DEEX for 500 BTS
virtual paid 161.7 BTS for 161.7 DEEX
virtual paid 338 BTS for 338 DEEX