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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight28.8 BTS
Lifetime fees paid16.2 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 28.8 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.000236 0
NOBLE 0.0002 0
BRIDGE.PPO 20,905 20,905
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
2e8de714 issue 1 BRIDGE.READMENOW to
7a583a33 issue 1 BRIDGE.READMENOW to
virtual cancel order
49952572 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
45ca736b wants 0.01672 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,905 BRIDGE.PPO
44f4f93e cancel orders (48)
2e0cbdd2 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 725 BRIDGE.PPO
85a76f0b wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 697 BRIDGE.PPO
29ade8f8 paid 0.0000661 BRIDGE.BTC for 642 BRIDGE.PPO
ed62ff74 paid 0.0000687 BRIDGE.BTC for 642 BRIDGE.PPO
fa8af07d paid 0.0000715 BRIDGE.BTC for 642 BRIDGE.PPO
196deec4 paid 697 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC
d840b69d paid 599 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC
a24888d3 paid 623 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC
97bd9488 wants 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC for 623 BRIDGE.PPO
7ebbd74f paid 0.0000707 BRIDGE.BTC for 610 BRIDGE.PPO
2976420b wants 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC for 599 BRIDGE.PPO
65949236 paid 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC for 610 BRIDGE.PPO
ad4ac59b cancel order
ad4ac59b wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 697 BRIDGE.PPO
85bc8282 wants 0.0000765 BRIDGE.BTC for 599 BRIDGE.PPO
1aa62885 paid 0.0000765 BRIDGE.BTC for 610 BRIDGE.PPO
88e7299b wants 610 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000765 BRIDGE.BTC
30f3f1b8 wants 610 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000735 BRIDGE.BTC
1b5d4c1c paid 587 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC
92feaa3c paid 610 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000749 BRIDGE.BTC
eab42cef cancel order
eab42cef wants 642 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000715 BRIDGE.BTC
eab42cef cancel order
eab42cef wants 0.0000749 BRIDGE.BTC for 610 BRIDGE.PPO
a2868229 wants 610 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000707 BRIDGE.BTC
a2868229 wants 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.PPO
aa5e6e35 wants 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 587 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000736 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
311bf847 paid 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
8b9fc784 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC
8b9fc784 wants 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.PPO
73d6d523 paid 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
74855bd0 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC
e3a32666 paid 610 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000749 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 587 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC
f3df4235 wants 0.0000749 BRIDGE.BTC for 610 BRIDGE.PPO
82fe709f wants 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.PPO
e416331d paid 0.000068 BRIDGE.BTC for 564 BRIDGE.PPO
a589b9ae paid 0.0000707 BRIDGE.BTC for 564 BRIDGE.PPO
7a3a6986 cancel order
7a3a6986 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC
7a3a6986 cancel order
7a3a6986 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 670 BRIDGE.PPO
490007bb wants 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000707 BRIDGE.BTC
2e0287f1 wants 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000068 BRIDGE.BTC
4d764cde paid 554 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000068 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC
7f5d2cc6 wants 0.000068 BRIDGE.BTC for 554 BRIDGE.PPO
7dbbaa6a wants 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000654 BRIDGE.BTC
7dbbaa6a wants 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 564 BRIDGE.PPO
2c7daf93 wants 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 542 BRIDGE.PPO
0decee10 paid 0.0000779 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
77397d60 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000779 BRIDGE.BTC
ed8b1074 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000075 BRIDGE.BTC
b3249b02 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000072 BRIDGE.BTC
736b124e paid 615 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 591 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 569 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 591 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC
e373fe8e cancel order
e373fe8e wants 642 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000687 BRIDGE.BTC
99e063b4 cancel order
99e063b4 wants 642 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000661 BRIDGE.BTC
65a37b35 cancel order
65a37b35 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000693 BRIDGE.BTC
5d2a14cf cancel order
5d2a14cf wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC
5d2a14cf cancel order
5d2a14cf wants 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC for 615 BRIDGE.PPO
6c7bc491 wants 0.000068 BRIDGE.BTC for 576 BRIDGE.PPO
ec5c5fba paid 0.0000654 BRIDGE.BTC for 564 BRIDGE.PPO
d6d6f501 cancel order
d6d6f501 wants 587 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000654 BRIDGE.BTC
d6d6f501 cancel order
d6d6f501 wants 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC for 591 BRIDGE.PPO
8980c3ec wants 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000654 BRIDGE.BTC
9c06dbff wants 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000629 BRIDGE.BTC
fc741202 paid 564 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC
920aea3f wants 587 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000629 BRIDGE.BTC
a7263820 paid 610 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 587 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC
b83d87e0 wants 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC for 610 BRIDGE.PPO
4727eba1 wants 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC for 587 BRIDGE.PPO
8f6c14b6 wants 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC for 564 BRIDGE.PPO
0dff71ff wants 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC for 542 BRIDGE.PPO
4654ad61 paid 0.0000698 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.0000693 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC for 622 BRIDGE.PPO
3a055c7e wants 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC for 569 BRIDGE.PPO
0333ad0e cancel order
0333ad0e wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000693 BRIDGE.BTC
0333ad0e cancel order
0333ad0e wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 644 BRIDGE.PPO
f87ed3da paid 0.0000755 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.0000726 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
187241a2 cancel order
187241a2 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000666 BRIDGE.BTC
4a5d6574 cancel order
4a5d6574 wants 622 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000064 BRIDGE.BTC
4a5d6574 cancel order
4a5d6574 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 620 BRIDGE.PPO
817fb061 wants 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC for 591 BRIDGE.PPO
8994630f paid 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
6553eb66 wants 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC for 569 BRIDGE.PPO
6f24be56 wants 603 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC
6f24be56 wants 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC for 547 BRIDGE.PPO
7f61e6de paid 0.0000817 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.0000786 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
89f98374 wants 603 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000817 BRIDGE.BTC
4907b440 paid 644 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 620 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC
5eb357de cancel order
5eb357de wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 644 BRIDGE.PPO
d5586146 cancel order
d5586146 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 620 BRIDGE.PPO
c0cdf52a cancel order
c0cdf52a wants 0.000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 615 BRIDGE.PPO
6820d5a8 wants 0.0000817 BRIDGE.BTC for 591 BRIDGE.PPO
a1098b68 cancel order
a1098b68 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 596 BRIDGE.PPO
04fc9bd5 paid 0.0000817 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.PPO
7b2da834 wants 0.00000748 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.64 BRIDGE.PPO
74ef92c2 wants 0.00000748 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.02 BRIDGE.PPO
a4d04a9c wants 0.000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 591 BRIDGE.PPO
d45ad091 wants 596 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000084 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000084 BRIDGE.BTC for 608 BRIDGE.PPO
d45ad091 wants 0.000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 568 BRIDGE.PPO
05d38260 paid 0.000084 BRIDGE.BTC for 596 BRIDGE.PPO
9f4f7941 cancel order
abf41f95 cancel order
d065be8c wants 596 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000084 BRIDGE.BTC
d065be8c wants 0.000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 568 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 568 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000853 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e24cd2c9 wants 0.000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 568 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 568 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.0000853 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bcc02a03 paid 0.0000856 BRIDGE.BTC for 584 BRIDGE.PPO
virtual paid 0.0000823 BRIDGE.BTC for 584 BRIDGE.PPO
8f946cf9 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 573 BRIDGE.PPO
88ace97c paid 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 584 BRIDGE.PPO
ba74dd5f wants 0.00000748 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.64 BRIDGE.PPO
d7aaabe8 wants 584 BRIDGE.PPO for 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC
d7aaabe8 wants 0.000089 BRIDGE.BTC for 551 BRIDGE.PPO
41c62311 paid 0.0000873 BRIDGE.BTC for 573 BRIDGE.PPO
073ea276 cancel order