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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid28.64 BTS
2b20ad60 sent 898 BTS to
0380f35d wants 890 BTS for 435 CNY
virtual paid 435 CNY for 897 BTS
c80558f6 wants 418 CNY for 6,744,437 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,065,146 BTSUCN for 264 CNY
virtual paid 2,679,291 BTSUCN for 171.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
1b8f7964 sent 5,189,729 BTSUCN to
6a6a81b7 sent 48 BTS to
c1af0364 sent 81,985 BTSUCN to
96a996d7 sent 20,040 BTS to
44675af9 sent 300 BTS to
2998c043 wants 232 BTS for 35.3 CNY
virtual paid 35.3 CNY for 233.7 BTS
6bd4cefd wants 33 CNY for 163,969 BTSUCN
virtual paid 163,969 BTSUCN for 35.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
0ef097e0 cancel order
e0b0a360 wants 35.4 CNY for 163,969 BTSUCN
b9852a54 paid 0.0841 CNY for 0.538 BTS
42050734 wants 0.538 BTS for 0.0841 CNY
63f806dd paid 3,153 CNY for 20,160 BTS
c9c69db7 wants 20,160 BTS for 3,153 CNY
fc494a67 paid 22,727 BTS for 3,156 CNY
64264c31 wants 3,156 CNY for 22,727 BTS
0b3efdc8 cancel order
1985077b wants 3,120 CNY for 22,727 BTS
45efd67c paid 24.7 CNY for 158.7 BTS
91ab7a6f wants 158.7 BTS for 24.7 CNY
498a6100 wants 18.45 CNY for 81,985 BTSUCN
virtual paid 81,985 BTSUCN for 18.57 CNY
virtual cancel order
7f491ba9 paid 12.3 CNY for 77.2 BTS
6398ad3e wants 6.15 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 6.15 CNY
virtual cancel order
d8dbb1ff wants 77.2 BTS for 12.3 CNY
45414eaa paid 54,657 BTSUCN for 12.3 CNY
122bcd10 wants 12.3 CNY for 54,657 BTSUCN
7c2a3985 paid 32.1 CNY for 193.3 BTS
d0013515 wants 193.3 BTS for 32.1 CNY
d6291bf4 cancel order
665cdbe3 cancel order
6c4b6404 wants 44.4 BTS for 6.41 CNY
73106b32 wants 6.42 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 6.42 CNY
virtual cancel order
dd99ad55 wants 161.4 BTS for 25.67 CNY
b5090a94 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 6.42 CNY
b2246556 cancel order
9585a4a4 wants 6.42 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
5dff81c5 wants 81,919 BTSUCN for 19.25 CNY
8e96a1a0 paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 6.42 CNY
ff153044 wants 6.42 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
f2b6871a paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 12.84 CNY
20332f85 wants 12.84 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
75322722 paid 27.3 CNY for 159 BTS
8114dff5 wants 159 BTS for 27.3 CNY
42498cce wants 6.86 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 6.86 CNY
virtual cancel order
b757e16a wants 20.5 CNY for 81,984 BTSUCN
virtual paid 81,984 BTSUCN for 20.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
30bf6dc4 paid 6.58 CNY for 37.8 BTS
b908fa8a wants 37.8 BTS for 6.58 CNY
790c2c6c paid 7,337 BTSUCN for 1.84 CNY
virtual cancel order
4f007004 paid 18,883 BTSUCN for 4.74 CNY
2dad6577 wants 158 BTS for 20.83 CNY
virtual paid 20.83 CNY for 158 BTS
9760be2b wants 27.44 CNY for 109,312 BTSUCN
virtual paid 83,092 BTSUCN for 20.86 CNY
96bc41cc wants 295 BTS for 38.9 CNY
virtual paid 38.9 CNY for 295 BTS
621064cf cancel order
d948c001 wants 299 BTS for 38.9 CNY
0e798b61 paid 135,983 BTSUCN for 38.8 CNY
aea38459 wants 38.8 CNY for 135,983 BTSUCN
def8d89f wants 0.1875 CNY for 658 BTSUCN
virtual paid 658 BTSUCN for 0.1875 CNY
virtual cancel order
19d5061e paid 537 CNY for 4,216 BTS
virtual paid 3.02 CNY for 23.74 BTS
6e56cd45 wants 23.74 BTS for 3.02 CNY
05b487a8 wants 4,216 BTS for 537 CNY
efb669f3 wants 52.6 CNY for 136,640 BTSUCN
virtual paid 136,640 BTSUCN for 54.7 CNY
9bb33ea3 wants 21.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 21.86 CNY
5d5a69b0 paid 53,001 BTSUCN for 74.3 CNY
7ad9d6ab wants 74.3 CNY for 53,001 BTSUCN
0e34e972 cancel order
3f3efda0 wants 88 CNY for 53,001 BTSUCN
8df5be5d cancel order
6bb28b46 wants 71 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 76.5 CNY
e00e4860 wants 103.8 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,655 BTSUCN for 3.144 CNY
0e92d374 wants 114.2 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 114.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
b136be62 wants 128 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 128.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
f0e0d964 cancel order
af55b8de cancel order
92ce19c9 wants 64.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
626a03ce wants 67.5 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
e5ae3058 paid 21,566 BTSUCN for 52.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
2e5f3745 paid 28 BTSUCN for 0.068 CNY
e1abd7d1 paid 453 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
c2b157a3 paid 49.4 BTSUCN for 0.12 CNY
f23268ae paid 204.7 BTSUCN for 0.497 CNY
daf86914 paid 959 BTSUCN for 2.33 CNY
f1726e99 paid 1,934 BTSUCN for 4.7 CNY
5ea58abf paid 1,358 BTSUCN for 3.3 CNY
0faf15b4 paid 776 BTSUCN for 1.887 CNY
1873c36c wants 66.4 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
d54893cc wants 508 BTS for 64.7 CNY
virtual paid 64.7 CNY for 515 BTS
05275435 cancel order
48e6a1bd wants 515 BTS for 64.7 CNY
bc4ed412 wants 64.5 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 64.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
2e6dabbe wants 897 BTS for 136.4 CNY
virtual paid 136.4 CNY for 897 BTS
4740ae7f wants 65.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 65.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
a5c63d6a cancel order
78a30820 wants 68.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
53aff99f paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 71 CNY
514a0a05 paid 2,116 CNY for 14,014 BTS
f2ff892c wants 14,014 BTS for 2,116 CNY
62e4b3af wants 64.9 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 65.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
515584e2 wants 662 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 9 CNY for 60.3 BTS
virtual paid 91 CNY for 609 BTS
9b858ff6 wants 65.2 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 65.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
9abac9ae wants 71 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
c8329ae4 wants 671 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 100 CNY for 671 BTS
0ea4a1aa wants 194.2 CNY for 81,984 BTSUCN
virtual paid 81,984 BTSUCN for 197 CNY
virtual cancel order
40ed2002 wants 129.5 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 131 CNY
virtual cancel order
2727a85b wants 75.1 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 76 CNY
virtual cancel order
3781dc7e wants 78.5 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 81.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
5c17e3a5 paid 100 CNY for 655 BTS
830954ce wants 158 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 163.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
b2a177d8 wants 655 BTS for 100 CNY
e22a8ca0 cancel order
33562f91 cancel order
23be0b03 wants 660 BTS for 100.8 CNY
cd33a19b wants 660 BTS for 100 CNY
a6688083 wants 82.6 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 82.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
3767e9fd wants 82.9 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 83 CNY
virtual cancel order
543640a4 wants 78.5 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 84.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
7758ce42 wants 82.8 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 83.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
5f37d02e wants 166.7 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 167.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
6f6fdccc wants 83.7 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 83.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
d1580158 wants 167.4 CNY for 54,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 167.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
337e5e0f wants 167.3 CNY for 54,657 BTSUCN
virtual paid 54,657 BTSUCN for 169.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
1aff017c wants 440 CNY for 136,643 BTSUCN
virtual paid 136,643 BTSUCN for 441 CNY
virtual cancel order
66b0e215 wants 88.3 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 88.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
d36d7a91 paid 54,656 BTSUCN for 188 CNY
virtual cancel order