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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid0.593 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.LTC 0.0000818
862022bc cancel order
6ac00433 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
a77249bd sent 0.255 XBTSX.STH to
d043075a wants 0.00000041 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0000471 BRIDGE.LTC
2ee2b02d wants 0.000082 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00000065 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000065 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.000082 BRIDGE.LTC
7b1020d3 sent 0.0123 BRIDGE.BTC to
5b82a57f wants 0.00001887 BRIDGE.BTC for 157.3 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 157.3 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00001887 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
474b9c96 wants 0.0001202 BRIDGE.BTC for 75.1 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 75.1 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0001202 BRIDGE.BTC
8465e872 wants 0.00168 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00168 BRIDGE.BTC
a22a984b wants 0.000525 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 250 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000525 BRIDGE.BTC
ef9c0f46 wants 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 250 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC
31add5e1 wants 0.00416 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,136 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 94.4 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000345 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 222 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000812 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 820 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c4b875b4 cancel order
0c2b8d04 wants 0.0229 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,868 BRIDGE.SCS
c1a9f7d0 cancel order
251da4ad cancel order
598c8228 cancel order
fc19d104 wants 100 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000367 BRIDGE.BTC
6888fa06 wants 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.SCS
6d8ffc4d wants 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC for 868 BRIDGE.SCS
79f14714 cancel order
d0f6f49e wants 1,408 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC
0842797f cancel order
6a49cdd4 cancel order
4f3e26e1 wants 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,600 BRIDGE.SCS
baf008d8 wants 0.002147 BRIDGE.BTC for 268.4 BRIDGE.SCS
a3817b40 cancel order
626519e0 cancel order
72726c27 cancel order
a618c560 wants 920 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.001555 BRIDGE.BTC
a44af93f wants 500 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.001055 BRIDGE.BTC
80968627 wants 980 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00256 BRIDGE.BTC
58085fda cancel order
55192559 cancel order
45f9901d wants 1,412 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00517 BRIDGE.BTC
082c0ce0 wants 49.7 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000348 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.002865 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 0.000348 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.7 BRIDGE.SCS
ea72ac42 wants 157 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.001096 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001096 BRIDGE.BTC for 157 BRIDGE.SCS
f4d893bb wants 266 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.001833 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001833 BRIDGE.BTC for 266 BRIDGE.SCS
5239c728 cancel order
b62ac347 cancel order
efd12faa cancel order
2a9fccf6 wants 33.9 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0002338 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002338 BRIDGE.BTC for 33.9 BRIDGE.SCS
97600f2b wants 60.4 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000416 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000416 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.SCS
e32db5cb cancel order
f0144074 cancel order
6f9e9faf wants 3 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00002067 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000421 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.612 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 0.00001646 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.39 BRIDGE.SCS
abcc878a wants 389 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.002676 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002676 BRIDGE.BTC for 389 BRIDGE.SCS
f4d3a5c9 wants 26.5 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0001773 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001765 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.4 BRIDGE.SCS
4cfd38ca wants 62.5 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000417 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000417 BRIDGE.BTC for 62.5 BRIDGE.SCS
392e26ce wants 1,016 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0066 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000337 BRIDGE.BTC for 52 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 0.00626 BRIDGE.BTC for 964 BRIDGE.SCS
622233a2 cancel order
fa761539 cancel order
1d1e0e72 cancel order
e11d355e wants 0.0971 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SCS
7691f044 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SCS
1bfe12db wants 0.0651 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SCS
8c1502ec wants 0.002906 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SCS
da1b0f17 cancel order
5df2f53d cancel order
5212bd85 cancel order
492fd2df cancel order
7b9642cb wants 1,134 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC
affa1cb2 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00261 BRIDGE.BTC
7e4a8f7b cancel order
eb359c23 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00328 BRIDGE.BTC
80704800 cancel order
8dee2802 cancel order
e82903cf cancel order
7afaeb0c cancel order
bbc9389e wants 3.81 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00001392 BRIDGE.BTC
7a8efa14 cancel order
09ee4956 wants 0.00579 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.SCS
b944fc08 cancel order
75503ef6 wants 521 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0019 BRIDGE.BTC
323bd4d3 cancel order
f0e35d5e wants 3.08 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00001368 BRIDGE.BTC
7eba2466 paid 2 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00001374 BRIDGE.BTC
03ad92f2 cancel order
407455d7 wants 0.000275 BRIDGE.BTC for 40 BRIDGE.SCS
30b1c782 cancel order
24a3c55b wants 980 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC
bdf946ef cancel order
4b544afd wants 983 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC
ff394148 wants 531 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0019 BRIDGE.BTC
19ab3a41 cancel order
c66b05d5 paid 0.00000057 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1597 BRIDGE.SCS
f979c244 paid 0.0000043 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.204 BRIDGE.SCS
168d1fa7 wants 500 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.001655 BRIDGE.BTC
b35cabd8 cancel order
5e5f22b1 wants 151.3 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00054 BRIDGE.BTC
f88f06d1 cancel order
bbf7d9ac wants 0.0002297 BRIDGE.BTC for 39 BRIDGE.SCS
9ea750cd wants 151.5 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000539 BRIDGE.BTC
ce03762a cancel order
c2f486ab cancel order
0a906705 wants 21 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0000353 BRIDGE.BTC
d7ff211f wants 2,800 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00339 BRIDGE.BTC
a1b33a99 cancel order
ef990088 wants 300 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000504 BRIDGE.BTC
07daedef wants 2,000 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0066 BRIDGE.BTC
8b0d24f3 cancel order
aae056c7 cancel order
03f9b9e4 cancel order
3c94c4fd wants 2,000 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
164494c4 wants 200 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000726 BRIDGE.BTC
8ee04acc wants 900 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00327 BRIDGE.BTC
8bca9102 cancel order
7011d0e0 wants 2,900 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.01053 BRIDGE.BTC
eae05c4d cancel order
77538ea6 cancel order
dc0e95f1 wants 1,085 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00393 BRIDGE.BTC
8e29402e cancel order
5c98f58e cancel order
65a7994b paid 0.00000879 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.65 BRIDGE.SCS
8c966325 paid 0.00000026 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0783 BRIDGE.SCS
75d1b95e wants 1,004 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
78e4bacd cancel order
e4810170 wants 191.3 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000635 BRIDGE.BTC
9d295219 cancel order
1116dae6 wants 0.000255 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.5 BRIDGE.SCS
c330b37b paid 79.6 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0006 BRIDGE.BTC
d78c3aa0 wants 995 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
403a0ea5 cancel order
57df0866 wants 1,964 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
8f9c69c2 cancel order
52c0aa6e wants 853 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
12e94103 cancel order
4c474a29 wants 832 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
ec4c3257 cancel order
5da8168c wants 0.00000027 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.07 BRIDGE.SCS
virtual paid 0.068 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00000027 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7b478c0f wants 832 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
4260f4cf cancel order
f0214300 wants 847 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
281fff66 cancel order
1d19255d wants 849 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
d7627aa5 cancel order
cc0eca0d wants 851 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC
2e1cc24c cancel order
13b4347c cancel order
df5609d8 cancel order
7af7e0f3 wants 77.6 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC
b4791923 cancel order
568ac019 wants 587 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
730ed638 cancel order
b4ca8ede wants 190 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000734 BRIDGE.BTC
3fc8b2c2 cancel order
8f0ab79d wants 0.00576 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.SCS
dbe674bf cancel order
bd4882a3 cancel order
1ff10494 cancel order
95e043e1 cancel order
ef510f5c wants 589 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
a041908f cancel order
7607aedc wants 0.000746 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.SCS
8667010c wants 592 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
7e815b0c cancel order
64261e33 wants 191.5 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000733 BRIDGE.BTC
ae9a3940 cancel order
79b83b9f wants 193.4 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000733 BRIDGE.BTC
9172164d cancel order
be235cd7 wants 194 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.000733 BRIDGE.BTC
c7cab727 cancel order
76a7c7fe wants 600 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
74dda48a cancel order
f649c215 wants 606 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
bdf5cbcf cancel order
bd25fa30 wants 606 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
5572023b wants 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SCS
6f159ca6 cancel order
6d020eee wants 607 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.00227 BRIDGE.BTC
4be7041d wants 0.0002453 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.6 BRIDGE.SCS
e66eacc9 cancel order
dfe57e99 wants 31.6 BRIDGE.SCS for 0.0002453 BRIDGE.BTC
84ad99a2 cancel order
f6c4994a cancel order
d08bdf5a paid 0.000763 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.2 BRIDGE.SCS