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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight9 BTS
Lifetime fees paid11.9 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 8.5 0
BRIDGE.ZNY 0.0393 0.0393
BRIDGE.XP 21.84 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
84018619 issue 1 BRIDGE.READMENOW to
072e7201 sent 4.68 BRIDGE.NEET to
cd8e4964 cancel order
28e0324d wants 4.15 BRIDGE.NEET for 29 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 28 BRIDGE.ZNY for 4 BRIDGE.NEET
e43d60ac paid 0.978 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.1397 BRIDGE.NEET
77293c30 issue 24.4 BRIDGE.ZNY to
f7bd690c issue 4.63 BRIDGE.ZNY to
a5dc6fa2 wants 21.9 BRIDGE.XP for 0.0328 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.0328 BRIDGE.ZNY for 21.9 BRIDGE.XP
6567a28a cancel order
909cebd0 sent 33,690 BRIDGE.XP to
99be05e0 sent 261 BRIDGE.NEET to
bd2f2403 wants 6,667 BRIDGE.XP for 10 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.ZNY for 6,667 BRIDGE.XP
a937e0b8 paid 0.768 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.0768 BRIDGE.NEET
e7c49623 wants 10 BRIDGE.NEET for 100 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.000001 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.NEET
1f522d41 paid 99.2 BRIDGE.ZNY for 9.92 BRIDGE.NEET
a3ff5004 cancel orders (2)
e80b5f25 wants 3,380 BRIDGE.XP for 5.07 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 5.07 BRIDGE.ZNY for 3,380 BRIDGE.XP
a7254946 wants 5.26 BRIDGE.NEET for 10 BRIDGE.ZNY
74765c2c paid 0.00859 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.001717 BRIDGE.NEET
1954bc51 paid 0.128 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.0256 BRIDGE.NEET
8e783b9e wants 10.82 BRIDGE.NEET for 54.1 BRIDGE.ZNY
54d5b61c paid 54 BRIDGE.ZNY for 10.8 BRIDGE.NEET
39184f8b wants 128,172 BRIDGE.XP for 100 BRIDGE.ZNY
024c2762 paid 0.000099 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.0033 BRIDGE.NEET
14358475 paid 0.00063 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.021 BRIDGE.NEET
28e936a4 paid 0.306 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.3 BRIDGE.ZNY
f564b468 paid 0.217 BRIDGE.MONA for 64 BRIDGE.ZNY
edc1228c wants 3,234 BRIDGE.XP for 9.32 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 9.32 BRIDGE.ZNY for 3,234 BRIDGE.XP
e82fc9c4 wants 156.4 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.53 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.00663 BRIDGE.MONA for 1.957 BRIDGE.ZNY
7441c610 paid 0.352 BRIDGE.MONA for 11.75 BRIDGE.NEET
a2d9ab22 paid 0.01497 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.499 BRIDGE.NEET
913c2d45 wants 200 BRIDGE.NEET for 6 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.01872 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.624 BRIDGE.NEET
af6651da paid 1.736 BRIDGE.MONA for 57.9 BRIDGE.NEET
b4fc2f9a paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
22970023 paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
2d762661 paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
cf064b7b paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
b39bbb88 paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
fe335d76 paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
3434ce82 paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
1910c8ea paid 0.485 BRIDGE.MONA for 16.15 BRIDGE.NEET
b98b677f wants 0.0000333 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.000001 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.000001 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.0000333 BRIDGE.NEET
cde58235 cancel order
506d7c29 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.000001 BRIDGE.MONA
5007b1c2 cancel order
01870ffe wants 17.2 BRIDGE.XP for 0.000258 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.000002 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.1333 BRIDGE.XP
48143355 paid 0.000255 BRIDGE.MONA for 17 BRIDGE.XP
12313522 cancel order
ea07a250 paid 0.2994 BRIDGE.MONA for 14.97 BRIDGE.NEET
51a06a04 paid 0.00714 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.357 BRIDGE.NEET
52c2b809 wants 11,454 BRIDGE.XP for 31.8 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 31.8 BRIDGE.ZNY for 11,454 BRIDGE.XP
204ead4a wants 20.16 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.08 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.08 BRIDGE.MONA for 20.16 BRIDGE.ZNY
adae46cd wants 40 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.8 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.493 BRIDGE.MONA for 24.66 BRIDGE.NEET
415337e4 wants 2,523 BRIDGE.XP for 7.01 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 7.01 BRIDGE.ZNY for 2,523 BRIDGE.XP
364bbc7c wants 2,200 BRIDGE.XP for 6.12 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 6.12 BRIDGE.ZNY for 2,200 BRIDGE.XP
5d4ff8ba wants 1,785 BRIDGE.XP for 4.96 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 4.96 BRIDGE.ZNY for 1,785 BRIDGE.XP
1afeea4e wants 0.2294 BRIDGE.NEET for 2.55 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.55 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.2294 BRIDGE.NEET
d9855805 wants 0.09 BRIDGE.NEET for 1 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.09 BRIDGE.NEET
da4e5c3f wants 618 BRIDGE.XP for 1.716 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1.716 BRIDGE.ZNY for 618 BRIDGE.XP
4348df70 wants 0.021 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.147 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.147 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.021 BRIDGE.NEET
2c40af1f wants 358 BRIDGE.XP for 1 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ZNY for 358 BRIDGE.XP
aa15cbac wants 0.143 BRIDGE.NEET for 1 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.143 BRIDGE.NEET
20a3bf3d wants 573 BRIDGE.XP for 1.605 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1.605 BRIDGE.ZNY for 573 BRIDGE.XP
d9cb1f41 wants 0.143 BRIDGE.NEET for 1 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.143 BRIDGE.NEET
a3f29cdf wants 947 BRIDGE.XP for 2.7 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.7 BRIDGE.ZNY for 947 BRIDGE.XP
f373ae68 sent 456 BRIDGE.XP to
118ce4c5 wants 0.653 BRIDGE.NEET for 4.57 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 4.57 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.653 BRIDGE.NEET
7fc3d6d8 sent 0.587 BRIDGE.NEET to
c5a7d853 wants 0.303 BRIDGE.NEET for 2.12 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.12 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.303 BRIDGE.NEET
652ed855 wants 0.286 BRIDGE.NEET for 2 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.286 BRIDGE.NEET
21e6754f wants 457 BRIDGE.XP for 1.11 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1.11 BRIDGE.ZNY for 457 BRIDGE.XP
05c2949f sent 115.5 BRIDGE.NEET to
58ad7e54 sent 402,042 BRIDGE.XP to
c38becd6 sent 768 BRIDGE.ZNY to
67a5bf7d wants 0.208 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.00915 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.00915 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.208 BRIDGE.NEET
adee54b5 cancel order
05741aa2 wants 400,000 BRIDGE.XP for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 5 BRIDGE.MONA for 400,000 BRIDGE.XP
9abfa08f cancel order
212b4105 wants 114 BRIDGE.NEET for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.439 BRIDGE.MONA for 10 BRIDGE.NEET
0c075f2b paid 4.55 BRIDGE.MONA for 103.7 BRIDGE.NEET
d5b47c6d cancel order
c307b196 wants 770 BRIDGE.ZNY for 7 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 7 BRIDGE.MONA for 770 BRIDGE.ZNY
005fa4cd cancel order
8bab598d wants 416,665 BRIDGE.XP for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
37d3db5e wants 550 BRIDGE.NEET for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
e6e35fe1 wants 1,204 BRIDGE.ZNY for 7 BRIDGE.MONA
07e0c57a wants 361 BRIDGE.XP for 1 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ZNY for 361 BRIDGE.XP
4a202d79 wants 0.585 BRIDGE.NEET for 2.924 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.924 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.585 BRIDGE.NEET
4bda834b wants 69.5 BRIDGE.XP for 0.199 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.199 BRIDGE.ZNY for 69.5 BRIDGE.XP
db7fa5f7 wants 0.1766 BRIDGE.NEET for 1.236 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1.236 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.1766 BRIDGE.NEET
4c7c8125 wants 0.286 BRIDGE.NEET for 2 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.286 BRIDGE.NEET
2f47e21a wants 875 BRIDGE.XP for 2.53 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.53 BRIDGE.ZNY for 875 BRIDGE.XP
0661f718 wants 1,038 BRIDGE.XP for 3 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 3 BRIDGE.ZNY for 1,038 BRIDGE.XP
a4b5f5c6 wants 0.429 BRIDGE.NEET for 3 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 3 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.429 BRIDGE.NEET
9c5014aa wants 0.2413 BRIDGE.NEET for 1.69 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1.69 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.2413 BRIDGE.NEET
ee687924 wants 159 BRIDGE.XP for 0.773 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.773 BRIDGE.ZNY for 159 BRIDGE.XP
929f25df wants 205.8 BRIDGE.XP for 1 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.ZNY for 205.8 BRIDGE.XP
37004c47 wants 0.0533 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.373 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.373 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.0533 BRIDGE.NEET
84d85657 wants 0.00509 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.000224 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.000224 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.00509 BRIDGE.NEET
05caa3a6 cancel order
ab7af8b8 wants 140 BRIDGE.XP for 0.68 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 0.68 BRIDGE.ZNY for 140 BRIDGE.XP
38b9028a sent 773 BRIDGE.ZNY to
874e0fd5 wants 770 BRIDGE.ZNY for 7 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 4 BRIDGE.MONA for 440 BRIDGE.ZNY
2224aaf0 paid 0.906 BRIDGE.MONA for 99.6 BRIDGE.ZNY
69804102 paid 1.493 BRIDGE.MONA for 164.2 BRIDGE.ZNY
d2897174 paid 0.597 BRIDGE.MONA for 65.7 BRIDGE.ZNY
7cdc33b1 paid 0.00293 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.322 BRIDGE.ZNY
ddfdd419 paid 0.000854 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.094 BRIDGE.ZNY
c1201a04 wants 14.03 BTS for 0.0001622 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001622 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.03 BTS
a8f9be1f wants 0.0001625 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.384 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 1.384 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.0001625 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1d00f5d7 cancel orders (2)
34794e45 sent 301,690 BRIDGE.XP to
3f829105 sent 115 BRIDGE.NEET to
f7406c94 wants 0.2284 BTS for 0.00000264 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000264 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2284 BTS
c7a7ce7e wants 0.00000264 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.NEET
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.NEET for 0.00000264 BRIDGE.BTC
0d8b0c04 wants 1,171 BRIDGE.ZNY for 8.36 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.000075 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.0105 BRIDGE.ZNY
2eaf3298 wants 277,932 BRIDGE.XP for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 1.873 BRIDGE.MONA for 104,118 BRIDGE.XP
014b6436 paid 3.105 BRIDGE.MONA for 172,607 BRIDGE.XP
9d87950e wants 113.6 BRIDGE.NEET for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 5 BRIDGE.MONA for 113.6 BRIDGE.NEET
f612b31a cancel orders (3)
9a181011 wants 1,463 BRIDGE.ZNY for 8.36 BRIDGE.MONA
28653c70 cancel order
af285800 wants 1,184 BRIDGE.ZNY for 8.4 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.0373 BRIDGE.MONA for 5.25 BRIDGE.ZNY
5fc8d585 wants 415,628 BRIDGE.XP for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
6b5fac18 wants 455 BRIDGE.NEET for 5 BRIDGE.MONA
55f4b4c1 wants 1,027 BRIDGE.XP for 5 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 5 BRIDGE.ZNY for 1,027 BRIDGE.XP
dc0ae44c wants 0.602 BRIDGE.NEET for 4.21 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 4.21 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.602 BRIDGE.NEET
d37af4ba wants 2,045 BRIDGE.XP for 10 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.ZNY for 2,045 BRIDGE.XP
4df5a5d4 wants 0.375 BRIDGE.NEET for 2.627 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.627 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.375 BRIDGE.NEET
6771a214 cancel order
da389ee3 wants 0.306 BRIDGE.NEET for 2.14 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 2.14 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.306 BRIDGE.NEET
a73a91a5 wants 6,667 BRIDGE.XP for 10 BRIDGE.ZNY
dd42d991 wants 0.526 BRIDGE.NEET for 3.68 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 3.68 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.526 BRIDGE.NEET
0382cf4e wants 4,651 BRIDGE.XP for 10 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.ZNY for 4,651 BRIDGE.XP
2d7ba206 paid 5.48 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.783 BRIDGE.NEET