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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00132 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.1534 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00132
BRIDGE.CROP 0.002844
03579bc7 sent 246.4 BRIDGE.XSH to
6b4cc8d6 paid 0.000843 BRIDGE.BTC for 247 BRIDGE.XSH
33568982 cancel order
81b24af2 sent 1,308 BRIDGE.XSH to
6519c75d paid 0.00318 BRIDGE.BTC for 933 BRIDGE.XSH
6099bf3b paid 0.0000312 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.14 BRIDGE.XSH
66bfc454 wants 1,190 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC
f3bf8d30 wants 0.00293 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00293 BRIDGE.XSH
bed52d53 wants 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.SPD
24e1653d wants 0.00407 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.83 BRIDGE.SPD
virtual paid 13.83 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00407 BRIDGE.BTC
0188b908 wants 1.24 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00000591 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000591 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.24 BRIDGE.XSH
98c0bce7 wants 130 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00062 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00062 BRIDGE.BTC for 130 BRIDGE.XSH
fb3a8b28 wants 0.00027 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.SPD
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.00027 BRIDGE.BTC
7acbd380 cancel order
b49c1bd7 cancel order
77f2a30b wants 0.002277 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.NORT
df1bc61c wants 71.2 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC
c9d79864 cancel order
9be27cc0 wants 28.46 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC
8c93d6b6 cancel order
0ef00884 wants 79.1 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC
4221bbaf paid 1.2 BRIDGE.SPD for 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC
8d766579 wants 0.000356 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.2 BRIDGE.SPD
c6a4dcae paid 0.0013 BRIDGE.BTC for 236.4 BRIDGE.XSH
22e60748 wants 236.4 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0013 BRIDGE.BTC
29f8cbe2 paid 209 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.001296 BRIDGE.BTC
46f6d5c9 wants 0.001296 BRIDGE.BTC for 209 BRIDGE.XSH
a4a41f97 cancel order
282ce691 cancel order
72dbfee4 wants 0.00188 BRIDGE.BTC for 209 BRIDGE.XSH
e5081353 cancel order
7b24c6c0 wants 0.001985 BRIDGE.BTC for 209 BRIDGE.XSH
c87e3819 paid 0.00097 BRIDGE.BTC for 194 BRIDGE.XSH
e58c5357 wants 194 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00097 BRIDGE.BTC
05e7e892 wants 0.0001627 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.345 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 0.345 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0001627 BRIDGE.BTC
9fa5127b paid 0.00009 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.36 BRIDGE.XSH
a42cdc93 wants 16.36 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00009 BRIDGE.BTC
9bb96b14 wants 0.000907 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.538 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 1.538 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.000907 BRIDGE.BTC
e293cbed wants 0.00000061 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.001 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 0.001 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00000061 BRIDGE.BTC
ce040242 sent 1,535 BRIDGE.XSH to
dde24abb wants 421 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00258 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00258 BRIDGE.BTC for 421 BRIDGE.XSH
831d9b46 wants 0.002584 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.66 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 5.66 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.002584 BRIDGE.BTC
940e15c2 cancel order
f2527cb5 wants 0.00283 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.66 BRIDGE.CROP
57b4f281 cancel order
b18f8662 wants 0.00322 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.66 BRIDGE.CROP
59cc7ddb wants 216 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.001334 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001334 BRIDGE.BTC for 216 BRIDGE.XSH
41f0e6eb wants 0.00134 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.35 BRIDGE.CROP
virtual paid 3.35 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.00134 BRIDGE.BTC
dd834218 cancel order
19d64b63 wants 901 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00559 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00559 BRIDGE.BTC for 901 BRIDGE.XSH
083cbd62 wants 0.002004 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.34 BRIDGE.CROP
70f0bd7e cancel order
c43b064e wants 0.002138 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.34 BRIDGE.CROP
ca31c754 paid 20 BRIDGE.CROP for 0.0056 BRIDGE.BTC
8207e755 sent 644 BRIDGE.XSH to
46f6df23 paid 0.002576 BRIDGE.BTC for 396 BRIDGE.XSH
c3314e04 paid 0.001582 BRIDGE.BTC for 243.4 BRIDGE.XSH
e4b11f3e wants 640 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00416 BRIDGE.BTC
f6e2cc64 cancel order
f9e3793b wants 662 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00416 BRIDGE.BTC
2a8cc0f0 wants 0.0056 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.CROP
2cafca4c wants 0.15 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ARGO
e8d64627 cancel order
ba2e4f6d wants 0.05 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARGO
f80c1703 paid 0.225 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00417 BRIDGE.BTC
50a2fff8 wants 6 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.000042 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000042 BRIDGE.BTC for 6 BRIDGE.XSH
5cf9583e sent 2,430 BRIDGE.XSH to
c12d173e paid 0.0183 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,408 BRIDGE.XSH
a593b371 wants 2,408 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0183 BRIDGE.BTC
da93c734 cancel order
6dffcf00 paid 0.765 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.01415 BRIDGE.BTC
f5b18f00 wants 0.0183 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.99 BRIDGE.LTC
b00357b5 paid 0.000191 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.7 BRIDGE.XSH
3664f471 sent 1,566 BRIDGE.XSH to
fdde7732 wants 638 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC
92ddccc2 wants 477 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00333 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00333 BRIDGE.BTC for 477 BRIDGE.XSH
8ad57703 wants 1,092 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00762 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00762 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,092 BRIDGE.XSH
7130b695 wants 0.0154 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0154 BRIDGE.BTC
731cc119 cancel order
54ede7fe cancel order
f58898a4 wants 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARGO
5e99411e wants 0.02 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ARGO
37d38184 paid 0.000019 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.001246 BRIDGE.XSH
e4baaf16 sent 753 BRIDGE.XSH to
eaeaa1bd paid 1.227 BRIDGE.MONA for 80.5 BRIDGE.XSH
647fe2a7 wants 754 BRIDGE.XSH for 11.5 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 1.986 BRIDGE.MONA for 130.3 BRIDGE.XSH
bad0edd4 paid 1.38 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.6 BRIDGE.XSH
bbe6c07d paid 1.38 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.6 BRIDGE.XSH
d69f167c paid 1.38 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.6 BRIDGE.XSH
13e78e7b paid 1.38 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.6 BRIDGE.XSH
01555b19 paid 1.38 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.6 BRIDGE.XSH
8cb636b9 paid 1.38 BRIDGE.MONA for 90.6 BRIDGE.XSH