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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00376 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.517 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00376 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00248 0
BRIDGE.AEG 7,407 5,000
BRIDGE.XMN 2,004 1,130
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
c49a0e13 wants 0.0049 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.XMN
e9320a4c wants 0.00375 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.XMN
e2851330 paid 0.001976 BRIDGE.BTC for 964 BRIDGE.XMN
65079c78 paid 0.0000246 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.XMN
019ea406 paid 0.0000492 BRIDGE.BTC for 24 BRIDGE.XMN
2e881e97 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00205 BRIDGE.BTC
a941e0e2 paid 0.000513 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
73f8aac9 paid 130 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.002535 BRIDGE.BTC
a20be43f wants 0.01375 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.AEG
00418074 wants 0.01125 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.AEG
5ed76969 wants 0.00319 BRIDGE.BTC for 130 BRIDGE.XMN
1ca1190a wants 0.002535 BRIDGE.BTC for 130 BRIDGE.XMN
6be81fcd cancel order
04567cc1 cancel order
a6b239e2 paid 211 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.002005 BRIDGE.BTC
fe0cf4fe wants 0.0081 BRIDGE.BTC for 141 BRIDGE.XMN
3f1a4b5f wants 0.00594 BRIDGE.BTC for 120 BRIDGE.XMN
e598cd8f paid 0.00638 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.XMN
9d1da8cb wants 117 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC for 117 BRIDGE.XMN
25165e67 cancel order
b053024e wants 227 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00651 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00651 BRIDGE.BTC for 227 BRIDGE.XMN
2c9f9189 wants 78.9 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00226 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00226 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.9 BRIDGE.XMN
5a269d4e wants 23.95 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.000686 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000686 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.95 BRIDGE.XMN
e7676cba wants 12.33 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.000343 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00001388 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.499 BRIDGE.XMN
virtual paid 0.000329 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.83 BRIDGE.XMN
e0b90db3 wants 23.36 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.000649 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000649 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.36 BRIDGE.XMN
ee5e9753 paid 0.00001388 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.499 BRIDGE.XMN
b448d39c wants 24.5 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00068 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000333 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.XMN
virtual paid 0.000333 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.XMN
f366415a wants 250 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00638 BRIDGE.BTC
6413d1e6 paid 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.XMN
f4ae8f9e paid 0.00885 BRIDGE.BTC for 354 BRIDGE.XMN
d653fe68 wants 500 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.0125 BRIDGE.BTC
36102a03 paid 0.00287 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.8 BRIDGE.XMN
ee52ea58 wants 70.8 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00287 BRIDGE.BTC
09e7f74d wants 0.002005 BRIDGE.BTC for 211 BRIDGE.AEG
1f2f11fa sent 5,000 BRIDGE.AEG to
0106850b paid 0.00328 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.AEG
virtual paid 0.0061 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.AEG
e1c31cb1 paid 0.00459 BRIDGE.BTC for 686 BRIDGE.AEG
f3cf27b4 paid 0.00044 BRIDGE.BTC for 65.7 BRIDGE.AEG
af300dc6 paid 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC for 499 BRIDGE.AEG
c351e68a paid 0.00238 BRIDGE.BTC for 350 BRIDGE.AEG
b6a5d919 wants 350 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00238 BRIDGE.BTC
96810fc9 wants 500 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00328 BRIDGE.BTC
04d05f0c wants 1,000 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0061 BRIDGE.BTC
b637f74c wants 1,000 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.007 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.007 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.AEG
c073d694 wants 1,250 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00838 BRIDGE.BTC
a93d9d36 paid 0.00328 BRIDGE.BTC for 472 BRIDGE.AEG
0ad0f575 paid 0.000437 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.AEG
72ddfc1f paid 0.002137 BRIDGE.BTC for 307.5 BRIDGE.AEG
bba4cd4b paid 0.001946 BRIDGE.BTC for 280 BRIDGE.AEG
8755c903 wants 1,123 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0078 BRIDGE.BTC
a8168fe5 wants 0.00377 BRIDGE.BTC for 75.4 BRIDGE.XMN
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 25.44 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.001272 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
87d56609 wants 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.XMN
virtual paid 80 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
db08cb0d cancel order
1c3a072a cancel order
7c5bd91a wants 0.00796 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.XMN
fd952f40 wants 0.00713 BRIDGE.BTC for 75.4 BRIDGE.XMN
ff150f48 wants 154.4 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.01142 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01142 BRIDGE.BTC for 154.4 BRIDGE.XMN
9f70162f cancel order
4c31e45f wants 169.2 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.01142 BRIDGE.BTC
a40e1eb6 cancel order
484e4056 sent 1,001 BRIDGE.XMN to
77aed5ce wants 180 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.01142 BRIDGE.BTC
f25c6a32 cancel order
f54d489f cancel order
6431f1bb cancel order
7ae63500 cancel order
8cfcdabc wants 181.3 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.01142 BRIDGE.BTC
04356d82 paid 0.02263 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.XMN
471a49b1 wants 0.0336 BRIDGE.BTC for 293 BRIDGE.XMN
62b5df4d wants 250 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.02263 BRIDGE.BTC
d995cd22 cancel order
5a77205f paid 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC for 111 BRIDGE.XMN
e8f4847d wants 111 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
13d2b387 cancel order
dd8c57f1 paid 0.00733 BRIDGE.BTC for 81 BRIDGE.XMN
10096efd paid 0.00817 BRIDGE.BTC for 90.2 BRIDGE.XMN
cee13c64 paid 0.000706 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.8 BRIDGE.XMN
18b45145 paid 0.000327 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.62 BRIDGE.XMN
70809cf2 wants 0.02614 BRIDGE.BTC for 210 BRIDGE.XMN
fc47b339 wants 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.XMN
371bdfc1 paid 0.001448 BRIDGE.BTC for 16 BRIDGE.XMN
21133575 paid 0.000663 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.32 BRIDGE.XMN
a8c7f986 paid 0.0001502 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.66 BRIDGE.XMN
7ee1d67e paid 0.0001115 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.232 BRIDGE.XMN
b551f117 paid 0.001115 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.32 BRIDGE.XMN
edb7f38a paid 0.001222 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.5 BRIDGE.XMN
9de1f304 paid 0.00139 BRIDGE.BTC for 15.35 BRIDGE.XMN
d4e14ecc wants 250 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.02188 BRIDGE.BTC
a98f8511 wants 250 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.02263 BRIDGE.BTC
695307ea cancel order
135bd2f5 paid 0.000915 BRIDGE.BTC for 11 BRIDGE.XMN
ee562aaa paid 0.000716 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.61 BRIDGE.XMN
a8f71180 paid 0.000171 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.057 BRIDGE.XMN
89415dda paid 0.0001348 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.62 BRIDGE.XMN
57a93c70 paid 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.41 BRIDGE.XMN
560e1c35 paid 0.0002215 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.664 BRIDGE.XMN
04397c4f paid 0.0119 BRIDGE.BTC for 143 BRIDGE.XMN
6bb54e29 paid 0.01656 BRIDGE.BTC for 199 BRIDGE.XMN
f9b5bb84 paid 0.000665 BRIDGE.BTC for 8 BRIDGE.XMN
4211339d paid 0.001002 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.05 BRIDGE.XMN
c7fba078 wants 500 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.0416 BRIDGE.BTC
94594c9f cancel order
a690cabf wants 504 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.0391 BRIDGE.BTC
be15e920 wants 500 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.0401 BRIDGE.BTC