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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid0.2204 BTS


Asset Balance
MVCOIN 11,255
bd858cd3 sent 10,000 MVCOIN to
ca8f5f2b sent 1 BTS to
fc4bee51 paid 91 BTS for 4.55 MVCOIN
32fc419c wants 4.55 MVCOIN for 91 BTS
6566ee56 wants 91 BTS for 4.01 MVCOIN
virtual paid 4.01 MVCOIN for 91 BTS
eaedf980 paid 2,000 BTS for 88.4 MVCOIN
1cfd7215 paid 6,409 BTS for 283.4 MVCOIN
898028e7 paid 3 BTS for 0.1223 MVCOIN
1a0e4577 paid 168.7 BTS for 6.7 MVCOIN
f9354236 wants 372 MVCOIN for 8,409 BTS
8c555a51 cancel order
4a7b8099 wants 339 MVCOIN for 8,409 BTS
4fd67682 wants 6.7 MVCOIN for 168.7 BTS
32d3bef1 wants 2.333 MVCOIN for 61 BTS
virtual paid 61 BTS for 2.333 MVCOIN
virtual cancel order
667b20e1 wants 8,639 BTS for 351 MVCOIN
virtual paid 0.725 MVCOIN for 18 BTS
virtual paid 0.242 MVCOIN for 6 BTS
virtual paid 350 MVCOIN for 8,615 BTS
b1fd456c paid 0.0282 BTS for 0.0011 MVCOIN
virtual cancel order
6a8c42c9 paid 2.97 BTS for 0.116 MVCOIN
051f7322 paid 4,997 BTS for 195 MVCOIN
f7d1d3c2 paid 357 BTS for 13.94 MVCOIN
089b3b87 paid 10 BTS for 0.362 MVCOIN
virtual cancel order
d2a2664e wants 0.362 MVCOIN for 10 BTS
virtual paid 0.00258 BTS for 0.0001 MVCOIN
d3b149f2 wants 209 MVCOIN for 5,357 BTS
5560c027 wants 0.1223 MVCOIN for 3 BTS
36080148 wants 5,340 BTS for 211.5 MVCOIN
virtual paid 211.5 MVCOIN for 5,340 BTS
60ddce40 wants 30 BTS for 1.183 MVCOIN
virtual paid 1.183 MVCOIN for 30 BTS
4d1dfd07 paid 8,001 BTS for 304 MVCOIN
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 3,000 BTS for 118.6 MVCOIN
def859cf paid 120 BTS for 4.4 MVCOIN
965c1cda wants 4.4 MVCOIN for 120 BTS
aa8bdfa3 wants 304 MVCOIN for 8,002 BTS
virtual paid 0.00255 BTS for 0.0001 MVCOIN
virtual paid 0.0001 MVCOIN for 0.00255 BTS
36269cc5 wants 118.6 MVCOIN for 3,000 BTS
e4c53b15 wants 10,815 BTS for 424 MVCOIN
virtual paid 48.2 MVCOIN for 1,327 BTS
virtual paid 44.6 MVCOIN for 1,187 BTS
virtual paid 223 MVCOIN for 5,844 BTS
virtual paid 108.4 MVCOIN for 2,764 BTS
080b7690 paid 3.24 BTS for 0.1264 MVCOIN
6ae184c7 paid 950 BTS for 37 MVCOIN
dfc1b44a wants 37.1 MVCOIN for 953 BTS
6e8f8be2 wants 953 BTS for 39.4 MVCOIN
virtual paid 39.4 MVCOIN for 953 BTS
40ee2909 wants 0.1134 BTS for 0.0042 MVCOIN
virtual paid 0.0042 MVCOIN for 0.1134 BTS
9d7593ee sent 773 MVCOIN to