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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight33.4 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.551 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 33.4 0
STEALTH 76.9 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
STRANGE 185 185
virtual cancel order
d901c116 sent 1 EZIRA to
ca351561 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
c93a098a wants 17 BTS for 100,000 BOOZE
virtual paid 100,000 BOOZE for 17 BTS
31c4e721 issue 100,000 BOOZE to
75d55648 paid 625 BTS for 10 STEALTH
128d718d wants 10 STEALTH for 625 BTS
70f9c1d8 cancel order
3f1cbc42 sent 100 BTS to
9c7da814 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0001 NINJASOUL
virtual paid 0.0001 NINJASOUL for 0.00001 BTS
1b69777d cancel order
9aaf3cc4 wants 95.9 BTS for 599 NINJASOUL
virtual paid 599 NINJASOUL for 95.9 BTS
38018266 wants 0.12 BTS for 0.667 NINJASOUL
virtual paid 0.667 NINJASOUL for 0.12 BTS
ef67ed55 wants 18 STEALTH for 630 BTS
36345857 wants 90.3 BTS for 185 STRANGE
85adb9cd cancel order
c2a21eeb wants 8 STEALTH for 602 BTS
3de58b5e paid 676 BTS for 9 STEALTH
5fa52537 paid 75.1 BTS for 1 STEALTH
0ee537cf wants 10 STEALTH for 751 BTS
ae80cc51 cancel order
ad9f79ae cancel order
54b745d8 paid 825 BTS for 9.35 STEALTH
8e6aae89 paid 57.3 BTS for 0.65 STEALTH
3d8835e7 wants 10 STEALTH for 882 BTS
dc5d4375 cancel order
6a7ef402 wants 10 STEALTH for 783 BTS
81302d56 cancel order
fe699d53 wants 10 STEALTH for 782 BTS
c14511b5 cancel order
9084bab1 paid 0.1123 BTS for 0.00144 STEALTH
0532e888 wants 10 STEALTH for 780 BTS
edf12bf0 cancel order
8b939e1f paid 335 BTS for 5 STEALTH
1a564bb0 wants 5 STEALTH for 335 BTS
28d3236c wants 5 STEALTH for 310 BTS
73236ea7 paid 680 BTS for 10 STEALTH
7dd2e03c wants 10 STEALTH for 610 BTS
ec2dac4d wants 10 STEALTH for 680 BTS
573ee49f paid 680 BTS for 10 STEALTH
c65edb29 wants 10 STEALTH for 680 BTS
36a04a06 wants 25 STEALTH for 1,300 BTS
2d597bd6 cancel order
5f9e90a1 cancel order
ffd87d06 cancel order
7a573734 cancel order
4031e09e cancel order
74e62d37 cancel order
ffa77fb9 cancel order
2108cedd cancel order
9a483034 cancel order
d2b85cce wants 43.3 STEALTH for 577 BTS
28d7aabe wants 23 STEALTH for 304 BTS
2d14581d wants 18 STEALTH for 236.7 BTS
87fb47dc cancel order
bf10f8bf cancel order
96530e42 cancel order
6838fc93 cancel order
07778dd2 cancel order
8aa1b809 wants 57 STEALTH for 741 BTS
707e6e89 wants 753 BTS for 6 STEALTH
virtual paid 6 STEALTH for 753 BTS
278eb2db cancel order
d4b8845f wants 31.5 STEALTH for 403 BTS
59cb847f cancel order
adf80144 wants 31.2 STEALTH for 398 BTS
7ff544cb wants 25 STEALTH for 328 BTS
38ae0d04 wants 18 STEALTH for 230.4 BTS
fa3f43a4 wants 16 STEALTH for 201.6 BTS
b60c6cfc wants 1,160 BTS for 10 STEALTH
virtual paid 10 STEALTH for 1,160 BTS
65b23a12 wants 780 BTS for 6 STEALTH
e44807b9 wants 17 STEALTH for 229.7 BTS
485bb412 wants 14 STEALTH for 184.8 BTS
8edaae50 wants 10 STEALTH for 129 BTS
8a6280b7 wants 12 STEALTH for 150 BTS
d5d47b20 wants 696 BTS for 6 STEALTH
virtual paid 6 STEALTH for 696 BTS
28a2e3bd wants 44.6 STEALTH for 643 BTS
53af57a5 wants 643 BTS for 5.54 STEALTH
virtual paid 5.54 STEALTH for 643 BTS
a9443409 wants 53.4 STEALTH for 723 BTS
d48a9ddd wants 300 BTS for 2.4 STEALTH
virtual paid 2.4 STEALTH for 300 BTS
8f41bc7b paid 1,080 BTS for 10 STEALTH
virtual paid 642 BTS for 6 STEALTH
virtual paid 639 BTS for 6 STEALTH
virtual paid 422 BTS for 4 STEALTH
virtual paid 412 BTS for 4 STEALTH
3769218b wants 10 STEALTH for 1,080 BTS
f83fab72 wants 6 STEALTH for 639 BTS
bd1da30c wants 6 STEALTH for 642 BTS
c295c57d wants 4 STEALTH for 422 BTS
7dc7bf8b wants 4 STEALTH for 412 BTS
ad1622b4 cancel order
88c207f9 wants 30 STEALTH for 3,090 BTS
f90adf7f wants 25.2 BTS for 600 NINJASOUL
virtual paid 600 NINJASOUL for 25.2 BTS
6ff681d4 wants 3,550 BTS for 15.8 STEALTH
virtual paid 15.8 STEALTH for 3,550 BTS
7c31bf62 wants 42.4 BTS for 0.1872 STEALTH
virtual paid 0.1872 STEALTH for 42.4 BTS
251e8080 cancel order
af665b8b wants 4,320 BTS for 16 STEALTH