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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid64.1 BTS
7cf0ed30 sent 419 BTS to
1ff22e35 wants 420 BTS for 309.7 CNY
virtual paid 309.7 CNY for 420 BTS
15c9c3f5 wants 308 CNY for 4,513,404 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,897,850 BTSUCN for 199.4 CNY
virtual paid 1,615,553 BTSUCN for 110.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
fe6a0dc4 sent 1 BTS to
1d5bee6b cancel order
d1ef8cc5 wants 1,826 BTSUCN for 4.2 BTS
virtual paid 4.2 BTS for 1,826 BTSUCN
669cf992 wants 2,211 CNY for 4,511,579 BTSUCN
be0b2a82 cancel order
7a614bc1 wants 2,662 CNY for 4,511,579 BTSUCN
7a6cf701 cancel order
f4d06b05 wants 3,113 CNY for 4,511,579 BTSUCN
8b238cf0 cancel order
cbe57b57 sent 740 BTS to
ac88bebf wants 744 BTS for 426 CNY
virtual paid 426 CNY for 744 BTS
581c47a1 wants 3,068 CNY for 4,511,579 BTSUCN
0b562a12 cancel order
2ee8ad6d paid 617,223 BTSUCN for 426 CNY
749c89c0 wants 3,539 CNY for 5,128,802 BTSUCN
69ecb6bf cancel order
ac0d5fe3 wants 7,591 CNY for 5,128,802 BTSUCN
1f2faf6b cancel order
7df71449 wants 5,078 CNY for 5,128,802 BTSUCN
322859bc cancel order
404b88b2 paid 333 BTSUCN for 0.5 CNY
9331fa8c wants 7,694 CNY for 5,129,135 BTSUCN
9e4fc89e cancel order
253982fa cancel order
4d126716 wants 7,440 CNY for 4,959,700 BTSUCN
71134dfe wants 254 CNY for 169,435 BTSUCN
c8a2da04 sent 20 BTS to
0ea4d4a4 paid 10.64 CNY for 20.95 BTS
0aea008c wants 20.95 BTS for 10.64 CNY
e7a66926 cancel order
5b821a83 wants 25.4 CNY for 169,435 BTSUCN
068eec5f paid 95,851 BTSUCN for 10.54 CNY
virtual cancel order
15f1f883 paid 109 BTSUCN for 0.012 CNY
ad0e6084 paid 101 BTSUCN for 0.0111 CNY
de679c9a paid 234.5 BTSUCN for 0.0258 CNY
70e44bff paid 525 BTSUCN for 0.0577 CNY
e70e226f sent 120 BTS to
ca30a7f8 wants 122.4 BTS for 50.1 CNY
virtual paid 50.1 CNY for 122.4 BTS
71178668 wants 10.65 CNY for 96,820 BTSUCN
b99a3e51 paid 305,681 BTSUCN for 27.5 CNY
virtual paid 169,435 BTSUCN for 15.25 CNY
10cd6703 paid 81,599 BTSUCN for 7.34 CNY
b9deab0c wants 15.25 CNY for 169,435 BTSUCN
ccb5e8d1 wants 34.9 CNY for 387,280 BTSUCN
b962b9fe cancel order
f3902d14 wants 34.9 CNY for 387,280 BTSUCN
84a25236 cancel order
b37571b7 wants 34.8 CNY for 387,280 BTSUCN
8c2de499 cancel order
775875f7 wants 34.9 CNY for 387,280 BTSUCN
e5d55e5c cancel order
7c9f1fa0 wants 23.75 CNY for 217,845 BTSUCN
78be724a sent 45 BTS to
2889ea85 wants 45.9 BTS for 21.1 CNY
virtual paid 21.1 CNY for 45.9 BTS
25662cd1 wants 20.93 CNY for 288,642 BTSUCN
virtual paid 288,641 BTSUCN for 20.93 CNY
virtual cancel order
38d31c45 cancel order
eb807048 paid 1,818 BTSUCN for 0.2 CNY
1e0db7f9 wants 32 CNY for 290,460 BTSUCN
41a02703 sent 70 BTS to
c3c36f90 wants 68 BTS for 12.1 CNY
virtual paid 12.1 CNY for 69 BTS
1c023576 wants 5.81 CNY for 96,820 BTSUCN
virtual paid 96,820 BTSUCN for 6.29 CNY
38063518 paid 72,616 BTSUCN for 5.81 CNY
9b8b3b2b wants 5.81 CNY for 72,616 BTSUCN
4927e45c sent 115 BTS to
ac6b636f wants 118.7 BTS for 22.4 CNY
virtual paid 22.4 CNY for 118.8 BTS
63445aac cancel order
4a0eb985 wants 118.8 BTS for 22.4 CNY
c39c877b wants 11.84 CNY for 145,230 BTSUCN
virtual paid 145,229 BTSUCN for 11.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
9ab8d05d cancel order
834b0f94 wants 11.9 CNY for 145,230 BTSUCN
8b4781b9 paid 48,411 BTSUCN for 4.6 CNY
4ef3455d wants 4.6 CNY for 48,411 BTSUCN
bcdf3b72 wants 5.68 CNY for 70,996 BTSUCN
virtual paid 70,995 BTSUCN for 5.75 CNY
virtual cancel order
dd436b84 cancel order
e9634d68 paid 892 BTSUCN for 0.0981 CNY
820e3bc8 paid 727 BTSUCN for 0.08 CNY
701d1153 wants 7.99 CNY for 72,615 BTSUCN
0d5e6ed7 sent 75 BTS to
a526b275 paid 16.92 CNY for 78.6 BTS
e7949f3d wants 78.6 BTS for 16.92 CNY
cd2f9752 wants 7.26 CNY for 72,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 72,615 BTSUCN for 7.26 CNY
virtual cancel order
647a688d wants 8.71 CNY for 96,820 BTSUCN
virtual paid 96,820 BTSUCN for 9.68 CNY
virtual cancel order
0a40b71b sent 100 BTS to
5d9c352c wants 101.7 BTS for 16.8 CNY
virtual paid 5 CNY for 30.46 BTS
0beae827 paid 11.78 CNY for 71.4 BTS
26fc4cd6 wants 8 CNY for 72,615 BTSUCN
virtual paid 72,615 BTSUCN for 8 CNY
virtual cancel order
fff9eaf9 cancel order
d3fa4e25 wants 10.91 CNY for 72,615 BTSUCN
b72e5c3d paid 31,385 BTSUCN for 3.81 CNY
2aa87f96 paid 41,230 BTSUCN for 5 CNY
d3e2edb4 wants 8.8 CNY for 72,615 BTSUCN
4d0d8832 sent 130 BTS to
fa371037 wants 126.5 BTS for 20.8 CNY
2ae7a883 paid 20.8 CNY for 126.5 BTS
08147eb0 wants 20.55 CNY for 169,435 BTSUCN
virtual paid 169,435 BTSUCN for 20.84 CNY
virtual cancel order
905c1919 cancel order
07a371ef cancel order
9b9650e4 wants 9.97 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
33b0ef6d wants 9.97 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
b34d55d1 sent 100 BTS to
0f3dd16b wants 104 BTS for 19.5 CNY
virtual paid 19.5 CNY for 104 BTS
9b409fcb wants 19.46 CNY for 96,820 BTSUCN
virtual paid 96,820 BTSUCN for 19.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
33f53de4 sent 195 BTS to
b224db36 wants 198.3 BTS for 31.55 CNY
virtual paid 31.55 CNY for 198.3 BTS
dedfa7c7 wants 25.8 CNY for 121,025 BTSUCN
virtual paid 121,025 BTSUCN for 25.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
ee4bb4d9 cancel order
943ddaf0 cancel order
ec2eac22 wants 5.57 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
eecd7b20 wants 22.27 CNY for 96,820 BTSUCN
d2d6b50a paid 24,205 BTSUCN for 5.81 CNY
0e786563 wants 5.81 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
fa01a3ea sent 245 BTS to
fc553c8b paid 33.5 CNY for 241 BTS
0b3ba228 wants 241 BTS for 33.5 CNY
80c3dda8 wants 25.55 CNY for 116,063 BTSUCN
virtual paid 116,063 BTSUCN for 25.55 CNY
virtual cancel order
f6b0cfd3 cancel order
5b7f9a4f paid 4,962 BTSUCN for 1.186 CNY
494767e4 wants 23.14 CNY for 96,820 BTSUCN
b616cb89 cancel order
cb484e53 wants 17.86 CNY for 72,615 BTSUCN
95c25f00 cancel order
6ef07cc8 wants 12.1 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
3dfe06db wants 6.78 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,205 BTSUCN for 6.78 CNY
virtual cancel order
b4ffcb41 sent 240 BTS to
a7a8a78a wants 247.4 BTS for 39.7 CNY
virtual paid 39.7 CNY for 247.4 BTS
ab773e87 wants 10.65 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,410 BTSUCN for 10.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
a980a63b wants 10.65 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,410 BTSUCN for 10.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
0f924748 cancel order
b2aeacf5 wants 9.44 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
abbc3ecd paid 24,205 BTSUCN for 6.54 CNY
6e661618 wants 6.54 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
ed837fd7 wants 5.1 CNY for 22,193 BTSUCN
virtual paid 22,193 BTSUCN for 5.22 CNY
virtual cancel order
69c2ec44 wants 0.463 CNY for 2,013 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,012 BTSUCN for 0.473 CNY
virtual cancel order
875c49f7 wants 5.57 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,205 BTSUCN for 5.69 CNY
virtual cancel order
89315c3d sent 110 BTS to
934e6a98 wants 114.9 BTS for 17.1 CNY
virtual paid 17.1 CNY for 114.9 BTS
f0dc1cd3 wants 5.57 CNY for 24,205 BTSUCN
virtual paid 24,205 BTSUCN for 5.69 CNY
virtual cancel order
ce14713f paid 43,970 BTSUCN for 10.33 CNY
413b8447 wants 10.33 CNY for 43,970 BTSUCN
317df731 cancel order
086adddb paid 4,440 BTSUCN for 1.11 CNY
ece8b1ce sent 155 BTS to
5a77b22d wants 157.4 BTS for 24.2 CNY
virtual paid 24.2 CNY for 157.4 BTS
d56e5b4b wants 12.1 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
95d0ccbc wants 12.1 CNY for 48,410 BTSUCN
virtual paid 48,410 BTSUCN for 12.1 CNY