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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight98.2 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.53 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 98.2 0
BRIDGE.RVN 0.001 0
BRIDGE.CTT 0.0000171 0
BRIDGE.ARRR 41.8 41.8
BRIDGE.RESC 0.02897 0
BRIDGE.UFY 0.0355 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
BRIDGE.BTOK 0.000079 0
virtual cancel order
6f0f2a29 sent 0.01063 BRIDGE.BTC to
1c6f23aa cancel order
5b5288f3 wants 9,328 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01063 BRIDGE.BTC
913291d7 wants 0.00997 BRIDGE.BTC for 166.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
virtual paid 0.6 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.000045 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.6 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.000042 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 29.2 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.002003 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 27.7 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.0019 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 14.6 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 7.39 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.00048 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 16.06 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.00098 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 66.7 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3.41 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.0002045 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
53a54b7c cancel order
3f8f7b0e cancel order
df9c9a6f wants 0.01167 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
e10a468c cancel order
a09392c0 wants 0.0171 BRIDGE.BTC for 90 BRIDGE.BTOK
4c0c221e cancel order
1b035fd3 wants 0.0165 BRIDGE.BTC for 90 BRIDGE.BTOK
a36a78bf cancel order
8491f0b7 wants 0.01398 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
085efff4 cancel order
8c1a5ec9 wants 0.01448 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
8ba2706a cancel order
23cd89eb sent 0.01278 BRIDGE.BTC to
e1847b42 cancel order
f28429c2 wants 3,124 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01278 BRIDGE.BTC
727c5d18 cancel order
4fe855f8 wants 79.8 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.01278 BRIDGE.BTC
e80c7a19 cancel order
3387b712 wants 0.016 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
686e576b cancel order
cd0b714e wants 96.3 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.01278 BRIDGE.BTC
ee64d43e paid 78.8 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.0126 BRIDGE.BTC
95cd2c56 wants 0.0126 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.8 BRIDGE.BTOK
d7ed5d6e cancel order
7c7c24f8 wants 0.01262 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.8 BRIDGE.BTOK
c313e0a9 cancel order
3b8bb3e5 wants 0.01449 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
a24a6a85 cancel order
78c68033 wants 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.8 BRIDGE.BTOK
484cfcb7 cancel order
5d42b293 paid 1.21 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.0001965 BRIDGE.BTC
6d87a287 wants 0.01244 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
411613ca cancel order
f15a2368 wants 0.01372 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
899069da cancel order
4e8561ad wants 0.01238 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
34e45e66 cancel order
74b3c000 wants 0.01238 BRIDGE.BTC for 76.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
466ab4dd wants 0.013 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.BTOK
2080a064 cancel order
5cd10f80 wants 0.025 BRIDGE.BTC for 156.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
86fbb67e cancel order
4c9f9c48 wants 0.02536 BRIDGE.BTC for 156.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
06360db4 cancel order
b77a7543 wants 0.02537 BRIDGE.BTC for 156.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
55db2a8e cancel order
29693a88 wants 0.0254 BRIDGE.BTC for 156.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
4ee3e287 cancel order
bc12589c wants 0.03047 BRIDGE.BTC for 156.2 BRIDGE.BTOK
e8bcd9d8 wants 0.0198 BRIDGE.BTC for 90 BRIDGE.BTOK
b1b0dd74 cancel order
625b3a7f wants 0.0003135 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.8 BRIDGE.ARRR
5fc9b110 cancel order
50a55f1d wants 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC for 246 BRIDGE.BTOK
eb6d4870 cancel order
420ad14d wants 0.0451 BRIDGE.BTC for 246 BRIDGE.BTOK
2797d4d4 cancel order
36493d8c wants 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC for 246 BRIDGE.BTOK
6bdbc1c6 cancel orders (2)
ad5d5f79 cancel orders (2)
d8357c15 cancel order
4892a394 wants 0.00577 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.24 BRIDGE.BTOK
cea83c4b wants 0.01155 BRIDGE.BTC for 55 BRIDGE.BTOK
a5f19706 wants 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 55 BRIDGE.BTOK
58426aed wants 0.01073 BRIDGE.BTC for 55 BRIDGE.BTOK
a1c046dc wants 0.01045 BRIDGE.BTC for 55 BRIDGE.BTOK
5de20802 cancel order
f5b781ea wants 0.0468 BRIDGE.BTC for 246 BRIDGE.BTOK
9e453bef sent 246.2 BRIDGE.BTOK to
f6091d38 cancel order
2bdb5fa6 cancel order
584e4411 wants 0.0003127 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.8 BRIDGE.ARRR
e7cd068e cancel order
77715734 wants 0.000322 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.8 BRIDGE.ARRR
0b751a0d sent 0.01074 BRIDGE.BTC to
0e636db2 cancel order
b986445a wants 0.03044 BRIDGE.BTC for 166 BRIDGE.BTOK
a5732b68 cancel order
ded6354b wants 1,705 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01074 BRIDGE.BTC
cfe0a4b0 cancel order
27dabe3e wants 1,528 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01074 BRIDGE.BTC
01330aff cancel order
b6a66a50 paid 0.000261 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.9 BRIDGE.ARRR
afc76521 wants 1,766 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC
340ad196 cancel orders (2)
16977d8c wants 77 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.00863 BRIDGE.BTC
7a28d5a7 paid 1,153 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.00865 BRIDGE.BTC
a7eb65d9 wants 0.03044 BRIDGE.BTC for 166 BRIDGE.BTOK
afe79ac9 cancel order
7d77494a wants 0.03044 BRIDGE.BTC for 166 BRIDGE.BTOK
e6530885 cancel order
2dc3e76c wants 21.22 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.002377 BRIDGE.BTC
407af6a4 paid 13 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.00238 BRIDGE.BTC
3ae51800 wants 0.00865 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,153 BRIDGE.ARRR
291a9539 cancel order
08187e24 wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
466df014 cancel order
8854d86a wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
e6542127 cancel order
82e252a1 sent 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC to
51dfcc84 wants 0.00865 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,153 BRIDGE.ARRR
159837d3 cancel order
94b12401 cancel order
74d1f7e4 wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
e324e3e3 cancel order
a86c6dd5 wants 2,092 BRIDGE.CRW for 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC
e9d8a118 cancel order
4e7912f1 wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
b970ed36 cancel order
2286fe8a wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
d61a2643 cancel order
a8a5c8e4 wants 1,894 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC
eaa92d9e cancel order
f3ae2952 wants 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
e62c6e47 cancel order
f15bbbd4 wants 1,934 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC
be6baae0 wants 0.01003 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,153 BRIDGE.ARRR
e3c3dc5e cancel order
1b47588d wants 0.0173 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,034 BRIDGE.ARRR
virtual paid 1,881 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.01072 BRIDGE.BTC
a179b214 cancel order
bfc29684 paid 7.44 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0000539 BRIDGE.BTC
2b0d5e7d wants 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
c683bd8f cancel order
b16570a1 wants 0.0329 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
095b7c1a cancel order
fcb3373d wants 0.0223 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
c30ae340 cancel order
de2d1456 wants 0.0228 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
6b4c50a8 cancel order
ee96d8cc wants 0.0329 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
01e619a5 cancel order
ae72482f wants 0.0234 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
e7955a57 cancel order
937b2fdf wants 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
be1a4fdc cancel order
59b9e4cc wants 0.0234 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
0a3cf9be cancel order
e6c57918 wants 0.02354 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
02c6361a cancel order
ce8e2372 wants 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
6853c326 cancel order
6ae35487 wants 0.0236 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
dd9db154 cancel order
4be9c940 wants 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
caaf25fd cancel order
724c1617 wants 0.02594 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,041 BRIDGE.ARRR
6b550d18 paid 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,047 BRIDGE.ARRR
7dfdfee1 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
415a859b cancel order
1a9e69c8 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
2e6c5c64 cancel order
7994634a wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
c5d0e324 cancel order
5a4d1a43 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
7dc2f80f cancel order
766573dd wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
089e8852 cancel order
5ca77f9f wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
0f5a12cb cancel order
7564cad1 wants 3,047 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC
f1541fe5 cancel order
059789c7 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
bb429a8a cancel order
99931bfd wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 179 BRIDGE.BTOK
02bd2aae cancel order
9cbcf22c wants 3,047 BRIDGE.ARRR for 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC
9974dee7 cancel order
a808b573 wants 2,137 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC
686959ec cancel order
b7182535 wants 2,144 BRIDGE.SPDR for 0.0204 BRIDGE.BTC
48e7d973 cancel orders (4)
b449dc57 wants 39.4 BRIDGE.BTOK for 0.002015 BRIDGE.BTC
234c6831 cancel order
537ac73f wants 201 BRIDGE.HCA for 0.002015 BRIDGE.BTC
b0f4cac9 cancel order
bcd8d2b4 wants 496 BRIDGE.HCA for 0.002015 BRIDGE.BTC
fd18c0ac cancel order
1d464f76 wants 53.4 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00534 BRIDGE.BTC