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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid21.63 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.1473 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000294 0
BRIDGE.VIVO 0.0000001 0
BRIDGE.EVOS 0.00221 0
OPTIONS.19OC020P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
06a9c745 cancel orders (3)
5f44d050 paid 0.539 BRIDGE.NDB for 0.00001 BTS
4d97062e paid 0.00889 BRIDGE.DSR for 0.00001 BTS
9b260c62 paid 0.971 BRIDGE.ICA for 0.00001 BTS
e969f856 paid 236.4 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00001 BTS
e4459b98 paid 0.000695 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.00001 BTS
ed7a2b12 wants 0.00000306 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.095 BTS
virtual paid 1.093 BTS for 0.00000306 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
64d06ae1 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.539 BRIDGE.NDB
8a2c6c9f cancel order
83ac33f3 wants 0.00001 BTS for 236.4 BRIDGE.USERV
3d2bd68f wants 0.00091 BTS for 91,236 BRIDGE.USERV
virtual paid 91,000 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00091 BTS
virtual cancel order
75b56c0b cancel order
783c429c wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.768 BRIDGE.ENCO
729eacf3 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.971 BRIDGE.ICA
99f1d133 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00221 BRIDGE.EVOS
a13b33ac wants 0.00006 BTS for 0.0622 BRIDGE.EVOS
virtual paid 0.06 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.00006 BTS
virtual cancel order
22e91aab wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.000695 BRIDGE.GTM
fad04c83 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.00889 BRIDGE.DSR
1ef1cc60 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.VIVO
696c4958 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.444 BRIDGE.WOPC
virtual paid 0.333 BRIDGE.WOPC for 0.00001 BTS
virtual cancel order
ee7a8acd wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.539 BRIDGE.NDB
fee3ae20 cancel order
992bfc9e paid 0 BTS for 0.02 OPTIONS.19NO025C
5c85e65e paid 0.908 BRIDGE.MOBI for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
63f0b92d cancel order
48b12d7d cancel order
c9524283 paid 1.422 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
3ae2deba paid 0.00546 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
df3eab91 sent 0.00915 BRIDGE.BTC to
ed3587bd wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00546 BRIDGE.ONEX
47d34218 wants 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,300 BRIDGE.ONEX
virtual paid 692 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.001011 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,608 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.00233 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c653ca68 cancel order
295564d5 wants 0.00403 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,300 BRIDGE.ONEX
5da8e724 cancel order
f5c2490a cancel order
9ae68d63 wants 0.000927 BRIDGE.BTC for 304 BRIDGE.ONEX
a650d3f3 wants 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,996 BRIDGE.ONEX
4c78be92 cancel order
46028878 wants 0.00495 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,300 BRIDGE.ONEX
b7498649 cancel order
09fbd98b wants 0.00533 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,300 BRIDGE.ONEX
d8adfc63 cancel order
2822f1f8 wants 0.0046 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,300 BRIDGE.ONEX
f921d1fe cancel order
366f94b6 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.908 BRIDGE.MOBI
1537c460 wants 0.000258 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,823 BRIDGE.MOBI
virtual paid 711 BRIDGE.MOBI for 0.00000711 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 25,111 BRIDGE.MOBI for 0.000251 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
55e571c5 cancel order
7fa97936 wants 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.025 BRIDGE.ONEX
3b521e73 paid 700 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.001505 BRIDGE.BTC
0d4e86af paid 2,029 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC
e59268a1 wants 0.00645 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.ONEX
96a7aa43 wants 0.00406 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,029 BRIDGE.ONEX
f914fb81 cancel order
48c2b040 cancel order
ec4f6256 wants 0.0000227 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.35 BRIDGE.ONEX
3835a621 cancel order
def1b412 wants 0.0001033 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.9 BRIDGE.ONEX
dee5297c adjust collateral by 0.01 BTS, debt by 0.01 OPTIONS.19NO025C
dee5297c wants 0.00179 BTS for 0.01 OPTIONS.19NO025C
virtual paid 0.01 OPTIONS.19NO025C for 0.00179 BTS
80dfe00a adjust collateral by 0.01 BTS, debt by 0.01 OPTIONS.19NO025C
80dfe00a wants 0.00179 BTS for 0.01 OPTIONS.19NO025C
virtual paid 0.01 OPTIONS.19NO025C for 0.00179 BTS
5342784d sent 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC to
69e5a87e wants 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.GTM
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.0000625 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 106.6 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.000661 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 86.3 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.000533 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
94e7ce2d cancel order
41d241aa wants 0.000477 BRIDGE.BTC for 338 BRIDGE.ONEX
virtual paid 157.7 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.000224 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 180.6 BRIDGE.ONEX for 0.0002547 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ab7eb98c wants 0.001623 BRIDGE.BTC for 203 BRIDGE.GTM
69c572f7 cancel order
74acada9 paid 50.2 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.000417 BRIDGE.BTC
9b53e10f wants 0.002103 BRIDGE.BTC for 253 BRIDGE.GTM
11106642 wants 0.001717 BRIDGE.BTC for 207 BRIDGE.GTM
virtual paid 207 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.001717 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b0c5142f cancel order
e6e58ad8 sent 0.0163 BRIDGE.BTC to
d2f2fd9b sent 1,804 BRIDGE.MOBI to
3486b88e paid 553 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.00459 BRIDGE.BTC
f212d965 paid 0.33 BRIDGE.MMCO for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
b717e8ab paid 0.0962 BRIDGE.HISC for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
80c71457 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.33 BRIDGE.MMCO
dd9fa467 wants 0.000759 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,295 BRIDGE.MMCO
virtual paid 25,294 BRIDGE.MMCO for 0.000759 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
77b35cdd wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0622 BRIDGE.EVOS
fd7ba239 cancel order
039fd525 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0622 BRIDGE.EVOS
8e61e53c wants 0.00158 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,800 BRIDGE.EVOS
virtual paid 15,800 BRIDGE.EVOS for 0.00158 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8deebe55 cancel order
4ff8479b cancel order
4a76e4fc wants 0.00316 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,800 BRIDGE.EVOS
fc0a4918 cancel order
8a6faadb wants 0.00506 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,295 BRIDGE.MMCO
9c5721e7 cancel order
5a9f2ddd paid 5,081 BRIDGE.BWK for 0.00716 BRIDGE.BTC
87e6ecdd cancel order
756735c1 cancel order
d1a4ee98 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 755 BRIDGE.MOBI
d706baa9 wants 0.00885 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,295 BRIDGE.MMCO
5a0bb2be cancel orders (8)
91e4155b wants 0.00000033 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.663 BRIDGE.MMCO
ce6d9431 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.MMCO
98a41ef4 wants 0.0018 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.MMCO
f0977710 wants 0.0002 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.MMCO
1de93d55 wants 0.00015 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.MMCO
47278984 wants 0.00002 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.MMCO
589864b7 wants 0.000015 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.MMCO
22f7c73d wants 0.0000094 BRIDGE.BTC for 94 BRIDGE.MMCO
adc98da7 cancel order
e4fbc208 wants 0.000912 BRIDGE.BTC for 91,236 BRIDGE.USERV
25b568c7 cancel order
60c6a4b5 wants 0.01265 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,295 BRIDGE.MMCO
725d643d cancel order
31169613 paid 0.94 BRIDGE.GENIX for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
88d7921a wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.VIVO
a5558c40 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00889 BRIDGE.DSR
fb73f5fa wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0962 BRIDGE.HISC
8211204a wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.539 BRIDGE.NDB
5c7fc18e wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.94 BRIDGE.GENIX
e641b57f wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.422 BRIDGE.PBC
375c906f wants 0.0000063 BRIDGE.BTC for 630 BRIDGE.MOBI
13dd8d12 wants 0.00841 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,014 BRIDGE.GTM
cb06f2e5 wants 0.00716 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,081 BRIDGE.BWK
d4c30863 wants 0.00411 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,800 BRIDGE.EVOS
2e7d0708 wants 0.0139 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,295 BRIDGE.MMCO
195d4db3 wants 0.002737 BRIDGE.BTC for 91,236 BRIDGE.USERV
5c8ff0e2 cancel orders (10)
0d6c7626 cancel order
197aa9ab cancel order
325f4bd8 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.94 BRIDGE.GENIX
a92e679c cancel order
e7c83372 cancel order
a3c5cab7 wants 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.671 BRIDGE.GENIX
40004a40 cancel order
92cd3eb4 wants 0.00000013 BRIDGE.BTC for 13 BRIDGE.MOBI
70e5cbc9 wants 0.00314 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,229 BRIDGE.MMCO
82ec98fd paid 9.78 BRIDGE.VIVO for 0.00000557 BRIDGE.BTC
13b76335 wants 0.00000557 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.78 BRIDGE.VIVO
92482ecc paid 5,229 BRIDGE.VIVO for 0.002824 BRIDGE.BTC
0d58090a wants 0.002824 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,229 BRIDGE.VIVO
aa796f70 cancel order
f4c94de5 cancel order
5da99b86 cancel order
dc4caf77 cancel order
aad3803f cancel order
839c2a97 cancel order
f2b32d27 cancel order
01f3bbf4 cancel order
281e5154 cancel order
8d3f8eb6 wants 0.00887 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,014 BRIDGE.GTM
065c2283 wants 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.VIVO
50f3a02c wants 0.00047 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VIVO
ef2e6688 wants 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VIVO
ac9e7c35 wants 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.VIVO
775f1ead wants 0.000018 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.VIVO
a2d28d5f wants 0.000015 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.VIVO
4d85e5dd wants 0.00001 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.VIVO
1301bac2 wants 0.000009 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.VIVO
b2f0eb9d wants 0.00000126 BRIDGE.BTC for 9 BRIDGE.VIVO